Class InstanceGroupRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class InstanceGroupRequest
    extends Object
    Configurations for instance group
    • Constructor Detail

      • InstanceGroupRequest

        public InstanceGroupRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getNodeCount

        public Integer getNodeCount()
        Getter for nodeCount. Number of instances in the instance group
      • setNodeCount

        public void setNodeCount​(Integer nodeCount)
        Setter for nodeCount. Number of instances in the instance group
      • getInstanceGroupName

        public String getInstanceGroupName()
        Getter for instanceGroupName. The instance group name.
      • setInstanceGroupName

        public void setInstanceGroupName​(String instanceGroupName)
        Setter for instanceGroupName. The instance group name.
      • getInstanceGroupType

        public String getInstanceGroupType()
        Getter for instanceGroupType. The instance group type.
      • setInstanceGroupType

        public void setInstanceGroupType​(String instanceGroupType)
        Setter for instanceGroupType. The instance group type.
      • getInstanceType

        public String getInstanceType()
        Getter for instanceType. The cloud provider specific instance type to be used.
      • setInstanceType

        public void setInstanceType​(String instanceType)
        Setter for instanceType. The cloud provider specific instance type to be used.
      • getAttachedVolumeConfiguration

        public List<AttachedVolumeRequest> getAttachedVolumeConfiguration()
        Getter for attachedVolumeConfiguration. The attached volume configuration. This does not include root volume.
      • setAttachedVolumeConfiguration

        public void setAttachedVolumeConfiguration​(List<AttachedVolumeRequest> attachedVolumeConfiguration)
        Setter for attachedVolumeConfiguration. The attached volume configuration. This does not include root volume.
      • getRootVolumeSize

        public Integer getRootVolumeSize()
        Getter for rootVolumeSize. The root volume size.
      • setRootVolumeSize

        public void setRootVolumeSize​(Integer rootVolumeSize)
        Setter for rootVolumeSize. The root volume size.
      • getRecipeNames

        public List<String> getRecipeNames()
        Getter for recipeNames. The names or CRNs of the recipes that would be applied to the instance group.
      • setRecipeNames

        public void setRecipeNames​(List<String> recipeNames)
        Setter for recipeNames. The names or CRNs of the recipes that would be applied to the instance group.
      • getRecoveryMode

        public String getRecoveryMode()
        Getter for recoveryMode. Recovery mode for the instance group.
      • setRecoveryMode

        public void setRecoveryMode​(String recoveryMode)
        Setter for recoveryMode. Recovery mode for the instance group.
      • getVolumeEncryption

        public VolumeEncryptionRequest getVolumeEncryption()
        Getter for volumeEncryption. The volume encryption settings. This setting does not apply to Azure which always encrypts volumes.
      • setVolumeEncryption

        public void setVolumeEncryption​(VolumeEncryptionRequest volumeEncryption)
        Setter for volumeEncryption. The volume encryption settings. This setting does not apply to Azure which always encrypts volumes.
      • getSubnetIds

        public List<String> getSubnetIds()
        Getter for subnetIds. The list of subnet IDs in case of multi-availability zone setup. Specifying this field overrides the datahub level subnet ID setup for the multi-availability zone configuration.
      • setSubnetIds

        public void setSubnetIds​(List<String> subnetIds)
        Setter for subnetIds. The list of subnet IDs in case of multi-availability zone setup. Specifying this field overrides the datahub level subnet ID setup for the multi-availability zone configuration.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object