All Classes and Interfaces

Request object for aborting an asset update request
Response object for aborting an asset update request
Request object for abort deployment request.
Response object for aborting a deployment request.
Accelerator Configurations structure
Response object containing access control information for a Virtual Cluster.
Information about a Cloudera CDP access key.
Information on the last time an access key was used.
Information about a Cloudera CDP account.
Activate an HBase replication policy.
Response object for activateHbasePolicy.
Activate a replication policy.
Response object for resumePolicy.
Identity information about the actor that initiated an event.
A CDP actor (user or machine user).
Attached volume configuration.
Attached volume configuration.
A detailed representation of a ready flow as added by the current account
Request object for AddInstanceGroupsMlServingApp method.
Response object for AddInstanceGroupsMlServingApp method.
Request object for AddInstanceGroups.
Response object for AddInstanceGroups.
Request object for an add machine user to group request.
Response object for add machine user to group request.
Request object for the AddReadyflow method
Response object for the AddReadyflow method
Request object for add user ssh public key.
Response object for add ssh public key.
Request object for the addUser method.
Response object for the addUser method.
Request object for an add user to group request.
Response object for an add user to group request.
The state of Cloudera Manager admin operations.
AKS instance group response structure.
AKS node pool response structure.
AKS pool instance response structure.
AKS state response structure.
Cloudera Manager alerting behavior.
Alert condition
The alert frequency tolerance unit choices, including a default
Alert frequency unit
The alert frequency unit to use in KPI tolerances and metrics
Allowed compute instance type values and default compute instance type value.
Allowed Virtual Warehouse compute instance types and their defaults.
Instance group details for the All purpose Tier.
Anonymization rule request object that is applied on logs that are sent to Cloudera.
Anonymization rule response object rule that is applied on logs that are sent to Cloudera.
API error.
The model for an API request event, as a part of CdpAuditEvent.
Filter criteria for listing API request audit events.
Differences between two ApplicationConfigs.
Configurations for an application inside a service.
Configurations for an application inside a service.
The resource requirements of a component.
Breakdown of the service memory requirements.
Storage related information.
Request to archive audit events.
Response from archiving audit events.
Information about a batch of audit events that were archived.
The public model for an archive run.
Object for holding archiving configuration information for the audit service.
A representation of a artifact detail version
A reference to an asset used in a flow parameter
Request object for an assign group resource role request.
Response object for an assign group resource role request.
Request object for an assign group role request.
Response object for an assign group role request.
Request object for an assign machine user resource role request.
Response object for an assign machine user resource role request.
Request object for an assign machine user role request.
Response object for an assign machine user role request.
Request object for an assign user resource role request.
Response object for an assign user resource role request.
Request object for an assign user role request.
Response object for an assign user role request.
Attached storage for the worker nodes for AWS, Azure, and GCP cloud providers.
The attached volume configuration.
The attached volume configuration.
The attached volume configuration.
The attached volume configuration.
Configurations for additional attached volumes.
Request object for attaching recipes to FreeIPA.
Response object for attaching recipes to FreeIPA.
This class can be used to build a AuditClient object.
Audit event descibes an performed or performing in a given workbench.
AuditEvents contains all the audit events for a given workbench crn.
Audit log represents an individual log.
AuditLogs contains all the logs for a given request id.
Additional SSH key authentication configuration for accessing cluster node instances.
Additional SSH key authentication configuration for accessing cluster node.
Request object for the AuthorizePrivateLinkServicesAccess method.
Response object for the AuthorizePrivateLinkServicesAccess method.
Authorization response containing PrivateLink service name, service component and its authorization status.
Configuration for Load Based Scaling
Configuration for load based scaling
Configuration for Load Based Scaling
Configuration for load based scaling
An individual AutoScale Policy
An individual AutoScale Policy
Autoscale configuration
Schedule for AutoScaling
Schedule for AutoScaling
Configuration for instance auto scaling.
Auto-scaling configuration for a Virtual Warehouse.
Auto-scaling configuration for a Virtual Warehouse.
Auto-scaling configuration for a Virtual Warehouse.
A Parameters to configure AutoScaling
Available deployment upgrade structure.
Details of the cloud network and the cross-account role required to create the PrivateLink endpoint.
Details of the cloud network and the cross-account role required to delete the PrivateLink endpoint.
Options for activating an AWS environment.
Externalized compute cluster configuration for the environment.
Request object for creating Externalized compute cluster for the environment.
AWS configuration.
Request object for AWS configuration.
Response object for getting AWS credential prerequisites.
The credential properties that closely related to those that have been created on AWS.
Object containing details of encryption parameters for AWS cloud.
Request object for creating FreeIPA in the environment.
AWS specific FreeIPA parameters.
AWS storage configuration for cluster and audit logs.
Response object of the cluster AWS settings.
Details of the cloud network and the cross-account role required to create the PrivateLink endpoint.
Details of the cloud network and the cross-account role required to delete the PrivateLink endpoint.
Options for activating an Azure environment.
Azure client secret credential, either this or credential CRN should be passed.
Externalized compute cluster configuration for the environment.
Request object for creating Externalized compute cluster for the environment.
Azure configuration.
Request object for Azure configuration.
The certificate used for the credential
Response object for getting Azure credential prerequisites.
The credential properties that closely related to those that have been created on Azure.
Object containing details of database resources for Azure cloud.
Azure-specific Data Service parameters response.
Azure-specific Data Service parameters request.
Request object for creating FreeIPA in the environment.
Configurations for instance group
Azure storage configuration for cluster and audit logs.
Response object of the cluster Azure settings.
Object containing details of encryption parameters for Azure cloud.
Azure Secret Encryption response structure.
Azure Volume Encryption response structure.
Service backup object.
Backup entry
Backup entry
Request object for the backupCluster method.
Response object for the backupCluster method.
Backup virtual cluster content options.
Request object to perform a backup of datalake.
Response object to a request made for backup of datalake.
Request object to get the status of datalake backup.
Response object to get the status of datalake backup status request.
Backup Detail response object for listing backups.
Backup metadata response object for the workbench summary.
Contains the status and failure reason of an operation.
Storage configuration for backup.
AWS-specific backup storage configuration information.
Azure-specific backup storage configuration information.
GCP-specific backup storage configuration information.
The request object for Cloudera AI workbench backup.
The response object for Cloudera AI workbench backup.
Basic implementation of the CdpCredentials interface that allows callers to pass in the CDP access key ID and private key in the constructor.
Cluster scaling parameters.
Request to create batches of audit events for archiving.
Response from creating batches of audit events for archiving.
The request to cancel a backup operation.
Request object for Cancel Backup command.
Response to the cancel backup request.
Response object for Cancel Backup command.
Request object for cancel change flow version of a deployment.
Response object for cancel change flow version of a deployment.
Request object for cancel running Datahub diagnostics collections.
Response object for cancel running Datahub diagnostics collections.
Request object for cancel running Datalake diagnostics collections.
Response object for cancel running Datalake diagnostics collections.
A request to cancel the deletion of a Project that is deleting
A response to cancelling the deletion of a Project
Request object for cancel running FreeIPA diagnostics collections.
Response object for cancel running FreeIPA diagnostics collections.
Request object for cancelling a NiFi version update for a deployment.
Response object for cancelling a NiFi version update for a deployment.
Details of the restore that has to be cancelled.
Response to restore invalidation request.
The model for an audit event.
Abstract base class for all API client classes.
The base class of all client builders.
Class encapsulating properties that can be set on a CDP client.
Class used to build an CdpClientConfiguration object.
Class used to report exceptions which occur when either interpreting a request from the client or handling an improper response from the CDP service.
Interface for CDP client middleware.
CDP client middleware to retry on request failures.
Discovered CdpCluster object.
Provides access to the CDP credentials used for accessing CDP services: the CDP access key ID and private key, or access token.
Interface for providing CDP credentials.
CdpCredentialsProvider that chains together multiple credentials providers.
CdpCredentialsProvider implementation that provides credentials by looking at the CDP_ACCESS_KEY_ID, CDP_PRIVATE_KEY and CDP_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variables.
CDP client middleware to send a request.
Class used to report exceptions which have an associated HTTP code.
CdpCredentialsProvider implementation that provides credentials by login to CDP interactively.
CDP client middleware to parse a CDP response.
Handles loading a CDP profile from either the default location or from an input path.
Credentials provider based on CDP configuration profiles.
Enum class for CDP regions.
CDP client middleware to provide authenticate headers for CDP requests.
CDP client context.
CDP client middleware to set CDP request headers.
Class used to encapsulate information returned from all CDP service responses.
The model for a service event, as a part of CdpAuditEvent.
Filter criteria for listing CDP service audit events.
Class used to report well-formed errors from CDP services.
CdpCredentialsProvider implementation that provides credentials by looking at the CDP_ACCESS_KEY_ID, CDP_PRIVATE_KEY and CDP_ACCESS_TOKEN system properties.
