Class Instance

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class Instance
    extends Object
    Object which holds some details of an instance for the given cluster.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Instance

        public Instance()
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        Getter for id. The ID of the given instance.
      • setId

        public void setId​(String id)
        Setter for id. The ID of the given instance.
      • getState

        public String getState()
        Getter for state. The health state of the instance. UNHEALTHY represents instances with unhealthy services, lost instances, or failed operations.
      • setState

        public void setState​(String state)
        Setter for state. The health state of the instance. UNHEALTHY represents instances with unhealthy services, lost instances, or failed operations.
      • getInstanceType

        public String getInstanceType()
        Getter for instanceType. The type of the given instance (either GATEWAY, GATEWAY_PRIMARY, or CORE).
      • setInstanceType

        public void setInstanceType​(String instanceType)
        Setter for instanceType. The type of the given instance (either GATEWAY, GATEWAY_PRIMARY, or CORE).
      • getPrivateIp

        public String getPrivateIp()
        Getter for privateIp. The private IP of the given instance.
      • setPrivateIp

        public void setPrivateIp​(String privateIp)
        Setter for privateIp. The private IP of the given instance.
      • getPublicIp

        public String getPublicIp()
        Getter for publicIp. The public IP of the given instance.
      • setPublicIp

        public void setPublicIp​(String publicIp)
        Setter for publicIp. The public IP of the given instance.
      • getFqdn

        public String getFqdn()
        Getter for fqdn. The FQDN of the instance.
      • setFqdn

        public void setFqdn​(String fqdn)
        Setter for fqdn. The FQDN of the instance.
      • getStatus

        public String getStatus()
        Getter for status. The status of the instance. This includes information like whether the instance is being provisioned, stopped, decommissioning failures etc.
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(String status)
        Setter for status. The status of the instance. This includes information like whether the instance is being provisioned, stopped, decommissioning failures etc.
      • getStatusReason

        public String getStatusReason()
        Getter for statusReason. The reason for the current status of this instance.
      • setStatusReason

        public void setStatusReason​(String statusReason)
        Setter for statusReason. The reason for the current status of this instance.
      • getSshPort

        public Integer getSshPort()
        Getter for sshPort. The SSH port for the instance.
      • setSshPort

        public void setSshPort​(Integer sshPort)
        Setter for sshPort. The SSH port for the instance.
      • getClouderaManagerServer

        public Boolean getClouderaManagerServer()
        Getter for clouderaManagerServer. Whether the instance has Cloudera Manager deployed or not.
      • setClouderaManagerServer

        public void setClouderaManagerServer​(Boolean clouderaManagerServer)
        Setter for clouderaManagerServer. Whether the instance has Cloudera Manager deployed or not.
      • getInstanceGroup

        public String getInstanceGroup()
        Getter for instanceGroup. The name of the instance group this instance belongs to.
      • setInstanceGroup

        public void setInstanceGroup​(String instanceGroup)
        Setter for instanceGroup. The name of the instance group this instance belongs to.
      • getAttachedVolumes

        public List<AttachedVolumeDetail> getAttachedVolumes()
        Getter for attachedVolumes. List of volumes attached to this instance.
      • setAttachedVolumes

        public void setAttachedVolumes​(List<AttachedVolumeDetail> attachedVolumes)
        Setter for attachedVolumes. List of volumes attached to this instance.
      • getAvailabilityZone

        public String getAvailabilityZone()
        Getter for availabilityZone. The availability zone of the instance.
      • setAvailabilityZone

        public void setAvailabilityZone​(String availabilityZone)
        Setter for availabilityZone. The availability zone of the instance.
      • getInstanceVmType

        public String getInstanceVmType()
        Getter for instanceVmType. The VM type of the instance. Supported values depend on the cloud platform.
      • setInstanceVmType

        public void setInstanceVmType​(String instanceVmType)
        Setter for instanceVmType. The VM type of the instance. Supported values depend on the cloud platform.
      • getRackId

        public String getRackId()
        Getter for rackId. The rack ID of the instance in Cloudera Manager.
      • setRackId

        public void setRackId​(String rackId)
        Setter for rackId. The rack ID of the instance in Cloudera Manager.
      • getSubnetId

        public String getSubnetId()
        Getter for subnetId. The subnet ID of the instance.
      • setSubnetId

        public void setSubnetId​(String subnetId)
        Setter for subnetId. The subnet ID of the instance.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object