Class WorkloadPasswordDetails

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class WorkloadPasswordDetails
    extends Object
    Information about the workload password for a user or machine user.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WorkloadPasswordDetails

        public WorkloadPasswordDetails()
    • Method Detail

      • getIsPasswordSet

        public Boolean getIsPasswordSet()
        Getter for isPasswordSet. Whether a workload password is set.
      • setIsPasswordSet

        public void setIsPasswordSet​(Boolean isPasswordSet)
        Setter for isPasswordSet. Whether a workload password is set.
      • getPasswordExpirationDate

        public ZonedDateTime getPasswordExpirationDate()
        Getter for passwordExpirationDate. The date at which the workload password will expire.
      • setPasswordExpirationDate

        public void setPasswordExpirationDate​(ZonedDateTime passwordExpirationDate)
        Setter for passwordExpirationDate. The date at which the workload password will expire.
      • getPasswordMinLifetimeDate

        public ZonedDateTime getPasswordMinLifetimeDate()
        Getter for passwordMinLifetimeDate. The minimum lifetime date of the workload password. A new password can't be set until this date.
      • setPasswordMinLifetimeDate

        public void setPasswordMinLifetimeDate​(ZonedDateTime passwordMinLifetimeDate)
        Setter for passwordMinLifetimeDate. The minimum lifetime date of the workload password. A new password can't be set until this date.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object