Request object for a change environment credentials request.
Response object for a change environment credentials request.
Request object for change flow version of a deployment.
Response object for change flow version of a deployment.
Chart structure.
Object containing chart value overrides for enabling a CDE service or creation of virtual clusters.
Response object containing chart value overrides.
Request object for checking Database connectivity.
Response object for checking Database connectivity.
Request object to check connectivity to private cloud environment.
Response object to check connectivity to private cloud environment.
Request object for checking Kubernetes connectivity.
Response object for checking Kubernetes connectivity.
A URL which holds information necessary to configure a Connector.
Cloudera Manager details.
Cloudera Manager details.
This class can be used to build a CloudprivatelinksClient object.
Information about a cloud provider subnet.
Cloud user definition object.
Information about a cluster.
Information about a cluster.
Describes a Datalake, Datahub or Classic cluster.
Information about a cluster definition.
Information about a cluster definition.
Represents a Diagnostic Data Job.
Cluster extensions for Data Hub cluster.
Details of the LDAP attached to cluster.
Related events for the stack.
Details of the RDS attached to cluster.
Describes the status of services running on a cluster.
Cluster scaling parameters.
Information about a cluster.
Support lifecycle details of the given Cluster version (see version field).
A Cloudera Data Warehouse cluster.
Information about a cluster template.
Information about a cluster template.
CM Policy submit user.
Additional properties for operational databases.
Request object for collecting Datahub diagnostics.
Request object for collecting DataLake diagnostics.
Response object for collecting Datahub diagnostics.
Response object for collecting DataLake diagnostics.
Request object for collecting DataHub diagnostics.
Response object for collecting DataHub diagnostics.
Request object for collecting DataLake diagnostics.
Response object for collecting DataLake diagnostics.
Triggers a diagnostic bundle collect command for the given cluster and policyName.
Response object for collect-diagnostic-bundle.
Enables starting collection of the diagnostics.
Information about diagnostic bundle generation
Request object for collecting FreeIPA diagnostics.
Response object for collecting FreeIPA diagnostics.
Alertmanager response structure.
API server response structure.
Autoscaler response structure.
Deployment Profile details response structure.
Deployments response structure.
Event response structure.
Horizontal pod autoscaler response structure.
Image catalog response structure.
Instance requirements structure.
Instance requirements with metadata response structure.
Instance state counts response structure.
Logging response structure.
Metering response structure.
Metering service response structure.
Monitoring response structure.
Network structure.
Structure to list the currently used images and the new upgrades available.
Nvidia response structure.
Resource limits response structure.
Secret Encryption response structure.
Security response structure.
Cluster status structure.
Storage spec response structure.
Volume encryption response structure.
YuniKorn response structure.
Versions of the CDP runtime and Operating system components.
This class can be used to build a ComputeClient object.
Compute cluster owner structure.
Record of compute usage values aggregated hourly.
Set values for a configuration file of a service.
Differences between two ConfigBlocks.
A piece of configuration stored in the same place (e.g.
A piece of configuration stored in the same place (e.g.
Differences between two sets of ConfigBlocks.
Difference between two ConfigContents.
Contents of a ConfigBlock.
Contents of a ConfigBlock.
An entry in the configuration history of a service.
Request object for the ConfigureArchiving method.
Response object for the ConfigureArchiving method.
An alert configuration that specifies a configured frequency with lower and/or upper thresholds
An alert configuration frequency tolerance for measuring an amount of time and unit for alert triggering
A configured alert threshold to pair together a statistical unit and value
An instantiated KPI specifying a metric on which to alert
A single entry that contains the name of the given Data Service and its related resource(s).
Information to use to connect to a database via some mechanism.
Runtime details necessary to use a connector.
This class can be used to build a ConsumptionClient object.
Continue an HBase setup for Classic Cluster source.
Response object for continueHbaseSetup.
Request object for creating ABFS cloud credentials.
Response object for creating ABFS credentials.
The resource requirements of a component.
Breakdown of the service memory requirements like Xms, Xss etc.
Storage related information.
Request object for creating an asset update request
Response object for creating an asset update request
Autoscale configuration request
The AutoScale rules for the cluster.
Request object for the createAwsCluster method.
Request object for create AWS cluster request.
Response object for the createAwsCluster method.
Response object for create AWS cluster request.
Request object for creating AWS IAM or Access & Secret Key cloud credentials.
Request object for a create AWS credential request.
Response object for creating AWS credentials.
Response object for a create AWS credential request.
Request object for create AWS datalake request.
Response object for create AWS datalake request.
Request object for a create AWS environment request.
Response object for a create AWS environment request.
Request object for creating AWS Data Hub cluster request on GovCloud.
Response object for create AWS cluster request on GovCloud.
Request object for a create AWS credential request for GovCloud.
Response object for a create AWS credential request for GovCloud.
Request object for createing AWS Data Lake request on GovCloud.
Response object for creating AWS Data Lake request on GovCloud.
Request object for a create AWS GovCloud environment request.
Response object for a create AWS GovCloud environment request.
Request object for create Azure cluster request.
Request object for the createAzureCluster method.
Response object for create Azure cluster request.
Response object for the createCluster method.
Request object for a create Azure credential request.
Additional configurations needed for app-based authentication.
Response object for a create Azure credential request.
Request object for create Azure datalake request.
Response object for create Azure datalake request.
Request object for a create Azure environment request.
Parameteres needed to automatically create VNet and Subnets.
Response object for a create Azure environment request.
Request object for Create Backup command.
Request object for the create backup request.
Request object for the create backup request.
Response object for Create Backup command.
Response object for the create backup request.
Response object for the create backup request.
Request object for create cluster definition request.
Response object for create cluster definition request.
Request object for the createClusterDiagnosticDataJob method.
Response object for the createClusterDiagnosticDataJob method.
Request object for creating a cluster.
Request object for the createCluster method.
Create cluster response.
Response object for the createCluster method.
Request object for create cluster template request.
Response object for create cluster template request.
The request object to create a custom image catalog.
The response object returned in case the custom image catalog has been successfully created.
The request object for creating custom configurations request.
The response object for create custom configurations request.
Request object for creating a custom NAR configuration.
Response for creating a custom NAR configuration.
Request object for creating a custom Python configuration.
Response for creating a custom Python configuration.
A request to create the database
A response which gives status of the database creation
Request object for the createDataVisualization call.
Response object for the createDataVisualization method.
Request object for the createDbcDiagnosticDataJob method.
Response object for the createDbcDiagnosticDataJob method.
Request object for the createDbc method.
Response object for the createDbc method.
Request object to create a deployment.
Response object from creating a deployment.
Request object for the CreateFlowVersionTag method.
Response object for the CreateVersionTag method.
Request object for create GCP cluster request.
Response object for create GCP cluster request.
Request object for a create GCP credential request.
Response object for a create GCP credential request.
Request object for create GCP Data Lake request.
Response object for create GCP Data Lake request.
Request object for a create GCP environment request.
Response object for a create GCP environment request.
Request object for create group request.
Response object for create group request.
Create an HBase replication policy.
Response object for createHbasePolicy.
Request object that contains FQDN for the Inbound Connection Endpoint to create
Response object returned during Inbound Connection Endpoint creation
Request object for a create machine user access key request.
Response object for a create machine user access key request.
Request object for create machine user request.
Response object for create machine user request.
Request object for the CreateMlServingApp method.
Response object for the CreateMlServingApp method.
Request object for creating model registry.
Response for creating model registry request.
Create a replication policy.
Response object for createPolicy.
Request object for the createPrivateCluster method.
Response object for the createPrivateCluster method.
Request object for a create private cloud environment request.
Alternative to dockerConfigJson.
Response object for a create private cloud environment request.
Request object for the CreatePrivateLinkEndpoint method.
Response object for the CreatePrivateLinkEndpoint method.
A request to create a Project
A response to create a Project
Request object for a create proxy config request.
Response object for a create proxy config request.
Request object for create recipe request.
Response object for create recipe request.
Request object for creating a reporting task
Response for creating a reporting task.
Request object for the createResourceTemplate method.
The response object for the createResourceTemplate method.
Request object for creating SAML provider request.
Response object for a creating SAML provider request.
Request object to create the SCIM access token.
Response object to create the SCIM access token.
Create Snapshot Request.
Create Snapshot Response.
Request object for a create user access key request.
Response object for a create user access key request.
Request object for creating user request.
Response object for a create user request.
Request object for CreateVc method.
Response object for CreateVc method.
Request object for the createVwDiagnosticDataJob method.
Response object for the createVwDiagnosticDataJob method.
Request object for the createVw method.
Response object for the createVw method.
Request object for the CreateWorkspace method.
Response object for the CreateWorkspace method.
A credential object.
Cloud Credentials listing.
Cloud credential details for by-name or by-id cloud credential request.
Response object for the granular policy for the given service or experience.
Response object for cloud credentials.
Utility methods for interacting with CDP credentials.
