Class Service


@Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen", date="2025-01-23T07:12:42.200-08:00") public class Service extends Object
The DataFlow view of a CDP service.
  • Constructor Details

    • Service

      public Service()
  • Method Details

    • getCrn

      public String getCrn()
      Getter for crn. The service CRN.
    • setCrn

      public void setCrn(String crn)
      Setter for crn. The service CRN.
    • getEnvironmentCrn

      public String getEnvironmentCrn()
      Getter for environmentCrn. The CDP Environment CRN
    • setEnvironmentCrn

      public void setEnvironmentCrn(String environmentCrn)
      Setter for environmentCrn. The CDP Environment CRN
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Getter for name. The service name.
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Setter for name. The service name.
    • getCloudPlatform

      public String getCloudPlatform()
      Getter for cloudPlatform. The cloud platform of the service.
    • setCloudPlatform

      public void setCloudPlatform(String cloudPlatform)
      Setter for cloudPlatform. The cloud platform of the service.
    • getRegion

      public String getRegion()
      Getter for region. The region of the service.
    • setRegion

      public void setRegion(String region)
      Setter for region. The region of the service.
    • getDeploymentCount

      public Integer getDeploymentCount()
      Getter for deploymentCount. The deployment count.
    • setDeploymentCount

      public void setDeploymentCount(Integer deploymentCount)
      Setter for deploymentCount. The deployment count.
    • getMinK8sNodeCount

      public Integer getMinK8sNodeCount()
      Getter for minK8sNodeCount. The minimum number of Kubernetes nodes that need to be provisioned in the service
    • setMinK8sNodeCount

      public void setMinK8sNodeCount(Integer minK8sNodeCount)
      Setter for minK8sNodeCount. The minimum number of Kubernetes nodes that need to be provisioned in the service
    • getMaxK8sNodeCount

      public Integer getMaxK8sNodeCount()
      Getter for maxK8sNodeCount. The maximum number of kubernetes nodes that service may scale up under high-demand situations
    • setMaxK8sNodeCount

      public void setMaxK8sNodeCount(Integer maxK8sNodeCount)
      Setter for maxK8sNodeCount. The maximum number of kubernetes nodes that service may scale up under high-demand situations
    • getStatus

      public ServiceStatus getStatus()
      Getter for status. The DataFlow status of the service.
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus(ServiceStatus status)
      Setter for status. The DataFlow status of the service.
    • getWorkloadVersion

      public String getWorkloadVersion()
      Getter for workloadVersion. The workload version of the service.
    • setWorkloadVersion

      public void setWorkloadVersion(String workloadVersion)
      Setter for workloadVersion. The workload version of the service.
    • getRunningK8sNodeCount

      public Integer getRunningK8sNodeCount()
      Getter for runningK8sNodeCount. The number of kubernetes nodes currently running for this service.
    • setRunningK8sNodeCount

      public void setRunningK8sNodeCount(Integer runningK8sNodeCount)
      Setter for runningK8sNodeCount. The number of kubernetes nodes currently running for this service.
    • getInstanceType

      public String getInstanceType()
      Getter for instanceType. The instance type of the kubernetes nodes currently in use by DataFlow for this service.
    • setInstanceType

      public void setInstanceType(String instanceType)
      Setter for instanceType. The instance type of the kubernetes nodes currently in use by DataFlow for this service.
    • getDfLocalUrl

      public String getDfLocalUrl()
      Getter for dfLocalUrl. The URL of the service local DataFlow application.
    • setDfLocalUrl

      public void setDfLocalUrl(String dfLocalUrl)
      Setter for dfLocalUrl. The URL of the service local DataFlow application.
    • getKubeApiAuthorizedIpRanges

      public List<String> getKubeApiAuthorizedIpRanges()
      Getter for kubeApiAuthorizedIpRanges. The IP Ranges authorized to connect to the Kubernetes API Server.
    • setKubeApiAuthorizedIpRanges

      public void setKubeApiAuthorizedIpRanges(List<String> kubeApiAuthorizedIpRanges)
      Setter for kubeApiAuthorizedIpRanges. The IP Ranges authorized to connect to the Kubernetes API Server.
    • getActiveInfoAlertCount

      public Long getActiveInfoAlertCount()
      Getter for activeInfoAlertCount. Current count of active alerts classified as an info
    • setActiveInfoAlertCount

      public void setActiveInfoAlertCount(Long activeInfoAlertCount)
      Setter for activeInfoAlertCount. Current count of active alerts classified as an info
    • getActiveWarningAlertCount

      public Long getActiveWarningAlertCount()
      Getter for activeWarningAlertCount. Current count of active alerts classified as a warning
    • setActiveWarningAlertCount

      public void setActiveWarningAlertCount(Long activeWarningAlertCount)
      Setter for activeWarningAlertCount. Current count of active alerts classified as a warning
    • getActiveErrorAlertCount

      public Long getActiveErrorAlertCount()
      Getter for activeErrorAlertCount. Current count of active alerts classified as an error
    • setActiveErrorAlertCount

      public void setActiveErrorAlertCount(Long activeErrorAlertCount)
      Setter for activeErrorAlertCount. Current count of active alerts classified as an error
    • getClusterId

      public String getClusterId()
      Getter for clusterId. Cluster id of the service, if enabled
    • setClusterId

      public void setClusterId(String clusterId)
      Setter for clusterId. Cluster id of the service, if enabled
    • getClusterUsable

      @Deprecated public Boolean getClusterUsable()
      Getter for clusterUsable. Whether or not a successfully created and usable cluster exists. Deprecated. Use 'validActions' instead.
    • setClusterUsable

