Class CreateAWSGovCloudDatalakeRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class CreateAWSGovCloudDatalakeRequest
    extends Object
    Request object for createing AWS Data Lake request on GovCloud.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CreateAWSGovCloudDatalakeRequest

        public CreateAWSGovCloudDatalakeRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getDatalakeName

        public String getDatalakeName()
        Getter for datalakeName. The Data Lake name. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 100 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive.
      • setDatalakeName

        public void setDatalakeName​(String datalakeName)
        Setter for datalakeName. The Data Lake name. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 100 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive.
      • getEnvironmentName

        public String getEnvironmentName()
        Getter for environmentName. The environment name or CRN.
      • setEnvironmentName

        public void setEnvironmentName​(String environmentName)
        Setter for environmentName. The environment name or CRN.
      • getCloudProviderConfiguration

        public AWSConfigurationRequest getCloudProviderConfiguration()
        Getter for cloudProviderConfiguration. AWS configuration.
      • setCloudProviderConfiguration

        public void setCloudProviderConfiguration​(AWSConfigurationRequest cloudProviderConfiguration)
        Setter for cloudProviderConfiguration. AWS configuration.
      • getScale

        public String getScale()
        Getter for scale. The scale of the datalake. Allowed values are \"LIGHT_DUTY\" or \"MEDIUM_DUTY_HA\". Defaults to \"LIGHT_DUTY\" if not set.
      • setScale

        public void setScale​(String scale)
        Setter for scale. The scale of the datalake. Allowed values are \"LIGHT_DUTY\" or \"MEDIUM_DUTY_HA\". Defaults to \"LIGHT_DUTY\" if not set.
      • getRuntime

        public String getRuntime()
        Getter for runtime. Cloudera Runtime version.
      • setRuntime

        public void setRuntime​(String runtime)
        Setter for runtime. Cloudera Runtime version.
      • getImage

        public ImageRequest getImage()
        Getter for image. The image to use for the datalake. This must not be set if the runtime parameter is provided.
      • setImage

        public void setImage​(ImageRequest image)
        Setter for image. The image to use for the datalake. This must not be set if the runtime parameter is provided.
      • getEnableRangerRaz

        public Boolean getEnableRangerRaz()
        Getter for enableRangerRaz. Whether to enable Ranger RAZ for the datalake. Defaults to not being enabled.
      • setEnableRangerRaz

        public void setEnableRangerRaz​(Boolean enableRangerRaz)
        Setter for enableRangerRaz. Whether to enable Ranger RAZ for the datalake. Defaults to not being enabled.
      • getMultiAz

        public Boolean getMultiAz()
        Getter for multiAz. Controls if the datalake is deployed in a multi-availability zone way.
      • setMultiAz

        public void setMultiAz​(Boolean multiAz)
        Setter for multiAz. Controls if the datalake is deployed in a multi-availability zone way.
      • getRecipes

        public List<InstanceGroupRecipeRequest> getRecipes()
        Getter for recipes. Additional recipes that will be attached on the datalake instances (by instance groups, most common ones are like 'master' or 'idbroker').
      • setRecipes

        public void setRecipes​(List<InstanceGroupRecipeRequest> recipes)
        Setter for recipes. Additional recipes that will be attached on the datalake instances (by instance groups, most common ones are like 'master' or 'idbroker').
      • getJavaVersion

        public Integer getJavaVersion()
        Getter for javaVersion. Configure the major version of Java on the cluster.
      • setJavaVersion

        public void setJavaVersion​(Integer javaVersion)
        Setter for javaVersion. Configure the major version of Java on the cluster.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object