Customer cross account role details.
Override Azure Files Configs.
Limits for the custom cluster size type.
Custom key/value configurations.
Information about Custom Configuration Property.
The request object for the custom configuration property request.
Information about custom configurations.
Request object for modified database storage properties.
The desired custom docker registry for data services to be used.
The configured custom docker registry for data services.
Basic image catalog data.
Request object for modified instance disk.
Request object for modified instance type.
Custom VM Instance Types.
Describe a custom recipe.
Options for custom ACR, ECR registry.
The state of the database backup/restore operation.
Details of the databases.
SSL configuration for the database server
This class can be used to build a DatacatalogClient object.
This class can be used to build a DatahubClient object.
Response object for diagnostic collection details.
Response object for diagnostic collection flow details.
Tag for a datahub resource.
Tag for a datahub resource.
Log descriptor, contains a path and label pair.
Log descriptor, contains a path and label pair.
Information about a datalake.
Backup object with details of backup performed.
This class can be used to build a DatalakeClient object.
Details about a datalake
Response object for diagnostic collection collection details.
Response object for diagnostic collection flow details.
A label that can be attached to GCP Data Lake resources.
Tag for a datalake resource.
Tag for a datalake resource.
Log descriptor, contains a path and label pair.
Log descriptor, contains a path and label pair.
Data Services parameters response of the environment.
Data Services parameters request of the environment.
A Cloudera Data Visualization.
Represents a Diagnostic Data Job
A Database Catalog.
This class can be used to build a DeClient object.
CDP credential provider chain that looks for credentials in the following order: environment variables, system properties then credential profiles file.
An interface defining the delay policy between retries.
Request object for a delete access key request.
Response object for a delete access key request.
Request object for the DeleteAddedReadyFlow method
Response object for the DeleteAddedReadyflow method
Request object for a delete audit credential request.
Response object for a delete audit credential request.
Delete request.
Response object for DeleteAutoScalesRulesRequest
Request object for Delete Backup command.
Request object for the delete backup request.
Request object for the delete backup request.
The request object for DeleteBackup operation.
Response object for Delete Backup command.
Response object for the delete backup request.
Response object for the delete backup request.
The response object for DeleteBackup operation.
Request object for delete cluster definition request.
Response object for delete cluster definition request.
Request object for the deleteClusterDiagnosticDataJob method.
Response object for the deleteClusterDiagnosticDataJob method.
Request object for deleting a cluster.
Request object for delete cluster request.
Request object for the deleteCluster method.
Delete cluster response.
Response object for delete cluster request.
Response object for the deleteCluster method.
Request object for delete cluster templates request.
Response object for delete cluster templates request.
Request object for a delete credential request.
Request object for deleting a credential.
Response object for a delete credential request.
Response object for delete credential operation.
The request object to delete a custom image catalog.
The response object returned in case of successful custom image catalog deletion.
The request object for the delete custom configurations request.
The response object for the delete custom configurations request.
Request object for deleting a custom NAR configuration by CRN.
Response object for deleting a custom NAR configuration.
Request object for deleting a custom Python configuration by CRN.
Response object for deleting a custom python configuration.
Request object for delete datalake request.
Response object for delete datalake request.
Request object for the deleteDataVisualization method.
Response object for the deleteDataVisualization method.
Request object for the deleteDbcDiagnosticDataJobRequest method.
Response object for the deleteDbcDiagnosticDataJobRequest method.
Request object for the deleteDbc method.
Response object for the deleteDbc method.
Request object for a delete environment request.
Response object for a delete environment request.
Request object for the DeleteFlow method
Response object for the DeleteFlow method
Request object for the DeleteFlowVersionTag method.
Response object for the DeleteVersionTag method.
The request object to delete FreeIPA image from a catalog.
The response object returned in case the FreeIPA image has been successfully removed from the catalog.
Request object for delete group request.
Response object for delete group request.
Request object to delete an HBase replication policy.
Response object for deleteHbasePolicy.
Request object that contains the identifier of the Inbound Connection Endpoint to delete
Response object returned during deletion of an Inbound Connection Endpoint
Request object for the DeleteInstanceGroupMlServingApp method.
Response object for the DeleteInstanceGroupMlServingApp method.
Request object for the DeleteInstanceGroup method.
Response object for the DeleteInstanceGroup method.
Request object for deleting multiple instance from a cluster
Response object for instance deletion.
Request object for delete machine user request.
Response object for delete machine user request.
Request object for the DeleteMlServingApp method.
Response object for the DeleteMlServingApp method.
Request for deleting model registry.
Delete model registry response.
Delete a replication policy.
Response object for deletePolicy.
Request object for the DeletePrivateLinkEndpoint method.
Response object for the DeletePrivateLinkEndpoint method.
A request to delete a Project
A response to delete a Project
Request object for a delete proxy config request.
Response object for a delete proxy config request.
Request object for delete recipe request.
Response object for delete recipe request.
Request object for deleting a reporting task
Response for deleting a reporting task.
Request object for the deleteResourceTemplate method.
The response object for the deleteResourceTemplate method.
The request object to delete Cloudera Runtime image from a catalog.
The response object returned in case the Cloudera Runtime image has been successfully removed from the catalog.
Request object for deleting SAML provider request.
Response object for delete SAML provider request.
Request object to delete the SCIM access token.
Response object to delete the SCIM access token.
Request object for the DeleteSnapshot method.
Response object of the DeleteSnapshot method.
Request object for delete SSH public key.
Response object for delete SSH public key.
Request object for the deleteUser method.
Request object to delete a user.
Response object for the deleteUser method.
Response object to delete a user.
Request object for DeleteVc method.
Response object for DeleteVc method.
Request object for the deleteVwDiagnosticDataJobRequest method.
Response object for the deleteVwDiagnosticDataJobRequest method.
Request object for the deleteVw method.
Response object for the deleteVw method.
Request object for the DeleteWorkspace method.
Response object for the DeleteWorkspace method.
Information about dependencies necessary to use a connector.
Deployment structure.
A deployment
The status of a deployment
The state and state message associated with a deployment.
A deployment summary
Request object for the DescribeAddedReadyflow method
Response object for the DescribeAddedReadyflow method
Request object for the describeAllowedInstanceTypes method.
Response object for the describeAllowedInstanceTypes method.
Request object to describe the AutoScale rules for a DataHub cluster.
The response object which describes the AutoScale rules for a DataHub cluster.
Request object for Describe Backup command.
Request object for the describe backup request.
Request object for the describe backup request.
Response object for Describe Backup command.
Request object for the describe backup request.
Response object for the describe backup request.
A request for client API connectivity to a database.
A response with client API connectivity to a database.
Request object for describe cluster definition request.
Response object for describe cluster definition response.
Request object for the describeClusterDiagnosticDataJob method.
Response object for the describeClusterDiagnosticDataJob method.
Request object for describing a cluster.
Request object for describe cluster request.
Request object for the describeCluster method.
Describe cluster response.
Response object for describe cluster request.
Response object for the describeCluster method.
Request object for describe cluster template request.
Response object for describe cluster template request.
Request object for the describeConfigDiff method.
Response object for the describeConfigDiff method.
Request object for the describeConfig method.
Response object for the describeConfig method.
The request object to retrieve data about a custom catalog.
The response object holding the retrieved data of a custom catalog.
The request object for the describe custom configurations request.
The response object for the describe custom configurations request.
The request object to retrieve data of an image from the given catalog.
The response object holding the data of the image retrieved from the given custom catalog.
request to get details of the database in a particular environment
Details of the database.
Request object for obtaining Database Server details.
Response object for obtaining Database Server details.
Request object for describe datalake request.
Response object for describe datalake request.
Request object for the describeDataVisualization method.
Response object for the describeDataVisualization method.
Request object for the describeDbcConfig method.
Response object for the describeDbcConfig method.
Request object for the describeDbcDiagnosticDataJobRequest method.
Response object for the describeDbcDiagnosticDataJobRequest method.
Request object for the describeDbc method.
Response object for the describeDbc method.
The request object to retrieve an image from the default image catalog.
The response object for holding data about an image retrieved from the default image catalog.
A request to describe event details for development
A response to describe event details for development
Request structure for describing a deployment.
A request to describe a deployment
Response structure for describing a deployment.
A response to describe a deployment
Request object for a describe environment request.
Response object for a describe environment request.
Request object for the DescribeFlow method
Response object for the DescribeFlow method
Request object that contains the identifier of the Inbound Connection Endpoint to describe
Response object that describes an Inbound Connection Endpoint
Request object for the describeKubeconfig method.
Response object for the describeKubeconfig method.
Request object for the DescribeMlServingApp method.
Response object for the DescribeMlServingApp method.
Request object for the DescribeModelRegistry method.
Response object for the DescribeModelRegistry method.
A request to describe a Project
A response to describe a Project
Request object for the DescribeReadyflow method
Response object for the DescribeReadyflow method
Request object for describe recipe request.
