Class FreeIpaInstance


@Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen", date="2025-01-23T07:12:40.736-08:00") public class FreeIpaInstance extends Object
Object for a FreeIPA instance providing specific information about the instance.
  • Constructor Details

    • FreeIpaInstance

      public FreeIpaInstance()
  • Method Details

    • getAvailabilityZone

      public String getAvailabilityZone()
      Getter for availabilityZone. The availability zone of the instance.
    • setAvailabilityZone

      public void setAvailabilityZone(String availabilityZone)
      Setter for availabilityZone. The availability zone of the instance.
    • getDiscoveryFQDN

      public String getDiscoveryFQDN()
      Getter for discoveryFQDN. The fully qualified domain name of the instance in the service discovery cluster.
    • setDiscoveryFQDN

      public void setDiscoveryFQDN(String discoveryFQDN)
      Setter for discoveryFQDN. The fully qualified domain name of the instance in the service discovery cluster.
    • getInstanceId

      public String getInstanceId()
      Getter for instanceId. The instance ID for the instance.
    • setInstanceId

      public void setInstanceId(String instanceId)
      Setter for instanceId. The instance ID for the instance.
    • getInstanceGroup

      public String getInstanceGroup()
      Getter for instanceGroup. The instance group that contains the instance.
    • setInstanceGroup

      public void setInstanceGroup(String instanceGroup)
      Setter for instanceGroup. The instance group that contains the instance.
    • getInstanceStatus

      public String getInstanceStatus()
      Getter for instanceStatus. The status of the instance.
    • setInstanceStatus

      public void setInstanceStatus(String instanceStatus)
      Setter for instanceStatus. The status of the instance.
    • getInstanceStatusReason

      public String getInstanceStatusReason()
      Getter for instanceStatusReason. The status reason for the instance.
    • setInstanceStatusReason

      public void setInstanceStatusReason(String instanceStatusReason)
      Setter for instanceStatusReason. The status reason for the instance.
    • getInstanceType

      public String getInstanceType()
      Getter for instanceType. The type of the instance (either GATEWAY or GATEWAY_PRIMARY).
    • setInstanceType

      public void setInstanceType(String instanceType)
      Setter for instanceType. The type of the instance (either GATEWAY or GATEWAY_PRIMARY).
    • getInstanceVmType

      public String getInstanceVmType()
      Getter for instanceVmType. The VM type of the instance. Supported values depend on the cloud platform.
    • setInstanceVmType

      public void setInstanceVmType(String instanceVmType)
      Setter for instanceVmType. The VM type of the instance. Supported values depend on the cloud platform.
    • getLifeCycle

      public String getLifeCycle()
      Getter for lifeCycle. The life cycle type for the instance (either NORMAL or SPOT).
    • setLifeCycle

      public void setLifeCycle(String lifeCycle)
      Setter for lifeCycle. The life cycle type for the instance (either NORMAL or SPOT).
    • getPrivateIP

      public String getPrivateIP()
      Getter for privateIP. The private IP of the instance.
    • setPrivateIP

      public void setPrivateIP(String privateIP)
      Setter for privateIP. The private IP of the instance.
    • getPublicIP

      public String getPublicIP()
      Getter for publicIP. The public IP of the instance.
    • setPublicIP

      public void setPublicIP(String publicIP)
      Setter for publicIP. The public IP of the instance.
    • getSshPort

      public Integer getSshPort()
      Getter for sshPort. The SSH port of the instance.
    • setSshPort

      public void setSshPort(Integer sshPort)
      Setter for sshPort. The SSH port of the instance.
    • getSubnetId

      public String getSubnetId()
      Getter for subnetId. The subnet ID of the instance.
    • setSubnetId

      public void setSubnetId(String subnetId)
      Setter for subnetId. The subnet ID of the instance.
    • getAttachedVolumes

      public List<AttachedVolumeDetail> getAttachedVolumes()
      Getter for attachedVolumes. List of volumes attached to this instance.
    • setAttachedVolumes

      public void setAttachedVolumes(List<AttachedVolumeDetail> attachedVolumes)
      Setter for attachedVolumes. List of volumes attached to this instance.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object