Class ArchiveBatch

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class ArchiveBatch
    extends Object
    Information about a batch of audit events that were archived.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArchiveBatch

        public ArchiveBatch()
    • Method Detail

      • getAccountId

        public String getAccountId()
        Getter for accountId. The account ID for which events were archived.
      • setAccountId

        public void setAccountId​(String accountId)
        Setter for accountId. The account ID for which events were archived.
      • getEventCount

        public Long getEventCount()
        Getter for eventCount. The number of events archived. A negative number indicates that the count is not available.
      • setEventCount

        public void setEventCount​(Long eventCount)
        Setter for eventCount. The number of events archived. A negative number indicates that the count is not available.
      • getArchiveId

        public String getArchiveId()
        Getter for archiveId. The archive ID of the batch.
      • setArchiveId

        public void setArchiveId​(String archiveId)
        Setter for archiveId. The archive ID of the batch.
      • getArchiveTimestamp

        public Long getArchiveTimestamp()
        Getter for archiveTimestamp. The archive timestamp of the batch.
      • setArchiveTimestamp

        public void setArchiveTimestamp​(Long archiveTimestamp)
        Setter for archiveTimestamp. The archive timestamp of the batch.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object