Response object for describe recipe request.
Response object for the describe restore request.
Request object for the describe restore request.
Response object for the describe restore request.
Response object for the describe restore request.
Request object for a describe SAML provider request.
Response object for a describe SAML request.
Request object for describing a particular scaling activity using clusterCrn or clusterName and operationId.
Response object for describe scaling activity request.
A DWX server setting.
Request object for the describeServerSetting method.
Response object for the describeServerSetting method.
Request object for DescribeServiceEventDetail
Response object for DescribeServiceEventDetail
Request object for DescribeService method.
Request object for the DescribeService method.
Response object for DescribeService method.
Response object for the DescribeService method.
Request object for describe SSH public key.
Response object for describe user SSH public key.
Request to describe the upgrade availability of CDP Runtime and Operating System for a database.
Response with upgrade availability of CDP Runtime and Operating System for a database.
DescribeVc request object.
DescribeVc response object.
Request object for the describeVwConfig method.
Response object for the describeVwConfig method.
Request object for the describeVwDiagnosticDataJobRequest method.
Response object for the describeVwDiagnosticDataJobRequest method.
Request object for the describeVw method.
Response object for the describeVw method.
Request object for the DescribeWorkspace method.
Response object for the DescribeWorkspace method.
Request object for detaching recipes from FreeIPA.
Response object for detaching recipes from FreeIPA.
This class can be used to build a DfClient object.
This class can be used to build a DfworkloadClient object.
Describe a diagnostics bundle
Request object for a disable Cloudera SSO login request.
Response object for a disable Cloudera SSO login request.
DisableService request object.
Request object for DisableService
DisableService response object.
Response object for DisableService
Attached disk configuration(s).
Attached disk configuration(s).
Request to download the diagnostic bundle for the given cluster and command id.
Response object for download-diagnostic-bundle.
The request object for FreeIPA downscale.
The response object for FreeIPA downscale.
A request to drop the database
A response which gives status of the database deletion
This class can be used to build a DrscpClient object.
This class can be used to build a DwClient object.
EKS instance response structure.
EKS instance group response structure.
EKS state response structure.
Request object for an enable Cloudera SSO login request.
Response object for an enable Cloudera SSO login request.
Request object for Enable Service method.
Request object for EnableService
Response object for EnableService request.
Response object for EnableService
The encryption parameters used by the DataFlow service for K8s secret encryption and EBS volume encryption.
Object which holds the exposed endpoint.
Object which holds the exposed endpoint.
Object which holds the exposed endpoints for the given cluster.
Object which holds the exposed endpoints for the given cluster.
A cloud region
The environment.
Details of the environment
AWS-specific environment configuration information.
Azure specific environment configuration information.
GCP specific environment configuration information.
This class can be used to build a EnvironmentsClient object.
The environment summary.
Environment tags object containing the tag values defined for the environment.
Object for validating services.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
An object returned on an error.
Error handling behavior.
An event
Represents a Event.
Event details
Represents a Event
An event summary
Request object for creating an Azure environment using existing VNet and subnets.
Configurations for bringing an existing database for model metrics
Request object for creating an GCP environment using existing VPC and subnets.
Implement an exponential backoff policy.
Request object to export deployment configuration.
Response object for exporting a deployment.
Exposed CDP DC service object.
External bucket details.
External bucket definition.
A filter option
The request object to filter data that is used for retrieving an image from the default image catalog.
The response object for holding data about an image retrieved from the default image catalog.
A representation of a versioned data flow.
A representation of an artifact version tag.
A representation of an artifact version tag.
A flow parameter
A flow parameter group
A summarized version of a flow, mostly useful in listing flows
A representation of a flow detail version
A representation of an artifact version tag.
Details of a FreeIPA cluster.
Response object for diagnostic collection details.
Response object for diagnostic collection flow details.
Request object for FreeIPA image.
Object for a FreeIPA instance providing specific information about the instance.
The status and issues of an individual FreeIPA node.
Log descriptor, contains a path and label pair.
Log descriptor, contains a path and label pair.
GCP configuration.
Request object for GCP configuration.
Response object for getting GCP credential prerequisites.
The credential properties that closely related to those that have created on GCP.
A label that can be attached to GCP Data Hub resources.
Request object for creating FreeIPA in the environment.
Configurations for instance group
GCP storage configuration for cluster and audit logs.
Firewall rules for FreeIPA, Data Lake and Data Hub deployment.
A label that can be attached to GCP resources.
Request object for GenerateWorkloadAuthToken method.
Response object for GenerateWorkloadAuthToken method.
Request object for a get access key request.
Response object for a get access key request.
Request object for get account messages.
Response object for get account messages.
Request object for a get account request.
Response object for a get account response.
Request object for get default account level telemetry settings.
Response object for get default account level telemetry settings.
Request object for get account level telemetry settings.
Response object for get account level telemetry settings.
Request object for the GetArchivingConfig method.
Response object for the GetArchivingConfig method.
Request to get status for an archive process.
Information about a current archive process.
Request object for getting the audit credential prerequisites for the given cloud platform.
The audit credential prerequisites.
GetAuditEventsRequest to get all audit events for a given workbench crn.
GetAuditEventsResponse containes all the audit events for a given workbench crn.
Request object to retrieve current value of setting that controls automatic acceptance of Azure Marketplace image terms.
Response object to retrieve current value of setting that controls automatic acceptance of Azure Marketplace image terms.
Request object for Get Backup Logs command.
Response object for the Get Backup Logs command.
Request to get the status of creating batches of audit events to be archived.
Response from getting the status of creating batches of audit events to be archived.
Request object for getClusterConfig.
Response object for getClusterConfig.
Configuration related to DMX.
Request object to get host status.
Request object to get host status.
Response object for getting host status.
Response object for getting host status.
Request object to get service status.
Request object to get service status.
Response object to get service status.
Response object to get service status.
Request object for obtaining Cloudera Manger roles.
Request object for obtaining Cloudera Manger roles.
Response object for obtaining Cloudera Manger roles.
Response object for obtaining Cloudera Manger roles.
Get the current status of any CM command.
Response object for get command status.
Request object for getting the credential prerequisites for the given cloud platform.
The credential prerequisites for AWS.
Request object to retrieve specific cloud credentials.
Response for credential request.
Request object for retrieving a custom NAR configuration by CRN.
Response object for retrieving a custom NAR configuration by CRN.
Request object for retrieving a custom Python configuration by CRN.
Response object for retrieving a custom Python configuration by CRN.
Request object for obtaining log descriptors.
Response object for obtaining log descriptors.
Request object for obtaining log descriptors.
Response object for obtaining log descriptors.
Request object for the getDataVisualizationUpgradeVersion method.
Response object for the getDataVisualizationUpgradeVersion method.
Request object for retrieving the default custom NAR configuration.
Response object for retrieving the default custom NAR configuration.
Request object to get the default identity provider.
Response object to get the default identity provider.
Request object for retrieving deployment configuration metadata.
Response object for retrieving deployment configuration metadata request.
Request object for retrieving deployment configuration.
Response object for retrieving deployment configuration request.
Request object for retrieving deployment request details.
Response object for retrieving deployment request details request.
Request object to query environment configuration settings.
Response object containing configuration settings.
Request object for retrieving the user sync state of an environment.
Response object for retrieving the user sync state of an environment.
Request object for the GetFlowVersion method.
Response object for the GetFlowVersion method.
Request object for obtaining log descriptors.
Response object for obtaining log descriptors.
Request object for getting the status of the FreeIPA servers.
The overall status of the FreeIPA cluster.
The request object for retrieving FreeIPA upgrade candidates.
The response object with available FreeIPA upgrade candidates.
Request object for getting the audit credential prerequisites for GovCloud for the enabled providers.
The audit credential prerequisites for GovCloud for the enabled providers.
Request object for getting the credential prerequisites for GovCloud for the enabled providers.
The credential prerequisites for GovCloud for the enabled providers.
Request object for getting ID Broker mappings for an environment.
Response object for getting ID Broker mappings for an environment.
Request object for getting ID Broker mappings sync status.
Response object for getting ID Broker mappings sync status.
Request object for get keytab request.
Request object for get keytab request.
GetKubeconfig request object.
Request object for GetKubeconfig.
Request object for the GetKubeconfig method.
GetKubeconfig response object.
Response object for GetKubeconfig.
Response object for the GetKubeconfig method.
Request object for GetLatestWorkspaceVersion.
Response object for GetLatestWorkspaceVersion.
Request object for the get logs request.
Request object for the get logs request.
GetLogsRequest for getting logs for a request ID.
Response object for the get backup logs request.
Response object for the get logs request.
GetLogsResponse contains all the logs for a given request id.
Request object for the GetMlServingAppKubeconfig method.
Response object for the GetMlServingAppKubeconfig method.
Request object for GetModelRegistryKubeconfig.
GetModelRegistryKubeconfigResponse response provides model registry kube config.