      @Deprecated public void setClusterUsable(Boolean clusterUsable)
      Setter for clusterUsable. Whether or not a successfully created and usable cluster exists. Deprecated. Use 'validActions' instead.
    • getValidActions

      public List<String> getValidActions()
      Getter for validActions. Valid actions that can be applied based on the current state of the service
    • setValidActions

      public void setValidActions(List<String> validActions)
      Setter for validActions. Valid actions that can be applied based on the current state of the service
    • getUsePublicLoadBalancer

      public Boolean getUsePublicLoadBalancer()
      Getter for usePublicLoadBalancer. Whether or not a public load balancer is exposed.
    • setUsePublicLoadBalancer

      public void setUsePublicLoadBalancer(Boolean usePublicLoadBalancer)
      Setter for usePublicLoadBalancer. Whether or not a public load balancer is exposed.
    • getTags

      public Map<String,String> getTags()
      Getter for tags. The tags to apply to service related resources created
    • setTags

      public void setTags(Map<String,String> tags)
      Setter for tags. The tags to apply to service related resources created
    • getLoadBalancerAuthorizedIpRanges

      public List<String> getLoadBalancerAuthorizedIpRanges()
      Getter for loadBalancerAuthorizedIpRanges. IP Ranges that are authorized to access CDF local endpoints.
    • setLoadBalancerAuthorizedIpRanges

      public void setLoadBalancerAuthorizedIpRanges(List<String> loadBalancerAuthorizedIpRanges)
      Setter for loadBalancerAuthorizedIpRanges. IP Ranges that are authorized to access CDF local endpoints.
    • getClusterSubnets

      public List<String> getClusterSubnets()
      Getter for clusterSubnets. Subnets to use for the Kubernetes cluster
    • setClusterSubnets

      public void setClusterSubnets(List<String> clusterSubnets)
      Setter for clusterSubnets. Subnets to use for the Kubernetes cluster
    • getCreatingK8sNodeCount

      public Integer getCreatingK8sNodeCount()
      Getter for creatingK8sNodeCount. The number of kubernetes nodes currently under creation for this service.
    • setCreatingK8sNodeCount

      public void setCreatingK8sNodeCount(Integer creatingK8sNodeCount)
      Setter for creatingK8sNodeCount. The number of kubernetes nodes currently under creation for this service.
    • getTerminatingK8sNodeCount

      public Integer getTerminatingK8sNodeCount()
      Getter for terminatingK8sNodeCount. The number of kubernetes nodes currently terminating for this service.
    • setTerminatingK8sNodeCount

      public void setTerminatingK8sNodeCount(Integer terminatingK8sNodeCount)
      Setter for terminatingK8sNodeCount. The number of kubernetes nodes currently terminating for this service.
    • getLoadBalancerSubnets

      public List<String> getLoadBalancerSubnets()
      Getter for loadBalancerSubnets. Subnets to use for the Load Balancer
    • setLoadBalancerSubnets

      public void setLoadBalancerSubnets(List<String> loadBalancerSubnets)
      Setter for loadBalancerSubnets. Subnets to use for the Load Balancer
    • getPrivateCluster

      public Boolean getPrivateCluster()
      Getter for privateCluster. Whether the k8s cluster is private or not.
    • setPrivateCluster

      public void setPrivateCluster(Boolean privateCluster)
      Setter for privateCluster. Whether the k8s cluster is private or not.
    • getProxyName

      public String getProxyName()
      Getter for proxyName. The name of the proxy that is configured for the CDP environment
    • setProxyName

      public void setProxyName(String proxyName)
      Setter for proxyName. The name of the proxy that is configured for the CDP environment
    • getK8sServerVersion

      public String getK8sServerVersion()
      Getter for k8sServerVersion. The kubernetes version of the cluster
    • setK8sServerVersion

      public void setK8sServerVersion(String k8sServerVersion)
      Setter for k8sServerVersion. The kubernetes version of the cluster
    • getAvailableK8sVersionUpgrade

      public String getAvailableK8sVersionUpgrade()
      Getter for availableK8sVersionUpgrade. The available kubernetes version that cluster can be upgraded to.
    • setAvailableK8sVersionUpgrade

      public void setAvailableK8sVersionUpgrade(String availableK8sVersionUpgrade)
      Setter for availableK8sVersionUpgrade. The available kubernetes version that cluster can be upgraded to.
    • getUserDefinedRouting

      public Boolean getUserDefinedRouting()
      Getter for userDefinedRouting. Whether User Defined Routing (UDR) mode is enabled for AKS clusters or not.
    • setUserDefinedRouting

      public void setUserDefinedRouting(Boolean userDefinedRouting)
      Setter for userDefinedRouting. Whether User Defined Routing (UDR) mode is enabled for AKS clusters or not.
    • getPodCidr

      public String getPodCidr()
      Getter for podCidr. CIDR range from which to assign IPs to pods in the kubernetes cluster.
    • setPodCidr

      public void setPodCidr(String podCidr)
      Setter for podCidr. CIDR range from which to assign IPs to pods in the kubernetes cluster.
    • getServiceCidr

      public String getServiceCidr()
      Getter for serviceCidr. CIDR range from which to assign IPs to internal services in the kubernetes cluster.
    • setServiceCidr

      public void setServiceCidr(String serviceCidr)
      Setter for serviceCidr. CIDR range from which to assign IPs to internal services in the kubernetes cluster.
    • getEncryptionParameters

      public EncryptionParameters getEncryptionParameters()
      Getter for encryptionParameters. The encryption parameters used by DataFlow service for encrypting K8s secrets and EBS volumes.
    • setEncryptionParameters

      public void setEncryptionParameters(EncryptionParameters encryptionParameters)
      Setter for encryptionParameters. The encryption parameters used by DataFlow service for encrypting K8s secrets and EBS volumes.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object