Class CdpClientConfigurationBuilder


public class CdpClientConfigurationBuilder extends Object
Class used to build an CdpClientConfiguration object.
  • Method Details

    • withMaxConnections

      public CdpClientConfigurationBuilder withMaxConnections(int maxConnections)
      Sets the maximum number of allowed open HTTP connections.
      maxConnections - The maximum number of allowed open HTTP connections.
      a reference to the CdpClientConfiguration object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • getMaxConnections

      public int getMaxConnections()
      Returns the maximum number of allowed open HTTP connections.
      The maximum number of allowed open HTTP connections.
    • withClientApplicationName

      public CdpClientConfigurationBuilder withClientApplicationName(String clientApplicationName)
      Sets the client application name.
      clientApplicationName - - Name of the the client application.
      a reference to the CdpClientConfiguration object so that method calls can be chained together.
    • getClientApplicationName

      public String getClientApplicationName()
      Returns the client application name if set optionally by a customer or a partner application. This client application name would be used by Cloudera to derive metrics around CDP SDK adoption by different customers and partners.
      the client application name, if set, otherwise returns "" (empty string) by default
    • withConnectionTimeout

      public CdpClientConfigurationBuilder withConnectionTimeout(Duration connectionTimeout)
      Sets the connection timeout on the underlying HTTP client.
      connectionTimeout - the connection timeout
      the builder.
    • getConnectionTimeout

      public Duration getConnectionTimeout()
      Gets the connection timeout of the underlying HTTP connection.
      the connection timeout
    • withReadTimeout

      public CdpClientConfigurationBuilder withReadTimeout(Duration readTimeout)
      Sets the read timeout on the underlying HTTP client.
      readTimeout - the read timeout
      Returns a reference to the CdpClientConfiguration object so that method calls can be chained together
    • getReadTimeout

      public Duration getReadTimeout()
      Gets the read timeout on the underlying HTTP client.
      the read timeout
    • withConnectionMaxIdle

      public CdpClientConfigurationBuilder withConnectionMaxIdle(Duration connectionMaxIdle)
      Sets the maximum amount of time that an idle connection may sit in the connection pool and still be eligible for reuse. When retrieving a connection from the pool to make a request, the amount of time the connection has been idle is compared against this value. Connections which have been idle for longer are discarded, and if needed a new connection is created. Tuning this setting down reduces the likelihood of a race condition (wherein you begin sending a request down a connection which appears to be healthy, but before it arrives the service decides the connection has been idle for too long and closes it) at the cost of having to re-establish new connections more frequently. A non positive value disables this check.
      connectionMaxIdle - the connectionMaxIdle value
      the builder.
    • getConnectionMaxIdle

      public Duration getConnectionMaxIdle()
      Returns the maximum amount of time that an idle connection may sit in the connection pool and still be eligible for reuse. When retrieving a connection from the pool to make a request, the amount of time the connection has been idle is compared against this value. Connections which have been idle for longer are discarded, and if needed a new connection is created. Tuning this setting down reduces the likelihood of a race condition (wherein you begin sending a request down a connection which appears to be healthy, but before it arrives the service decides the connection has been idle for too long and closes it) at the cost of having to re-establish new connections more frequently.
      the connection maximum idle time
    • withValidateAfterInactivity

      public CdpClientConfigurationBuilder withValidateAfterInactivity(Duration validateAfterInactivity)
      Sets the amount of time that a connection can be idle in the connection pool before it must be validated to ensure it's still open. This "stale connection check" adds a small bit of overhead to validate the connection. Setting this value to larger values may increase the likelihood that the connection is not usable, potentially resulting in a NoHttpResponseException. Lowering this setting increases the overhead when leasing connections from the connection pool. A non positive value disables validation of connections.
      validateAfterInactivity - the validateAfterInactivity value
      the builder.
    • getValidateAfterInactivity

      public Duration getValidateAfterInactivity()
      Returns the amount of time that a connection can be idle in the connection pool before it must be validated to ensure it's still open. This "stale connection check" adds a small bit of overhead to validate the connection. Setting this value to larger values may increase the likelihood that the connection is not usable, potentially resulting in a NoHttpResponseException. Lowering this setting increases the overhead when leasing connections from the connection pool. A non positive value disables validation of connections.
      the validate after inactivity duration
    • withRetryHandler