Request object for tracking the latest (current/last) operation on the environment resource.
Response object for tracking the latest (current/last) operation on the environment resource.
Request object for Repair Status.
Response object for Repair Operation.
Request object for obtaining public certificate of an environment.
Response object with base64 encoded contents of the public certificate for an environment.
Request object for Get Service Init Logs command.
Response object for the Get Service Init Logs command.
Request object for the getUpgradeDbcVersions method.
Response object for the getUpgradeDbcVersions method.
Request object for GetUpgradeStatus method.
Response object for GetUpgradeStatus request.
Request object for the getUpgradeVwVersions method.
Response object for the getUpgradeVwVersions method.
Request object for a get user request.
Response object for a get user request.
Request object for fetching the available virtual machine types based on the given parameters.
Response object from the VM type fetch operation.
Request object for the GrantMlServingAppAccess method.
Response object for the GrantMlServingAppAccess method.
Request object for the GrantModelRegistryAccess method.
Response object for the GrantModelRegistryAccess method.
The request for granting access
The response for granting access
Request object for the GrantWorkspaceAccess method.
Response object for the GrantWorkspaceAccess method.
Information about a group.
The state of each HBase backup/restore operation.
HBase CRN pairs.
HBase database replication arguments.
HBase replication parameters.
HBase policy definition.
Extra properties for HDFS.
The result of a health check.
The result of a health check.
Request object for the healthCheck method.
Response object for the healthCheck method.
Healthinfo object contains the health information of a resource.
History structure.
Hive replication arguments.
Hive replication scope.
Information about cluster host status.
Information about cluster host status.
RetryChecker that compares the status code of the HTTP response to the set of retriable HTTP codes.
This class can be used to build a IamClient object.
A mapping of an actor or group to a cloud provider role.
A mapping of an actor or group to a cloud provider role, used in request objects.
Status of an ID Broker mappings sync operation.
Details of an Image.
This class can be used to build a ImagecatalogClient object.
Versions of the image components.
Versions of the image components
The details of the image used for cluster instances.
The details of the image used for cluster instances.
Basic information about an image.
Basic information about an image.
Information about FreeIPA image.
Model holding detailed information about a custom VM image.
The details of the image used for cluster instances.
The image request for the datalake.
Configure independently scaling set of uniformly sized executor groups.
Describes configurations for an executor group set.
Configure executor group sets for workload aware autoscaling.
Describes executor group sets for workload aware autoscaling.
Re-configure executor group sets for workload aware autoscaling.
Re-configure independently scaling set of uniformly sized executor groups.
High Availability settings for the Impala Virtual Warehouse.
Impala High Availability settings for a Virtual Warehouse.
High Availability settings update options for the Impala Virtual Warehouse.
Impala specific options.
Impala specific settings.
Request object to import deployment configuration.
Response object for importing deployment configuration.
Request object for ImportFlowDefinition
Response object for ImportFlowDefinition
Request object for ImportFlowDefinitionVersion
Response object for ImportFlowDefinitionVersion
Inbound Connection Endpoint Certificate Summary
Request object to retrieve Inbound Connection Endpoint client's certificate.
Response object that contains the client's certificate.
Request object to retrieve Inbound Connection Endpoint client's certificates.
Request object to retrieve Inbound Connection Endpoint client's private key.
Response object that contains the client's private key.
Inbound Connection Endpoint Summary
An object representing a single AutoScale history event for a DataHub cluster.
An individual schedule based policy
The schedule configuration
The scaling action to take when triggered
The trigger for this rule
An individual schedule based policy
The schedule configuration.
The scaling action to take when triggered.
The trigger for this rule.
Request object for a initialize AWS default compute cluster.
Response object for an initialize AWS default compute cluster request.
Request object for a initialize Azure default compute cluster.
Response object for an initialize Azure default compute cluster request.
A request to initiate a deployment
A response from initiating a deployment
Object which holds some details of an instance for the given cluster.
Object which holds some details of an instance for the given cluster.
Represents each instance in an instance group.
Instance Details
The type of the instance group which also contains the actual instance(s)
The type of the instance group which also contains the actual instance(s)
Contains the necessary info for an instance group.
Represents an instance group - recipe pair (by names) request.
Represents an instance group - recipe pair (by names) request.
Represents an instance group - recipe pair (by names) response.
Represents an instance group - recipe pair (by names) response.
Configurations for instance group
Instance template configuration(s).
Instance template that specifies the core information for the vertical scale.
Instance template that specifies the core information for the instances.
The model for a login event, as a part of CdpAuditEvent.
Filter criteria for listing interactive login audit events.
Object representing the state of each service running a backup.
Configuration information to enable Kerberos authentication
Certificate and private key pair credentials, that could be used ie mutual TLS connections therefore these must belong together.
Generic key-value type, because map<> is not supported
Different between keyValues of two ConfigContents.
Captures the use of a KPI in the context of a process group
A template for instantiating KPIs
Provides scoping when defining KPIs
Provides scoping meta data for use during KPI creation
Provides the legal metric types for an owning scope
Captures the legal units for a metric, a means to avoid large numbers either before or after a decimal point
The Kubernetes cluster information
Request object for Sync Status.
Response object for Sync Operation.
Launch Profilers request.
Profiler launch operation response.
Request object for a list access keys request.
Response object for a list access keys request.
Request object for listing all cloud credentials on all clusters.
Response object for list credentials request.
Request object for a list audit credentials request.
Response object for a list audit credentials request.
Request object to retrieve the AutoScale history for a DataHub cluster.
The response object which describes the AutoScale rules for a DataHub cluster.
Request object for the list entities request.
Request object for the list backup entities request.
Response object for the list entities request.
Response object for the list backup entities request.
Request object for List Backups command.
Request object for the list backups request.
Request object for the list backups request.
Response object for List Backups command.
Response object for the list backups request.
Response object for the list backups request.
Request object for list cluster definitions request.
Response object for list cluster definition response.
Request object for the listClusterDiagnosticDataJobs method.
Response object for the listClusterDiagnosticDataJobs method.
List clusters item structure.
Request object for listing cluster events.
Response object for fetching cluster events request.
Request object to list cluster statuses.
Response object for listing of cluster statuses.
Request object to list clusters.
Request object for list clusters request.
Request object for the listClusters method.
Request to list clusters.
List clusters response.
Response object for list clusters request.
Response object for the listClusters method.
Response object for list clusters request.
Request object for list cluster templates request.
Response object for list cluster templates request.
Request object for ListComputeUsageRecords method.
Response object for ListComputeUsageRecords method.
Request object for listing connected Data Service(s) for a given environment.
Response object for listing connected Data Service(s) for a given environment.
Request object for a list credentials request.
Response object for a list credentials request.
The request object to list the registered custom image catalogs.
The response object for the list of registered image catalogs.
The request object for the list custom configurations request.
The response object for the list custom configurations request.
A request to list databases
A list of databases in response
Request object for listing recent Datahub diagnostics collections.
Response object for listing recent Datahub diagnostics collections.
Request object to get the list of backup operations performed on a datalake.
Response object with the list of backup operations performed on a datalake.
Request object for listing recent Datalake diagnostics collections.
Response object for listing recent Datalake diagnostics collections.
Request object for list datalakes request.
Response object for list datalakes request.
Request object for the listDataVisualizations method.
Response object for the listDataVisualizations method.
Request object for the listDbcConfigs method.
Response object for the listDbcConfigs method.
Request object for the listDbcDiagnosticDataJobsRequest method.
Response object for the listDbcDiagnosticDataJobsRequest method.
Request object for the listDbcEvents method.
Response object for the listDbcEvents method.
Request object for the listDbcs method.
Response object for the listDbcs method.
Request object for the ListDeployableServicesForNewDeploymentsRequest method.
Response object for the ListDeployableServicesForNewDeploymentsRequest method.
A request to list active alerts for deployment
A response to list active alerts for deployment
Request object to list exported archives of all deployments matching the search term.
Response for listing the deployment configuration backup archives.
A request to list event history for deployment
A response to list event history for deployment
A request to list deployment KPIs
A response to list deployment KPIs
Request structure to list deployments in the cluster.
A request to list deployments
Response structure to list deployments in the cluster.
A response from listing deployments
A request to list deployment system metrics
A response to list deployment system metrics
A request to list past and present diagnostics for a given DataFlow Service.
Lists the in-progress diagnostic bundle operations.
Response object for ListDiagnostics.
The list of in-progress diagnostic bundle operations
Object representation of a diagnostics request list item.
Provides subset of metadata of a Listen* component
Request object for a list environments request.
Response object for a list environments request.
Request to list events contained in a single archive batch.
Response from listing events contained in a single archive batch.
Request object for the ListEvents method.
Request object for the listEvents method.
Response object for the ListEvents method.
Response object for the listEvents method.
A request to list filter options
A response to list filter options
Request object for the ListFlowDefinitions method.
Response object for the ListFlowDefinitions method.
