Class AutoscalingOptionsCreateRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class AutoscalingOptionsCreateRequest
    extends Object
    Auto-scaling configuration for a Virtual Warehouse.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AutoscalingOptionsCreateRequest

        public AutoscalingOptionsCreateRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getMinClusters

        public Integer getMinClusters()
        Getter for minClusters. Minimum number of available compute groups.
      • setMinClusters

        public void setMinClusters​(Integer minClusters)
        Setter for minClusters. Minimum number of available compute groups.
      • getMaxClusters

        public Integer getMaxClusters()
        Getter for maxClusters. Maximum number of available compute groups.
      • setMaxClusters

        public void setMaxClusters​(Integer maxClusters)
        Setter for maxClusters. Maximum number of available compute groups.
      • getDisableAutoSuspend

        public Boolean getDisableAutoSuspend()
        Getter for disableAutoSuspend. Turn off auto suspend for Virtual Warehouse.
      • setDisableAutoSuspend

        public void setDisableAutoSuspend​(Boolean disableAutoSuspend)
        Setter for disableAutoSuspend. Turn off auto suspend for Virtual Warehouse.
      • getAutoSuspendTimeoutSeconds

        public Integer getAutoSuspendTimeoutSeconds()
        Getter for autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds. Auto suspend threshold for Virtual Warehouse.
      • setAutoSuspendTimeoutSeconds

        public void setAutoSuspendTimeoutSeconds​(Integer autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds)
        Setter for autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds. Auto suspend threshold for Virtual Warehouse.
      • getEnableUnifiedAnalytics

        public Boolean getEnableUnifiedAnalytics()
        Getter for enableUnifiedAnalytics. DEPRECATED in favor of the top level enableUnifiedAnalytics flag. Enable Unified Analytics. In case of Hive Virtual Warehouses this cannot be provided, because this value is inferred. In case of Impala this can be set. Passing --query-isolation-options will be considered if this flag is set to true. If Unified Analytics enabled then the \"impalaEnableShutdownOfCoordinator\" explicitly disabled and should not be provided, furthermore the \"impalaHighAvailabilityMode\" cannot be set to ACTIVE_ACTIVE.
      • setEnableUnifiedAnalytics

        public void setEnableUnifiedAnalytics​(Boolean enableUnifiedAnalytics)
        Setter for enableUnifiedAnalytics. DEPRECATED in favor of the top level enableUnifiedAnalytics flag. Enable Unified Analytics. In case of Hive Virtual Warehouses this cannot be provided, because this value is inferred. In case of Impala this can be set. Passing --query-isolation-options will be considered if this flag is set to true. If Unified Analytics enabled then the \"impalaEnableShutdownOfCoordinator\" explicitly disabled and should not be provided, furthermore the \"impalaHighAvailabilityMode\" cannot be set to ACTIVE_ACTIVE.
      • getHiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds

        public Integer getHiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds()
        Getter for hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds. Set wait time before a scale event happens. Either \"hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds\" or \"hiveDesiredFreeCapacity\" can be provided.
      • setHiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds

        public void setHiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds​(Integer hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds)
        Setter for hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds. Set wait time before a scale event happens. Either \"hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds\" or \"hiveDesiredFreeCapacity\" can be provided.
      • getHiveDesiredFreeCapacity

        public Integer getHiveDesiredFreeCapacity()
        Getter for hiveDesiredFreeCapacity. Set Desired free capacity. Either \"hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds\" or \"hiveDesiredFreeCapacity\" can be provided.
      • setHiveDesiredFreeCapacity

        public void setHiveDesiredFreeCapacity​(Integer hiveDesiredFreeCapacity)
        Setter for hiveDesiredFreeCapacity. Set Desired free capacity. Either \"hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds\" or \"hiveDesiredFreeCapacity\" can be provided.
      • getImpalaHighAvailabilityMode