      public CdpClientConfigurationBuilder withRetryHandler(RetryHandler retryHandler)
      Sets the value for RetryHandler. If none is set the SimpleRetryHandler is used. The retry handler determines whether or not to retry service operations in the event of a failure or exception.
      retryHandler - The retry handler to use
      the current value of the flag as a boolean
    • getRetryHandler

      public RetryHandler getRetryHandler()
      Gets the current value of the retryHandler property.
      a RetryHandler object with the current value of the retryHandler property
    • withProxyUri

      public CdpClientConfigurationBuilder withProxyUri(@Nullable String proxyUri)
      Sets the value of the proxy URI. If not set or explicitly set to null, then no proxy will be used for connections. The string should be of the form: http(s)://hostname:port/
      proxyUri - The Proxy URI
      a reference to the CdpClientConfiguration object so that method calls can be chained together
    • getProxyUri

      public String getProxyUri()
      Gets the current proxy URI.
      the proxy URI
    • withProxyUsername

      public CdpClientConfigurationBuilder withProxyUsername(@Nullable String proxyUsername)
      Sets the value of the proxy username. If not set or explicitly set to null, the connection to the proxy will not be authenticated
      proxyUsername - The Proxy Username
      a reference to the CdpClientConfiguration object so that method calls can be chained together
    • getProxyUsername

      public String getProxyUsername()
      Gets the current proxy username.
      the proxy username
    • withProxyPassword

      public CdpClientConfigurationBuilder withProxyPassword(@Nullable String proxyPassword)
      Sets the value of the proxy password.
      proxyPassword - The Proxy Password
      a reference to the CdpClientConfiguration object so that method calls can be chained together
    • getProxyPassword

      public String getProxyPassword()
      Gets the current proxy password.
      the proxy password
    • withIgnoreTls

      public CdpClientConfigurationBuilder withIgnoreTls(boolean ignoreTls)
      Sets the switch to ignore HTTPS verification errors.
      ignoreTls - The switch to ignore HTTPS verification errors
      a reference to the CdpClientConfiguration object so that method calls can be chained together
    • getIgnoreTls

      public boolean getIgnoreTls()
      Gets the switch to ignore HTTPS verification errors.
      the switch to ignore HTTPS verification errors
    • withTrustedCertificates

      public CdpClientConfigurationBuilder withTrustedCertificates(List<X509Certificate> trustedCertificates)
      Sets the trusted certificates.
      trustedCertificates - The trusted certificates
      a reference to the CdpClientConfiguration object so that method calls can be chained together
    • addTrustedCertificate

      public CdpClientConfigurationBuilder addTrustedCertificate(X509Certificate trustedCertificate)
      Adds the trusted certificate.
      trustedCertificate - The trusted certificate
      a reference to the CdpClientConfiguration object so that method calls can be chained together
    • getTrustedCertificates

      public List<X509Certificate> getTrustedCertificates()
      Gets the trusted certificates.
      the trusted certificates
    • withRequestHeaders

      public CdpClientConfigurationBuilder withRequestHeaders(Map<String,String> requestHeaders)
      Sets the request headers.
      requestHeaders - The request headers
      a reference to the CdpClientConfiguration object so that method calls can be chained together
    • addRequestHeader

      public CdpClientConfigurationBuilder addRequestHeader(String name, String value)
      Adds the request header.
      name - The request header name
      value - The request header value
      a reference to the CdpClientConfiguration object so that method calls can be chained together
    • getRequestHeaders

      public Map<String,String> getRequestHeaders()
      Gets the request headers.
      the request headers
    • defaultBuilder

      public static CdpClientConfigurationBuilder defaultBuilder()
      Gets an CdpClientConfigurationBuilder object with all the default values set.
      an CdpClientConfiguration object with default values for each property
    • build

      public CdpClientConfiguration build()
      Builds an CdpClientConfiguration object based on current settings.
      an CdpClientConfiguration object with current settings
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Builds an string representation of the CdpClientConfiguration object based on current settings.
      toString in class Object
      a string with current settings