Class InteractiveLoginEvent


@Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen", date="2025-01-23T07:12:41.527-08:00") public class InteractiveLoginEvent extends Object
The model for a login event, as a part of CdpAuditEvent. CDP logs attempts to interactively login to the CDP console. This includes logins using Cloudera SSO and through any federated interactive login events.
  • Constructor Details

    • InteractiveLoginEvent

      public InteractiveLoginEvent()
  • Method Details

    • getIdentityProviderCrn

      public String getIdentityProviderCrn()
      Getter for identityProviderCrn. The identity provider CRN used to interactively login. For Cloudera SSO the ID is 'crn:altus:iam:us-west-1:altus:samlProvider:cloudera-sso'. For identity provider connectors the connector's CRN is used.
    • setIdentityProviderCrn

      public void setIdentityProviderCrn(String identityProviderCrn)
      Setter for identityProviderCrn. The identity provider CRN used to interactively login. For Cloudera SSO the ID is 'crn:altus:iam:us-west-1:altus:samlProvider:cloudera-sso'. For identity provider connectors the connector's CRN is used.
    • getIdentityProviderSessionId

      @Deprecated public String getIdentityProviderSessionId()
      Getter for identityProviderSessionId. The identity provider session ID for this interactive login request. For SAML 2.0 identity federation this is the SessionIndex of the SAML AuthnResponse. (Deprecated: No replacement, as this was never available.)
    • setIdentityProviderSessionId

      @Deprecated public void setIdentityProviderSessionId(String identityProviderSessionId)
      Setter for identityProviderSessionId. The identity provider session ID for this interactive login request. For SAML 2.0 identity federation this is the SessionIndex of the SAML AuthnResponse. (Deprecated: No replacement, as this was never available.)
    • getIdentityProviderUserId

      public String getIdentityProviderUserId()
      Getter for identityProviderUserId. The user ID as indicated by the identity provider. The specific format and type of this identifier is determined by the IdP. For Cloudera SSO this is the email used to login.
    • setIdentityProviderUserId

      public void setIdentityProviderUserId(String identityProviderUserId)
      Setter for identityProviderUserId. The user ID as indicated by the identity provider. The specific format and type of this identifier is determined by the IdP. For Cloudera SSO this is the email used to login.
    • getEmail

      public String getEmail()
      Getter for email. The email of the user as provided to CDP.
    • setEmail

      public void setEmail(String email)
      Setter for email. The email of the user as provided to CDP.
    • getSourceIPAddress

      public String getSourceIPAddress()
      Getter for sourceIPAddress. The source IP address from which the login request came from.
    • setSourceIPAddress

      public void setSourceIPAddress(String sourceIPAddress)
      Setter for sourceIPAddress. The source IP address from which the login request came from.
    • getFirstName

      public String getFirstName()
      Getter for firstName. The first name of the user, if provided.
    • setFirstName

      public void setFirstName(String firstName)
      Setter for firstName. The first name of the user, if provided.
    • getLastName

      public String getLastName()
      Getter for lastName. The last name of the user, if provided.
    • setLastName

      public void setLastName(String lastName)
      Setter for lastName. The last name of the user, if provided.
    • getAccountAdmin

      public Boolean getAccountAdmin()
      Getter for accountAdmin. Whether the user was marked as account admin. Can only be 'true' for users using Cloudera SSO.
    • setAccountAdmin

      public void setAccountAdmin(Boolean accountAdmin)
      Setter for accountAdmin. Whether the user was marked as account admin. Can only be 'true' for users using Cloudera SSO.
    • getGroups

      public List<String> getGroups()
      Getter for groups. A list of group names the user belongs to as received in CDP. Only available for non Cloudera SSO login events.
    • setGroups

      public void setGroups(List<String> groups)
      Setter for groups. A list of group names the user belongs to as received in CDP. Only available for non Cloudera SSO login events.
    • getUserCrn

      public String getUserCrn()
      Getter for userCrn. The CDP user CRN for the user. This may be empty if the login failed.
    • setUserCrn

      public void setUserCrn(String userCrn)
      Setter for userCrn. The CDP user CRN for the user. This may be empty if the login failed.
    • getFilteredInvalidGroups

      public List<String> getFilteredInvalidGroups()
      Getter for filteredInvalidGroups. The groups that are invalid and filtered (ignored) during the interactive login through non Cloudera SSO IdP. It is a subset of the groups the user belongs to as received in CDP. It can be empty for any of the following reasons: 1) If the account is not entitled for this feature. 2) If the membership sync is off for the IdP used during the interactive login. 3) If all the groups were valid during login through non Cloudera SSO IdP. 4) If the login is performed through Cloudera SSO. 5) If the login fails before filtering invalid groups.
    • setFilteredInvalidGroups

      public void setFilteredInvalidGroups(List<String> filteredInvalidGroups)
      Setter for filteredInvalidGroups. The groups that are invalid and filtered (ignored) during the interactive login through non Cloudera SSO IdP. It is a subset of the groups the user belongs to as received in CDP. It can be empty for any of the following reasons: 1) If the account is not entitled for this feature. 2) If the membership sync is off for the IdP used during the interactive login. 3) If all the groups were valid during login through non Cloudera SSO IdP. 4) If the login is performed through Cloudera SSO. 5) If the login fails before filtering invalid groups.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object