Request object for the ListFlowDefinitionVersions method.
Response object for the ListFlowDefinitionVersions method.
Request object for the ListFlowVersionTags method.
Response object for the ListFlowVersionTags method.
Request object for listing recent FreeIPA diagnostics collections.
Response object for listing recent FreeIPA diagnostics collections.
Request object for a list group assigned resource roles request.
Response object for a list group assigned resource roles request.
Request object for a list group assigned roles request.
Response object for a list group assigned roles request.
Request object for a list group members request.
Response object for a list group members request.
Request object for a list groups for machine user request.
Response object for a list groups for machine user request.
Request object for a list groups for user request.
Response object for a list groups for user request.
Request object for a list groups request.
Response object for a list groups request.
Request object to use to list Inbound Connection Endpoints
Response object that contains a list of Inbound Connection Endpoints
Request object for the ListInstanceTypeConfiguration method.
Response object for the ListInstanceTypeConfiguration method.
Request object of the listLatestVersions call.
Response object of the listLatestVersions call.
Request object for a list machine user assigned resource roles request.
Response object for a list machine user assigned roles request.
Request object for a list machine user assigned roles request.
Response object for a list machine user assigned roles request.
Request object for a list machine users request.
Response object for a list machine users request.
Request object for the ListMlServingAppAccess method.
Response object for the ListMlServingAppAccess method.
Request object for the ListMlServingApps method.
Response object for the ListMlServingApps method.
Request object for deleting model registry.
List of all available model registries.
Request object for the ListModelRegistryAccess method.
Response object for the ListModelRegistryAccess method.
Request object for listing the supported NiFi versions.
Response object for listing the supported NiFi versions.
The request for retrieving notifications
The response for retrieving notifications
Request to list outstanding archive batches.
The response from listing outstanding archive batches.
Request to list all paired HBase cluster CRNs.
Response object for listPairedHbaseClusters.
Request object for listing all policies.
Response object for a list policies request.
Request object for listPrivateLinkEndpointStatuses method.
Response object for listPrivateLinkEndpointStatuses method.
Request object for the ListPrivateLinkServicesForTheRegion method.
Response object for the ListPrivateLinkServicesForTheRegion method.
Response object containing PL service name and CDP service component.
A request to list filter options
A response to list filter options
A request to list Projects
A response to list Projects
Request object for a list proxy configs request.
Response object for a list proxy configs request.
Request object for the ListReadyflows method.
Response object for the ListReadyflows method.
Request to list recent archive runs.
The response from listing recent archive runs.
Request object for list recipes request.
Response object for list recipes request.
Request object for the ListRelevantInstances method.
Response object for the ListRelevantInstances method.
Request object for listing the reporting tasks for a deployment
Response for listing the reporting tasks of a deployment.
Request object for a list resource assignees request.
Response object for a list resource assignees request.
Request object for a list resource roles request.
Response object for a list resource roles request.
Request object for the listResourceTemplates method.
The response object for the listResourceTemplates method.
Show Restore Snapshots Request.
Show Restore Snapshots Response.
Request object for the list restores request.
Request object for the list restores request.
Response object for the list restores request.
Response object for the list restores request.
Request object for a list roles request.
Response object for a list roles request.
Request object for list datalake runtime versions.
Response object for list datalake runtime versions.
Request object for a list SAML providers request.
Response object for a list SAML providers request.
Request object for List scaling Activities request.
Response object for list scaling activities request.
Request object to list the SCIM access tokens.
Response object to list the SCIM access tokens.
Request object for ListServiceActiveAlerts
Response object for ListServiceActiveAlerts
Request object for ListServiceEvents
Response object for ListServiceEvents
Request object for ListServices method.
Request object for the ListServices method.
Response object for ListServices method.
Response object for the ListServices method.
A request to list service system metrics
A response to list service system metrics
Show Snapshots Request.
Show Snapshots Response.
Request object for list SSH public key.
Response object for list SSH public key.
A request to get a list of available environments
A response which contains a list of available environments
Request object for a list user assigned resource roles request.
Response object for a list user assigned roles request.
Request object for a list user assigned roles request.
Response object for a list user assigned roles request.
The request for listing the users that have access to a cluster
The response for listing the users that have access to a cluster
Request object for the listUsers method.
Request object for a list users request.
Response object for the listUsers method.
Response object for a list users request.
ListVcs request object.
ListVcs response object.
Request object for the listVwConfigs method.
Response object for the listVwConfigs method.
Request object for the listVwDiagnosticDataJobsRequest method.
Response object for the listVwDiagnosticDataJobsRequest method.
Request object for the listVwEvents method.
Response object for the listVwEvents method.
Request object for the listVws method.
Response object for the listVws method.
Request object for the ListWorkspace method.
Response object for the ListWorkspaceAccess method.
Query options object for ListWorkspaceBackups method.
Request object for ListWorkspaceBackups method.
Response object for ListWorkspaceBackups method.
Request object for the ListWorkspaces method.
Response object for the ListWorkspaces method.
Location object.
Storage configuration for cluster and audit logs.
AWS-specific log storage configuration information.
Azure-specific log storage configuration information.
GCP-specific log storage configuration information.
Information about a Cloudera CDP machine user.
Username and password for the machine user.
Request to mark archive batches as successful.
Response from marking archive batches as successful.
The message object used to display warnings and errors during DRS workflows
The message object used to display warnings and errors during DRS workflows
A metric chart
Thresholds associated with a metric
Chart data of metrics
Frequency tolerance for a metric chart
Metric summary
Metric unit
A metric value
Request object for migrating users from an Identity Provider Connector to a new one.
Response object for migrating users from old Identity Provider Connector to a new one.
This class can be used to build a MlClient object.
The Cloudera AI Inference Service instance.
Request object for provisioning Cloudera AI Inference Service instance groups.
Model registry object
Request object for provisioning model registry.
Request object for ModifyClusterInstanceGroup.
Response object for ModifyClusterInstanceGroup.
Request object for ModifyClusterSecurity.
Response object for ModifyClusterSecurity.
Root or additional volume properties to modify.
Attached volume configuration.
Request object for the ModifyMlServingApp method.
Response object for ModifyMlServingApp method.
Request object for ModifyWorkspaceLoadBalancer.
Response object for ModifyWorkspaceLoadBalancer.
The network.
AWS network parameters.
Azure network parameters.
GCP network parameters.
A retry handler that will never retry.
Provides details about the node storage options.
A notification for an event
This class can be used to build a OpdbClient object.
Contains the information about overlay network.
An object representing password policy options.
A policy contains a list of one or more policy statements.
Replication policy definition.
Policy creation request definition.
Policy execution details.
Policy report.
Policy report details.
A policy statement is a list of rights and zero or more resources on which the rights are granted.
Request object to Data Hub upgrade preparation.
Response object for upgrade Data Hub request.
Request object to prepare Data Lake upgrade.
Response object for prepare Data Lake upgrade request.
Properties to preserve after replication.
Options for activating a Private Cloud environment.
Details of the PrivateLink endpoints.
Product version.
A Project
A filter option
Metadata about a project.
The meta information about a project.
Request object for workbench provision.
Contains a single tag entry that will be configured on cloud resources associated with a workbench.
A proxy config object.
Configurations for Query Isolation.
Configurations for Query Isolation.
A detailed representation of a ready flow.
A summarized version of a ready flow, mostly useful in listing flows
Request object to reassign resources.
Response object from reassigning resources.
Request object for the rebuildDbc method.
Response object for the rebuildDbc method.
Request object for the rebuildVw method.
Response object for the rebuildVw method.
Information about a recipe.
Information about a recipe.
Datalake recover request.
Datalake recover response.
Request for refreshing workbench's model registry configmap.
Response for refreshing workbench's model registry configmap.
Request object for a remove machine user from group request.
Response object for a remove machine user from group request.
Request object for a remove user from group request.
Response object for a remove user from group request.
Request object for renew datahub certificate request, deprecated.
Request object for renew datalake certificate request, deprecated.
Response object for renew certificate request, deprecated.
Response object for renew certificate request, deprecated.
Request object for RenewCertificates
Request object for the renewCertificates method.
Response object for RenewCertificates
Response object for the renewCertificates method.
Request object to renew Inbound Connection Endpoint certificate(s)
Response object for Inbound Connection Endpoint certificate renewal request
Request object for renewing the Datahub public certificate.
Request object to renew the public certificate for Datalake.
Response object for renew public certificate request.
Response object for renew public certificate request.
Request object for repair cluster request.
Response object for repair cluster request.
Request object for repair datalake request.
Response object for repair datalake request.
Request object for repairing the FreeIPA servers.
Response object for an FreeIPA repair request.
Details for repair instances.
Details for repair instances.
Details object of the repair operation for success or falure.
The request for replacing recipes.
The request for replacing recipes.
The response for replacing recipes.
The response for replacing recipes.
Status information on the current state of replicas in the virtual warehouse.
