Class WorkspaceInstanceGroup


@Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen", date="2025-01-23T07:12:39.983-08:00") public class WorkspaceInstanceGroup extends Object
Instance group information to show in workbench details.
  • Constructor Details

    • WorkspaceInstanceGroup

      public WorkspaceInstanceGroup()
  • Method Details

    • getInstanceType

      public String getInstanceType()
      Getter for instanceType. The cloud provider instance type for the node instance.
    • setInstanceType

      public void setInstanceType(String instanceType)
      Setter for instanceType. The cloud provider instance type for the node instance.
    • getInstanceCount

      public Integer getInstanceCount()
      Getter for instanceCount. The initial number of instance node.
    • setInstanceCount

      public void setInstanceCount(Integer instanceCount)
      Setter for instanceCount. The initial number of instance node.
    • getInstanceGroupName

      public String getInstanceGroupName()
      Getter for instanceGroupName. The unique name of the instance group.
    • setInstanceGroupName

      public void setInstanceGroupName(String instanceGroupName)
      Setter for instanceGroupName. The unique name of the instance group.
    • getMinInstances

      public Integer getMinInstances()
      Getter for minInstances. The minimum number of instances that can be deployed to this instance group. If the value is 0, the group might be empty.
    • setMinInstances

      public void setMinInstances(Integer minInstances)
      Setter for minInstances. The minimum number of instances that can be deployed to this instance group. If the value is 0, the group might be empty.
    • getMaxInstances

      public Integer getMaxInstances()
      Getter for maxInstances. The maximum number of instances that can be deployed to this instance group.
    • setMaxInstances

      public void setMaxInstances(Integer maxInstances)
      Setter for maxInstances. The maximum number of instances that can be deployed to this instance group.
    • getInstances

      public List<Instance> getInstances()
      Getter for instances. Instances in the instance group.
    • setInstances

      public void setInstances(List<Instance> instances)
      Setter for instances. Instances in the instance group.
    • getTags

      public List<Tag> getTags()
      Getter for tags. Tags are key/value pairs that are applied to all tag-able resources deployed in the workbench's cloud environment.
    • setTags

      public void setTags(List<Tag> tags)
      Setter for tags. Tags are key/value pairs that are applied to all tag-able resources deployed in the workbench's cloud environment.
    • getCpu

      public String getCpu()
      Getter for cpu. Number of CPUs attached to this instance type.
    • setCpu

      public void setCpu(String cpu)
      Setter for cpu. Number of CPUs attached to this instance type.
    • getGpu

      public String getGpu()
      Getter for gpu. Number of GPUs attached to this instance type.
    • setGpu

      public void setGpu(String gpu)
      Setter for gpu. Number of GPUs attached to this instance type.
    • getMemory

      public String getMemory()
      Getter for memory. Memory in GiB attached to this instance type.
    • setMemory

      public void setMemory(String memory)
      Setter for memory. Memory in GiB attached to this instance type.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object