Class RestoreDatalakeRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class RestoreDatalakeRequest
    extends Object
    Request to restore datalake from backup. Restore does not restore the database by default.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RestoreDatalakeRequest

        public RestoreDatalakeRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getDatalakeName

        public String getDatalakeName()
        Getter for datalakeName. The name of the datalake to be restored. When backupId is not provided, the most recent successful backup on datalake with the provided name would be used.
      • setDatalakeName

        public void setDatalakeName​(String datalakeName)
        Setter for datalakeName. The name of the datalake to be restored. When backupId is not provided, the most recent successful backup on datalake with the provided name would be used.
      • getBackupId

        public String getBackupId()
        Getter for backupId. The ID of the backup to be used to perform a restore. The ID could refer to backup of any datalake in the same account. This is the only way to restore from a backup that was taken on a datalake with a different name. This field is required if the --backup-location-override field is used.
      • setBackupId

        public void setBackupId​(String backupId)
        Setter for backupId. The ID of the backup to be used to perform a restore. The ID could refer to backup of any datalake in the same account. This is the only way to restore from a backup that was taken on a datalake with a different name. This field is required if the --backup-location-override field is used.
      • getBackupName

        public String getBackupName()
        Getter for backupName. The name of the backup. When provided, the restore will be performed using the latest successful backup whose name matches the parameter, and that was taken from the datalake that is being restored.
      • setBackupName

        public void setBackupName​(String backupName)
        Setter for backupName. The name of the backup. When provided, the restore will be performed using the latest successful backup whose name matches the parameter, and that was taken from the datalake that is being restored.
      • getIncludeDatabase

        public Boolean getIncludeDatabase()
        Getter for includeDatabase. DEPRECATED - The database is included in the restore by default. To skip it, use the --skip-ranger-hms-metadata flag.
      • setIncludeDatabase

        public void setIncludeDatabase​(Boolean includeDatabase)
        Setter for includeDatabase. DEPRECATED - The database is included in the restore by default. To skip it, use the --skip-ranger-hms-metadata flag.
      • getSkipRangerHmsMetadata

        public Boolean getSkipRangerHmsMetadata()
        Getter for skipRangerHmsMetadata. Skips the restore of the databases backing HMS/Ranger services. If this option is not provided, then by default the Atlas lineage will be restored if the backup used includes the Atlas lineage information.
      • setSkipRangerHmsMetadata

        public void setSkipRangerHmsMetadata​(Boolean skipRangerHmsMetadata)
        Setter for skipRangerHmsMetadata. Skips the restore of the databases backing HMS/Ranger services. If this option is not provided, then by default the Atlas lineage will be restored if the backup used includes the Atlas lineage information.
      • getSkipAtlasMetadata

        public Boolean getSkipAtlasMetadata()
        Getter for skipAtlasMetadata. Skips the restore of the Atlas metadata. If this option is not provided, then by default the Atlas metadata will be restored if the backup used includes the Atlas metadata.
      • setSkipAtlasMetadata

        public void setSkipAtlasMetadata​(Boolean skipAtlasMetadata)
        Setter for skipAtlasMetadata. Skips the restore of the Atlas metadata. If this option is not provided, then by default the Atlas metadata will be restored if the backup used includes the Atlas metadata.
      • getSkipRangerAudits

        public Boolean getSkipRangerAudits()
        Getter for skipRangerAudits. Skips the restore of the Ranger audits. If this option is not provided, then by default the Ranger audits will be restored if the backup used includes the Ranger audits.
      • setSkipRangerAudits

        public void setSkipRangerAudits​(Boolean skipRangerAudits)
        Setter for skipRangerAudits. Skips the restore of the Ranger audits. If this option is not provided, then by default the Ranger audits will be restored if the backup used includes the Ranger audits.
      • getSkipAtlasIndexes

        public Boolean getSkipAtlasIndexes()
        Getter for skipAtlasIndexes. Skips the restore of the Atlas indexes. If this option or --skipAtlasMetadata is not provided, then by default the Atlas indexes will be restored if the backup used includes the Atlas indexes. Redundant if --skipAtlasMetadata is included.
      • setSkipAtlasIndexes

        public void setSkipAtlasIndexes​(Boolean skipAtlasIndexes)
        Setter for skipAtlasIndexes. Skips the restore of the Atlas indexes. If this option or --skipAtlasMetadata is not provided, then by default the Atlas indexes will be restored if the backup used includes the Atlas indexes. Redundant if --skipAtlasMetadata is included.
      • getBackupLocationOverride

        public String getBackupLocationOverride()
        Getter for backupLocationOverride. Backup location. When provided, will be used to lookup the backup. If provided, the --backup-id parameter is required.
      • setBackupLocationOverride

        public void setBackupLocationOverride​(String backupLocationOverride)
        Setter for backupLocationOverride. Backup location. When provided, will be used to lookup the backup. If provided, the --backup-id parameter is required.
      • getSkipValidation

        public Boolean getSkipValidation()
        Getter for skipValidation. Skips the validation steps that run prior to the restore. If this option is not provided, the validations are performed by default.
      • setSkipValidation

        public void setSkipValidation​(Boolean skipValidation)
        Setter for skipValidation. Skips the validation steps that run prior to the restore. If this option is not provided, the validations are performed by default.
      • getValidationOnly

        public Boolean getValidationOnly()
        Getter for validationOnly. Runs only the validation steps and then returns. If this option is not provided, the restore is performed as normal by default.
      • setValidationOnly

        public void setValidationOnly​(Boolean validationOnly)
        Setter for validationOnly. Runs only the validation steps and then returns. If this option is not provided, the restore is performed as normal by default.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object