This class can be used to build a ReplicationmanagerClient object.
A reporting task summary
Instance Details
Request object for RequestWorkflowCancellation.
Response object for RequestWorkflowCancellation.
Request object for the resetServerSettings method.
Response object for the resetServerSettings method.
Request object for ResetService
Response object for ResetService
Datalake resize request.
Datalake resize response.
Information about the resource role assignee for the resource.
Information about a resource assignment.
Information about a resource role.
Resource template.
Request object for the restartDbc method.
Response object for the restartDbc method.
Request object to restart a deployment.
Response object for restarting a deployment request.
Request object for the restartVw method.
Response object for the restartVw method.
Restore entry
Restore entry
Request object for the restore backup request.
Request object for the restore backup request.
Response object for the restore backup request.
Response object for the restore backup request.
Entity status after the restore operation.
Request object for the restoreCluster method.
Response object for the restoreCluster method.
Request to restore datalake from backup.
Response object to a request to perform restore of datalake.
Request object to get the status of a restore operation.
Response object with information on last restore operation on a datalake.
Request object for Restore Service command.
Response object for Restore Service command.
An instance of restoring a snapshot to a database.
Restore Snapshot Request.
Response object for the RestoreSnapshot method.
Request object for RestoreWorkspace method.
Response object for the RestoreWorkspace method.
Request structure to resume the compute cluster
Response structure for resuming the compute cluster
Request object to resume a deployment.
Response object for resuming a deployment.
Request object for ResumeWorkspace.
Response object for ResumeWorkspace.
A RetryChecker decides, given the number of attempts and the exception form the most recent request, whether the caller should retry or not.
Request object for retry cluster request.
Response object for retry cluster request.
Request object for retry datalake request.
Response object for retry datalake request.
Request object for retry FreeIPA request.
Response object for retry FreeIPA operation on an environment.
An interface for handling retries.
Request object for the RevokeMlServingAppAccess method.
Response object for the RevokeMlServingAppAccess method.
Request object for the RevokeModelRegistry method.
Response object for the RevokeModelRegistryAccess method.
Request object for the RevokePrivateLinkServiceAccess method.
Response object for the RevokePrivateLinkServiceAccess method.
Revoke response containing PrivateLink service name, service component and its revocation status.
The request for revoking access
The response for revoking access
Request object for the RevokeWorkspace method.
Response object for the RevokeWorkspaceAccess method.
Information about a role.
Request for rollback model registry upgrade.
Response for rollback model registry request.
Configuration for instance root device volume.
Request object to rotate autotls certificates on datahub's hosts, deprecated.
Request object to rotate autotls certificates on datalake's hosts, deprecated.
Response object to rotate autotls certificates on datahub's hosts, deprecated.
Response object to rotate autotls certificates on datalake's hosts, deprecated.
Request object to rotate ssl certificate a datahub.
Request object to rotate ssl certificate a datalake.
Response object to rotate ssl certificate a datahub.
Response object to rotate ssl certificate a datalake.
Request object to rotate private certificates on the hosts of Datahub.
Request object to rotate private certificates on datalake's hosts.
Response object to rotate private certificates on the hosts of Datahub.
Response object to rotate private certificates on datalake's hosts.
Request object for rotating SaltStack user password on Data Hub instances (Deprecated).
Request object for rotating SaltStack user password on DataLake instances (Deprecated).
Request object for rotating SaltStack user password on FreeIPA instances (Deprecated).
Response object for rotating SaltStack user password on Data Hub instances (Deprecated).
Response object for rotating SaltStack user password on DataLake instances (Deprecated).
Response object for rotating SaltStack user password on FreeIPA instances (Deprecated).
Provides details about a deployment.
Provides the metadata about deployment exported archive
Provides all of the configuration that dictates how a flow should be deployed.
Provides details about the deployment and all of the different configuration items that are available.
Contains the configuration data imported from exported archive.
Provides a summary of the workload resource.
An advertised datalake runtime version.
Information used to connect a CDP account to an external identity provider.
Request object for scale cluster request.
Response object for scale cluster request.
Data Lake horizontal scaling request.
Data Lake horizontal scaling response
Information about a Scaling activity.
Information about the SCIM access token.
Marker interface for 'internal' APIs that should not be used outside the core module.
Security control configuration for FreeIPA and Datalake deployment.
Security control configuration for FreeIPA and Datalake deployment.
The DataFlow view of a CDP service.
Differences between two service configurations.
Configurations for a service (DBC or VW)
Configurations for a service (DBC or VW)
Configuration related to a service.
Detailed description of a CDE service.
Service status definition.
Metadata about a service
The meta information about a DataFlow service.
Object to store resources for a CDE service.
Information about a cluster service.
Information about a cluster service.
The status of a DataFlow enabled service.
Summary of a CDE service.
The summary of the DF Service enabled in a CDP Environment
Request object for set account messages for account.
Response object for set account messages.
Request object to enable environment level telemetry features.
Response object for set account level telemetry settings.
Request object for a set AWS audit credential request.
Response object for a set AWS audit credential request.
Request object for a set AWS GovCloud audit credential request.
Response object for a set AWS GovCloud audit credential request.
Request object for a set Azure audit credential request.
Additional configurations needed for app-based authentication.
Response object for a set Azure audit credential request.
The request object to set catalog for a DataHub.
The request object to set catalog for a DataLake.
The request object to set catalog for a FreeIPA.
The response object to set catalog for a DataHub request.
The response object to set catalog for a DataLake request.
The response object to set catalog for a FreeIPA request.
Request object to set the default identity provider.
Response object to set the default identity provider.
Request object to set endpoint access gateway settings.
Response object for set endpoint access gateway request.
Request object to set environment configuration settings.
Response object to set configuration.
The request object to add or update a FreeIPA image in a catalog.
The response object holding data about the added or updated FreeIPA image.
Request object for a set GCP audit credential request.
Response object for a set GCP audit credential request.
Request object for setting ID Broker mappings for an environment.
Response object for setting ID Broker mappings for an environment.
Request object for set password request.
Response object for set password request.
The request object to add or update a Cloudera Runtime image in a catalog.
The response object holding data about the added or updated Cloudera Runtime image.
Request object to enable environment level telemetry features.
Response object to enable environment level telemetry features.
Request object for a set workload password policy request.
Response object for a set workload password policy request.
Request object for a set workload password request.
Response object for a set workload password request.
A request signer appropriate for use with the CDP client.
A simple backup entry for listBackup usage
A simple backup entry for listBackup usage
A simple Restore entry for listRestore Usage
A simple Restore entry for listRestore Usage
Handle retry attempts with the given checker and delay policy.
SMTP config request object.
SMTP config response object
An instance of a table's snapshot.
The state of each Solr backup/restore operation.
Extra properties for the source dataset.
Information about an SSH public key.
Request object for start cluster request.
Response object for start cluster request.
The request object for Data Hub vertical scaling.
The response object for Data Hub cluster vertical scaling.
Start the database.
A response from starting the database.
Request object for Data Hub database upgrade.
Request object for Data Lake database upgrade.
Response object to Data Hub database upgrade.
Response object to Data Lake database upgrade.
Request object to start a datalake, deprecated.
Response object of starting a datalake, deprecated.
The request object for Data Lake vertical scaling.
The response object for Data Lake vertical scaling.
Request object for a start environment request.
Response object for a start environment request.
Request object for starting the NiFi flow.
Response object for starting the NiFi flow.
The request object for FreeIPA vertical scaling.
The response object for FreeIPA vertical scaling.
Request to start DataFlow diagnostics bundle creation.
Response object for StartGetDiagnosticsCollection.
Request object to start instances of a host group on a Data Hub.
Response object to start instances of a host group on Data Hub.
The request object for the startVw method.
The response object for the startVw method.
Simple implementation of CdpCredentialsProvider that just wraps static CdpCredentials.
Request object for stop cluster request.
Response object for stop cluster request.
Stop the database.
A response from stopping the database.
Request object to stop a datalake, deprecated.
Response object of stopping a datalake, deprecated.
Request object for a stop environment request.
Response object for a stop environment request.
Request object for stopping the NiFi flow.
Response object for stopping the NiFi flow.
Request object to stop instances of a host group on a Data Hub.
Response object to a stop instances of a host group on a Data Hub.
Difference between two strings.
Request structure to suspend the compute cluster
Response structure for suspending the compute cluster
The request object for the suspendDbc method.
The response object for the suspendDbc method.
Request object to suspend a deployment.
Response object for suspending a deployment.
Suspend an HBase replication policy.
Response object for suspendHbasePolicy.
Suspend a replication policy.
Response object for suspendPolicy.
The request object for the suspendVw method.
The response object for the suspendVw method.
Request object for SuspendWorkspace.
Response object for SuspendWorkspace.
Request object for a All Users and Groups Sync.
All Users and Groups Sync Response Object
Request object for sync cluster request.
Response object for sync cluster request.
Datahub sync CM component versions request.
Datalake sync CM component versions request.
Datahub sync CM component versions response.
Datalake sync CM component versions response.
Request object for synchronizing ID Broker mappings for an environment.
Response object for synchronizing ID Broker mappings for an environment.
Details object of the sync operation for success or falure.
Request object for Sync Status.
Response object for Sync Operation.
Request Object for single user sync operation.
Response Object for single user sync operation.
Contains a single tag entry associated with a workbench.
A key/value pair that can be attached to some resources.
A label that can be attached to some resources.
A key/value pair attached to some resources.
Target details.
Request object to terminate a deployment.
Response object for terminating a deployment request.
Request object for testing text input against provided account telemetry anonymization rules.
Response object for testing anonymization rules for account telemetry.
Contains the information about topology.
Request object for transitioning the state of the NiFi flow.
Response object for transitioning the state of the NiFi flow.
Request object for an unassign group resource role request.
Response object for an unassign group role request.
Request object for an unassign group role request.
Response object for an unassign group role request.
Request object for an unassign machine user role request.
Response object for an unassign machine user role request.
Request object for an unassign machine user role request.
Response object for an unassign machine user role request.
Request object for an unassign user role request.
Response object for an unassign user role request.
Request object for an unassign user role request.
Response object for an unassign user role request.
Request object for unlocking the machine user in the control plane.
Response object for unlocking the machine user in the CDP control plane.
Request object for unlocking the user in the CDP control plane.
Response object for unlocking the user in the CDP control plane.
Request object for a unset workload password min lifetime request.
Response object for an unset workload password minimum lifetime request.
Request object for a unset workload password policy request.
Response object for a unset workload password policy request.
Request object for an update access key request.
Response object for an update access key request.
The resource requirements of a component.
Breakdown of the service memory requirements.
Storage related information.
Autoscale Modification request
The AutoScale rules for the cluster.
Request object for an update AWS credential request.
Response object for an update AWS credential request.
Request object for updating AWS encryption parameters.
Response object for an update AWS encryption parameters request.
Request object to update Availability Zones for Azure environment.
Response object for a update Azure Availability Zones request.
Request object for an update Azure credential request.
Additional configurations needed for app-based authentication.
Response object for an update Azure credential request.
Request object for updating Azure Database resources.
Response object for a update Azure Database resources request.
Request object for updating Azure encryption resources.
Response object for a update Azure encryption resources request.
Request object to enable or disable automatic acceptance of Azure Marketplace image terms.
Response object to enable or disable automatic acceptance of Azure Marketplace image terms.
Cluster external bucket definition to update.
Cluster observability settings to update.
Request object for the updateCluster method.
Additional properties for AWS clusters.
Additional properties for Azure clusters.
Response object for the updateCluster method.
The desired custom docker registry for data services to be used.
The environment with the updated custom docker registry for data services.
Request object to update a custom NAR configuration.
Response object for updating a custom NAR configuration.
Request object to update a custom Python configuration.
Response object for updating a custom Python configuration.
A request to update the database
A response to database update request
Update Data Services parameters request of the environment.
Response object for an update environment Data Service resource request.
Request object for the updateDataVisualization method.
Response object for the updateDataVisualization method.
Request object for the updateDbcConfig method.
Response object for the updateDbcConfig method.
Request object for the updateDbc method.
Response object for the updateDbc method.
Provides all of the configuration that dictates how a flow should be deployed.
Response object from updating a deployment.
The related environment where we update the corresponding FreeIPA to use AWS IMDSv1.
Response object for updating corresponding FreeIPA of the given environment to AWS IMDSv1.
The related environment where we update the corresponding FreeIPA to use AWS IMDSv2.
Response object for updating corresponding FreeIPA of the given environment to AWS IMDSv2.
Request object for update group request.
Response object for update group request.
HBase policy update request definition.
Update HBase replication policy request.
Response object for updateHbasePolicy.
Request object for updating the NiFi version of a deployment.
Response object for updating the NiFi version of a deployment.
Request object for running orchestrator engine state update on the Data Hub cluster.
Request object for running orchestrator engine state update on the Data Lake cluster.
Request object for running orchestrator engine state update on the FreeIPA cluster.
Response object for running orchestrator engine state update on the Data Hub cluster.
Response object for running orchestrator engine state update on the Data Lake cluster.
Response object for running orchestrator engine state update on the FreeIPA cluster.
A request to describe a Project
A response to describe a Project
Request object for updating the proxy config of the given environment.
Response object for updating the proxy config of the given environment.
Request object for the updateResourceTemplate method.
The response object for the updateResourceTemplate method.
Request object for an updating SAML provider request.
Response object for an updating SAML provider request.
The request object for updating security access of the given environment.
Response object for an update environment security access request.
A DWX server setting update.
Request object for the updateServerSetting method.
Response object for the updateServerSetting method.
Request object for UpdateService method.
Request object for UpdateService
Response object for UpdateService request.
Response object for UpdateService
Request object for the updateSshKey method.
The request object for updating the environment SSH key.
Response object for the updateSshKey method.
Response object for an update environment SSH key request.
The request for updating subnets of the given environment.
Response object for an update environment subnet request.
Request object for updating Data Hub to use AWS IMDSv1.
Request object for updating Data Lake to use AWS IMDSv1.
Response object for updating Data Hub to AWS IMDSv1.
Response object for updating Data Lake to AWS IMDSv1.
Request object for updating Data Hub to use AWS IMDSv2.
Request object for updating Data Lake to use AWS IMDSv2.
Response object for updating Data Hub to AWS IMDSv2.
Response object for updating Data Lake to AWS IMDSv2.
Request object to update a user.
Response object to update a user.
Request object for updateVc method.
Response object for updateVc method.
Request object for the updateVwConfig method.
Response object for the updateVwConfig method.
Request object for the updateVw method.
Response object for the updateVw method.
Request object for upgrading Cluster Connectivity Manager on an environment.
Response object for upgrading Cluster Connectivity Manager request on an environment.
Request object to upgrade datahub.
Response object for upgrade datahub request.
Asynchronous request to upgrade the CDP Runtime for a database.
Response with the reason whether upgrade request is accepted or why it is not possible.
Request object to upgrade datalake.
Response object for upgrade datalake request.
Request object for the upgradeDataVisualization method.
Response object for the upgradeDataVisualization method.
Request object for the upgradeDbc method.
Response object of the upgradeDbc call.
Request structure for upgrading a deployment.
Response structure for upgrading a deployment.
The request object for FreeIPA upgrade.
The response object for FreeIPA upgrade.
Request object for the UpgradeMlServingApp method.
Response object for the UpgradeMlServingApp method.
Request for upgrading model registry.
Response for upgrading model registry.
Request object for upgrading a service.
Request object for UpgradeService
Response object for UpgradeService request.
Response object for UpgradeService
Response object for the workbench summary.
Details of upgrade versions.
Request object for the upgradeVw method.
Response object for the upgradeVw method.
Request object for the UpgradeWorkspace method.
Response object for the UpgradeWorkspace method.
Request object for uploading an asset
Response for uploading an asset.
The request object for FreeIPA upscale.
The response object for FreeIPA upscale.
Information about a Cloudera CDP user.
Request object for AWS cloud storage validation.
Request object for AWS environment cloud storage validation.
AWS cloud storage validation response.
Response object for AWS environment cloud storage validation.
Request object for Azure cloud storage validation.
Request object for Azure environment cloud storage validation.
Azure cloud storage validation response.
Response object for Azure environment cloud storage validation.
Request object for validating a cluster.
Validate cluster response.
Request object for validating a custom NAR configuration.
Response object for validating custom NAR configuration.
Request object for validating a custom Python configuration.
Response object for validating custom Python configuration.
Pre-flight validation check response structure.
Validation result structure.
Validation summary structure.
Class containing validation utilty methods.
CDE virtual cluster summary.
Object to store resources for a CDE service
CDE virtual cluster summary.
Verification steps.
Request to verify a cluster pairing for HBase policy creation prerequisites.
Response object for verifyHbaseClusterPair.
Manual steps to perform after HBase policy creation.
Manual steps to perform before HBase policy creation.
Configurations for a Cloudera Data Visualization
Model holding information about a custom VM image and the cloud region it belongs to.
Model holding information about a custom VM image and the cloud region it belongs to.
Response object containing vm types and its metadata.
Specify volume encryption key for instance group.
Configurations for volume encryption.
Represents a Diagnostic Data Job.
Filter object for Virtual Warehouses.
A Virtual Warehouse.
Endpoints for accessing the Virtual Warehouse.
Details related to JWT Authentication settings on this Virtual Warehouse.
Describes which authentication methods are supported on this Virtual Warehouse.
The workflow metadata.
Marker interface for workload APIs.
Information about the workload password for a user or machine user.
Information about the workload password policy for an account.
A ML workbench, which includes the cluster and storage.
Instance group information to show in workbench details.
A Cloudera AI workbench which includes the deployed configuration details.