Class BackupDatalakeRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class BackupDatalakeRequest
    extends Object
    Request object to perform a backup of datalake.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BackupDatalakeRequest

        public BackupDatalakeRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getDatalakeName

        public String getDatalakeName()
        Getter for datalakeName. The name of the datalake.
      • setDatalakeName

        public void setDatalakeName​(String datalakeName)
        Setter for datalakeName. The name of the datalake.
      • getBackupLocation

        public String getBackupLocation()
        Getter for backupLocation. Location where the back-up has to be stored. For example s3a://Location/of/the/backup.
      • setBackupLocation

        public void setBackupLocation​(String backupLocation)
        Setter for backupLocation. Location where the back-up has to be stored. For example s3a://Location/of/the/backup.
      • getBackupName

        public String getBackupName()
        Getter for backupName. The name of the backup.
      • setBackupName

        public void setBackupName​(String backupName)
        Setter for backupName. The name of the backup.
      • getCloseDbConnections

        public Boolean getCloseDbConnections()
        Getter for closeDbConnections. Close the database connections while performing backup. Default is true.
      • setCloseDbConnections

        public void setCloseDbConnections​(Boolean closeDbConnections)
        Setter for closeDbConnections. Close the database connections while performing backup. Default is true.
      • getSkipRangerHmsMetadata

        public Boolean getSkipRangerHmsMetadata()
        Getter for skipRangerHmsMetadata. Skips the backup of the databases backing HMS/Ranger services. If this option is not provided, the HMS/Ranger services are backed up by default.
      • setSkipRangerHmsMetadata

        public void setSkipRangerHmsMetadata​(Boolean skipRangerHmsMetadata)
        Setter for skipRangerHmsMetadata. Skips the backup of the databases backing HMS/Ranger services. If this option is not provided, the HMS/Ranger services are backed up by default.
      • getSkipAtlasMetadata

        public Boolean getSkipAtlasMetadata()
        Getter for skipAtlasMetadata. Skips the backup of the Atlas metadata. If this option is not provided, the Atlas metadata is backed up by default.
      • setSkipAtlasMetadata

        public void setSkipAtlasMetadata​(Boolean skipAtlasMetadata)
        Setter for skipAtlasMetadata. Skips the backup of the Atlas metadata. If this option is not provided, the Atlas metadata is backed up by default.
      • getSkipRangerAudits

        public Boolean getSkipRangerAudits()
        Getter for skipRangerAudits. Skips the backup of the Ranger audits. If this option is not provided, Ranger audits are backed up by default.
      • setSkipRangerAudits

        public void setSkipRangerAudits​(Boolean skipRangerAudits)
        Setter for skipRangerAudits. Skips the backup of the Ranger audits. If this option is not provided, Ranger audits are backed up by default.
      • getSkipAtlasIndexes

        public Boolean getSkipAtlasIndexes()
        Getter for skipAtlasIndexes. Skips the backup of the Atlas indexes. If this option or --skipAtlasMetadata is not provided, Atlas indexes are backed up by default. Redundant if --skipAtlasMetadata is included.
      • setSkipAtlasIndexes

        public void setSkipAtlasIndexes​(Boolean skipAtlasIndexes)
        Setter for skipAtlasIndexes. Skips the backup of the Atlas indexes. If this option or --skipAtlasMetadata is not provided, Atlas indexes are backed up by default. Redundant if --skipAtlasMetadata is included.
      • getSkipValidation

        public Boolean getSkipValidation()
        Getter for skipValidation. Skips the validation steps that run prior to the backup. If this option is not provided, the validations are performed by default.
      • setSkipValidation

        public void setSkipValidation​(Boolean skipValidation)
        Setter for skipValidation. Skips the validation steps that run prior to the backup. If this option is not provided, the validations are performed by default.
      • getValidationOnly

        public Boolean getValidationOnly()
        Getter for validationOnly. Runs only the validation steps and then returns. If this option is not provided, the backup is performed as normal by default.
      • setValidationOnly

        public void setValidationOnly​(Boolean validationOnly)
        Setter for validationOnly. Runs only the validation steps and then returns. If this option is not provided, the backup is performed as normal by default.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object