Class CollectCmDiagnosticsRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class CollectCmDiagnosticsRequest
    extends Object
    Request object for collecting Datahub diagnostics.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CollectCmDiagnosticsRequest

        public CollectCmDiagnosticsRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getCrn

        public String getCrn()
        Getter for crn. CRN of the Datahub cluster.
      • setCrn

        public void setCrn​(String crn)
        Setter for crn. CRN of the Datahub cluster.
      • getDestination

        public String getDestination()
        Getter for destination. Destination of the diagnostics collection (Support, Own cloud storage, Engineering or collect only on the nodes)
      • setDestination

        public void setDestination​(String destination)
        Setter for destination. Destination of the diagnostics collection (Support, Own cloud storage, Engineering or collect only on the nodes)
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Getter for description. Additional information / title for the diagnostics collection.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        Setter for description. Additional information / title for the diagnostics collection.
      • getCaseNumber

        public String getCaseNumber()
        Getter for caseNumber. Optional support case number in case of SUPPORT destination, otherwise only act as additional data.
      • setCaseNumber

        public void setCaseNumber​(String caseNumber)
        Setter for caseNumber. Optional support case number in case of SUPPORT destination, otherwise only act as additional data.
      • getRoles

        public List<String> getRoles()
        Getter for roles. Array of roles for which to get logs and metrics. If set, this restricts the roles for log and metrics collection.
      • setRoles

        public void setRoles​(List<String> roles)
        Setter for roles. Array of roles for which to get logs and metrics. If set, this restricts the roles for log and metrics collection.
      • getStartDate

        public ZonedDateTime getStartDate()
        Getter for startDate. Restrict collected logs and metrics (from the provided date timestamp).
      • setStartDate

        public void setStartDate​(ZonedDateTime startDate)
        Setter for startDate. Restrict collected logs and metrics (from the provided date timestamp).
      • getEndDate

        public ZonedDateTime getEndDate()
        Getter for endDate. Restrict collected logs and metrics (until the provided date timestamp).
      • setEndDate

        public void setEndDate​(ZonedDateTime endDate)
        Setter for endDate. