Class ResourceResponse

    • Constructor Detail

      • ResourceResponse

        public ResourceResponse()
    • Method Detail

      • getStatusInfo

        public getStatusInfo()
        Get the complete status information associated with the response.
        the response status information. The returned value is never null.
      • getEntity

        public Object getEntity()
        Get the message entity Java instance. Returns null if the message does not contain an entity body. If the entity is represented by an un-consumed input stream the method will return the input stream.
        the message entity or null if message does not contain an entity body (i.e. when hasEntity() returns false).
        See Also:
      • readEntity

        public InputStream readEntity()
        Read the message entity input stream as an instance of specified Java type.
        the message entity.
      • readEntity

        public InputStream readEntity​(Annotation[] annotations)
        Read the message entity input stream as an instance of specified Java type.
        annotations - annotations that will be passed to the MessageBodyReader.
        the message entity.
        See Also:
        Response.readEntity(Class, Annotation[])
      • hasEntity

        public boolean hasEntity()
        Check if there is an entity available in the response. The method returns true if the entity is present, returns false otherwise.
        true if there is an entity present in the message, false otherwise.
        See Also: