Class ReadyflowDetails

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class ReadyflowDetails
    extends Object
    A detailed representation of a ready flow.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReadyflowDetails

        public ReadyflowDetails()
    • Method Detail

      • getReadyflowCrn

        public String getReadyflowCrn()
        Getter for readyflowCrn. The ready flow CRN
      • setReadyflowCrn

        public void setReadyflowCrn​(String readyflowCrn)
        Setter for readyflowCrn. The ready flow CRN
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Getter for name. The ready flow name
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Setter for name. The ready flow name
      • getAuthor

        public String getAuthor()
        Getter for author. The author of the most recent version
      • setAuthor

        public void setAuthor​(String author)
        Setter for author. The author of the most recent version
      • getSummary

        public String getSummary()
        Getter for summary. The ready flow summary (short)
      • setSummary

        public void setSummary​(String summary)
        Setter for summary. The ready flow summary (short)
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Getter for description. The ready flow description (long)
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        Setter for description. The ready flow description (long)
      • getDocumentationLink

        public String getDocumentationLink()
        Getter for documentationLink. A link to the ready flow documentation
      • setDocumentationLink

        public void setDocumentationLink​(String documentationLink)
        Setter for documentationLink. A link to the ready flow documentation
      • getNotes

        public String getNotes()
        Getter for notes. Optional notes about the ready flow
      • setNotes

        public void setNotes​(String notes)
        Setter for notes. Optional notes about the ready flow
      • getSource

        public String getSource()
        Getter for source. The ready flow data source
      • setSource

        public void setSource​(String source)
        Setter for source. The ready flow data source
      • getSourceDataFormat

        public String getSourceDataFormat()
        Getter for sourceDataFormat. The ready flow data source format
      • setSourceDataFormat

        public void setSourceDataFormat​(String sourceDataFormat)
        Setter for sourceDataFormat. The ready flow data source format
      • getDestination

        public String getDestination()
        Getter for destination. The ready flow data destination
      • setDestination

        public void setDestination​(String destination)
        Setter for destination. The ready flow data destination
      • getDestinationDataFormat

        public String getDestinationDataFormat()
        Getter for destinationDataFormat. The ready flow data destination format
      • setDestinationDataFormat

        public void setDestinationDataFormat​(String destinationDataFormat)
        Setter for destinationDataFormat. The ready flow data destination format
      • getImported

        public Boolean getImported()
        Getter for imported. Whether the ready flow has been imported into the current account
      • setImported

        public void setImported​(Boolean imported)
        Setter for imported. Whether the ready flow has been imported into the current account
      • getModifiedTimestamp

        public Long getModifiedTimestamp()
        Getter for modifiedTimestamp. The modified timestamp.
      • setModifiedTimestamp

        public void setModifiedTimestamp​(Long modifiedTimestamp)
        Setter for modifiedTimestamp. The modified timestamp.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object