        public String getImpalaHighAvailabilityMode()
        Getter for impalaHighAvailabilityMode. DEPRECATED in favor of the top level impalaHASettings object. Set High Availability mode. If not provided the default will apply. This value is disregarded for Hive.
      • setImpalaHighAvailabilityMode

        public void setImpalaHighAvailabilityMode​(String impalaHighAvailabilityMode)
        Setter for impalaHighAvailabilityMode. DEPRECATED in favor of the top level impalaHASettings object. Set High Availability mode. If not provided the default will apply. This value is disregarded for Hive.
      • getImpalaScaleUpDelaySeconds

        public Integer getImpalaScaleUpDelaySeconds()
        Getter for impalaScaleUpDelaySeconds. Scale up the scaling up threshold in seconds. If not provided defaults will apply.
      • setImpalaScaleUpDelaySeconds

        public void setImpalaScaleUpDelaySeconds​(Integer impalaScaleUpDelaySeconds)
        Setter for impalaScaleUpDelaySeconds. Scale up the scaling up threshold in seconds. If not provided defaults will apply.
      • getImpalaScaleDownDelaySeconds

        public Integer getImpalaScaleDownDelaySeconds()
        Getter for impalaScaleDownDelaySeconds. Scale down threshold in seconds. If not provided defaults will apply.
      • setImpalaScaleDownDelaySeconds

        public void setImpalaScaleDownDelaySeconds​(Integer impalaScaleDownDelaySeconds)
        Setter for impalaScaleDownDelaySeconds. Scale down threshold in seconds. If not provided defaults will apply.
      • getImpalaEnableShutdownOfCoordinator

        public Boolean getImpalaEnableShutdownOfCoordinator()
        Getter for impalaEnableShutdownOfCoordinator. DEPRECATED in favor of the top level impalaHASettings object. Enables a shutdown of the coordinator. If Unified Analytics enabled then this setting explicitly disabled and should not be provided.
      • setImpalaEnableShutdownOfCoordinator

        public void setImpalaEnableShutdownOfCoordinator​(Boolean impalaEnableShutdownOfCoordinator)
        Setter for impalaEnableShutdownOfCoordinator. DEPRECATED in favor of the top level impalaHASettings object. Enables a shutdown of the coordinator. If Unified Analytics enabled then this setting explicitly disabled and should not be provided.
      • getImpalaShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds

        public Integer getImpalaShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds()
        Getter for impalaShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds. DEPRECATED in favor of the top level impalaHASettings object. Delay in seconds before the shutdown of coordinator event happens.
      • setImpalaShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds

        public void setImpalaShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds​(Integer impalaShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds)
        Setter for impalaShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds. DEPRECATED in favor of the top level impalaHASettings object. Delay in seconds before the shutdown of coordinator event happens.
      • getImpalaNumOfActiveCoordinators

        public Integer getImpalaNumOfActiveCoordinators()
        Getter for impalaNumOfActiveCoordinators. DEPRECATED in favor of the top level impalaHASettings object. Number of the active coordinators.
      • setImpalaNumOfActiveCoordinators

        public void setImpalaNumOfActiveCoordinators​(Integer impalaNumOfActiveCoordinators)
        Setter for impalaNumOfActiveCoordinators. DEPRECATED in favor of the top level impalaHASettings object. Number of the active coordinators.
      • getImpalaEnableCatalogHighAvailability

        public Boolean getImpalaEnableCatalogHighAvailability()
        Getter for impalaEnableCatalogHighAvailability. DEPRECATED in favor of the top level impalaHASettings object. Enables a backup instance for Impala catalog to ensure high availability.
      • setImpalaEnableCatalogHighAvailability

        public void setImpalaEnableCatalogHighAvailability​(Boolean impalaEnableCatalogHighAvailability)
        Setter for impalaEnableCatalogHighAvailability. DEPRECATED in favor of the top level impalaHASettings object. Enables a backup instance for Impala catalog to ensure high availability.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object