Class BackupDatalakeStatusRequest


@Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen", date="2025-01-23T07:12:40.257-08:00") public class BackupDatalakeStatusRequest extends Object
Request object to get the status of datalake backup. Returns the status of the latest backup that matches the provided input.
  • Constructor Details

    • BackupDatalakeStatusRequest

      public BackupDatalakeStatusRequest()
  • Method Details

    • getDatalakeName

      public String getDatalakeName()
      Getter for datalakeName. The name of the datalake. When backupName and backupId are not provided, status request will get the status of the latest backup operation performed on the given datalake.
    • setDatalakeName

      public void setDatalakeName(String datalakeName)
      Setter for datalakeName. The name of the datalake. When backupName and backupId are not provided, status request will get the status of the latest backup operation performed on the given datalake.
    • getBackupName

      public String getBackupName()
      Getter for backupName. The name of the backup. When provided, the status request will get the status of the latest backup performed with the given backup name on the given datalake.
    • setBackupName

      public void setBackupName(String backupName)
      Setter for backupName. The name of the backup. When provided, the status request will get the status of the latest backup performed with the given backup name on the given datalake.
    • getBackupId

      public String getBackupId()
      Getter for backupId. Unique identifier of the backup performed. When provided, the status request will get the status entry that has the backupid provided.
    • setBackupId

      public void setBackupId(String backupId)
      Setter for backupId. Unique identifier of the backup performed. When provided, the status request will get the status entry that has the backupid provided.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object