Class Workspace


@Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen", date="2025-01-23T07:12:39.983-08:00") public class Workspace extends Object
A ML workbench, which includes the cluster and storage.
  • Constructor Details

    • Workspace

      public Workspace()
  • Method Details

    • getInstanceName

      public String getInstanceName()
      Getter for instanceName. The name of the workbench.
    • setInstanceName

      public void setInstanceName(String instanceName)
      Setter for instanceName. The name of the workbench.
    • getEnvironmentName

      public String getEnvironmentName()
      Getter for environmentName. The name of the workbench's environment.
    • setEnvironmentName

      public void setEnvironmentName(String environmentName)
      Setter for environmentName. The name of the workbench's environment.
    • getInstanceStatus

      public String getInstanceStatus()
      Getter for instanceStatus. The workbench's current status.
    • setInstanceStatus

      public void setInstanceStatus(String instanceStatus)
      Setter for instanceStatus. The workbench's current status.
    • getInstanceUrl

      public String getInstanceUrl()
      Getter for instanceUrl. URL of the workbench's user interface.
    • setInstanceUrl

      public void setInstanceUrl(String instanceUrl)
      Setter for instanceUrl. URL of the workbench's user interface.
    • getEnvironmentCrn

      public String getEnvironmentCrn()
      Getter for environmentCrn. CRN of the environment.
    • setEnvironmentCrn

      public void setEnvironmentCrn(String environmentCrn)
      Setter for environmentCrn. CRN of the environment.
    • getCrn

      public String getCrn()
      Getter for crn. The CRN of the workbench.
    • setCrn

      public void setCrn(String crn)
      Setter for crn. The CRN of the workbench.
    • getK8sClusterName

      public String getK8sClusterName()
      Getter for k8sClusterName. The Kubernetes cluster name.
    • setK8sClusterName

      public void setK8sClusterName(String k8sClusterName)
      Setter for k8sClusterName. The Kubernetes cluster name.
    • getCreatorCrn

      public String getCreatorCrn()
      Getter for creatorCrn. The CRN of the creator of the workbench.
    • setCreatorCrn

      public void setCreatorCrn(String creatorCrn)
      Setter for creatorCrn. The CRN of the creator of the workbench.
    • getVersion

      public String getVersion()
      Getter for version. The version of Cloudera AI that was installed on the workbench.
    • setVersion

      public void setVersion(String version)
      Setter for version. The version of Cloudera AI that was installed on the workbench.
    • getHttpsEnabled

      public Boolean getHttpsEnabled()
      Getter for httpsEnabled. To Display if Https is enabled or not.
    • setHttpsEnabled

      public void setHttpsEnabled(Boolean httpsEnabled)
      Setter for httpsEnabled. To Display if Https is enabled or not.
    • getEndpointPublicAccess

      public Boolean getEndpointPublicAccess()
      Getter for endpointPublicAccess. To check if the cluster is publicly accessible or not.
    • setEndpointPublicAccess

      public void setEndpointPublicAccess(Boolean endpointPublicAccess)
      Setter for endpointPublicAccess. To check if the cluster is publicly accessible or not.
    • getFilesystemID

      public String getFilesystemID()
      Getter for filesystemID. filesystemID used by the workbench
    • setFilesystemID

      public void setFilesystemID(String filesystemID)
      Setter for filesystemID. filesystemID used by the workbench
    • getTags

      public List<Tag> getTags()
      Getter for tags. Tags provided by the user at the time of workbench creation.
    • setTags

      public void setTags(List<Tag> tags)
      Setter for tags. Tags provided by the user at the time of workbench creation.
    • getInstanceGroups

      public List<WorkspaceInstanceGroup> getInstanceGroups()
      Getter for instanceGroups. The instance groups.
    • setInstanceGroups

      public void setInstanceGroups(List<WorkspaceInstanceGroup> instanceGroups)
      Setter for instanceGroups. The instance groups.
    • getCloudPlatform

      public String getCloudPlatform()
      Getter for cloudPlatform. The cloud platform of the environment that was used to create this workbench.
    • setCloudPlatform

      public void setCloudPlatform(String cloudPlatform)
      Setter for cloudPlatform. The cloud platform of the environment that was used to create this workbench.
    • getMonitoringEnabled

      public Boolean getMonitoringEnabled()
      Getter for monitoringEnabled. If usage monitoring is enabled or not on this workbench.
    • setMonitoringEnabled

      public void setMonitoringEnabled(Boolean monitoringEnabled)
      Setter for monitoringEnabled. If usage monitoring is enabled or not on this workbench.
    • getLoadBalancerIPWhitelists

      public List<String> getLoadBalancerIPWhitelists()
      Getter for loadBalancerIPWhitelists. IP whitelist for loadBalancer.
    • setLoadBalancerIPWhitelists

      public void setLoadBalancerIPWhitelists(List<String> loadBalancerIPWhitelists)
      Setter for loadBalancerIPWhitelists. IP whitelist for loadBalancer.
    • getCreationDate

      public ZonedDateTime getCreationDate()
      Getter for creationDate. Creation date of workbench.
    • setCreationDate

      public void setCreationDate(ZonedDateTime creationDate)
      Setter for creationDate. Creation date of workbench.
    • getHealthInfoLists

      public List<HealthInfo> getHealthInfoLists()
      Getter for healthInfoLists. The health info information of the workbench.
    • setHealthInfoLists

      public void setHealthInfoLists(List<HealthInfo> healthInfoLists)
      Setter for healthInfoLists. The health info information of the workbench.
    • getFailureMessage

      public String getFailureMessage()
      Getter for failureMessage. Failure message from the most recent failure that has occurred during workbench provisioning.
    • setFailureMessage

      public void setFailureMessage(String failureMessage)
      Setter for failureMessage. Failure message from the most recent failure that has occurred during workbench provisioning.
    • getClusterBaseDomain

      public String getClusterBaseDomain()
      Getter for clusterBaseDomain. The basedomain of the cluster.
    • setClusterBaseDomain

      public void setClusterBaseDomain(String clusterBaseDomain)
      Setter for clusterBaseDomain. The basedomain of the cluster.
    • getModelMetricsEnabled

      public Boolean getModelMetricsEnabled()
      Getter for modelMetricsEnabled. Whether model metrics is enabled.
    • setModelMetricsEnabled

      public void setModelMetricsEnabled(Boolean modelMetricsEnabled)
      Setter for modelMetricsEnabled. Whether model metrics is enabled.
    • getGovernanceEnabled

      public Boolean getGovernanceEnabled()
      Getter for governanceEnabled. Whether governance is enabled.
    • setGovernanceEnabled

      public void setGovernanceEnabled(Boolean governanceEnabled)
      Setter for governanceEnabled. Whether governance is enabled.
    • getSubnets

      public List<String> getSubnets()
      Getter for subnets. The subnets of the workbench.
    • setSubnets

      public void setSubnets(List<String> subnets)
      Setter for subnets. The subnets of the workbench.
    • getWhitelistAuthorizedIPRanges

      public Boolean getWhitelistAuthorizedIPRanges()
      Getter for whitelistAuthorizedIPRanges. Whether to whitelist only 'authorizedIPRanges' given or all public IPs.
    • setWhitelistAuthorizedIPRanges

      public void setWhitelistAuthorizedIPRanges(Boolean whitelistAuthorizedIPRanges)
      Setter for whitelistAuthorizedIPRanges. Whether to whitelist only 'authorizedIPRanges' given or all public IPs.
    • getAuthorizedIPRanges

      public List<String> getAuthorizedIPRanges()
      Getter for authorizedIPRanges. The whitelist of CIDR blocks which can access the API server.
    • setAuthorizedIPRanges

      public void setAuthorizedIPRanges(List<String> authorizedIPRanges)
      Setter for authorizedIPRanges. The whitelist of CIDR blocks which can access the API server.
    • getNfsVersion

      public String getNfsVersion()
      Getter for nfsVersion. NFS Version of the filesystem.
    • setNfsVersion

      public void setNfsVersion(String nfsVersion)
      Setter for nfsVersion. NFS Version of the filesystem.
    • getSubnetsForLoadBalancers

      public List<String> getSubnetsForLoadBalancers()
      Getter for subnetsForLoadBalancers. The list of subnets used for the load balancer that Cloudera AI creates.
    • setSubnetsForLoadBalancers

      public void setSubnetsForLoadBalancers(List<String> subnetsForLoadBalancers)
      Setter for subnetsForLoadBalancers. The list of subnets used for the load balancer that Cloudera AI creates.
    • getUpgradeState

      public UpgradeState getUpgradeState()
      Getter for upgradeState. The upgrade state contains the workbench upgrade information.
    • setUpgradeState

      public void setUpgradeState(UpgradeState upgradeState)
      Setter for upgradeState. The upgrade state contains the workbench upgrade information.
    • getBackupMetadata

      public BackupMetadata getBackupMetadata()
      Getter for backupMetadata. The Backup MetaData for this workbench
    • setBackupMetadata

      public void setBackupMetadata(BackupMetadata backupMetadata)
      Setter for backupMetadata. The Backup MetaData for this workbench
    • getClusterID

      public String getClusterID()
      Getter for clusterID. The Cluster ID for the workbench.
    • setClusterID

      public void setClusterID(String clusterID)
      Setter for clusterID. The Cluster ID for the workbench.
    • getIsPrivate

      public Boolean getIsPrivate()
      Getter for isPrivate. The value to indicate if the cluster is private or not.
    • setIsPrivate

      public void setIsPrivate(Boolean isPrivate)
      Setter for isPrivate. The value to indicate if the cluster is private or not.
    • getIsRestored

      public Boolean getIsRestored()
      Getter for isRestored. The value to indicate if the workbench is restored one or not
    • setIsRestored

      public void setIsRestored(Boolean isRestored)
      Setter for isRestored. The value to indicate if the workbench is restored one or not
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object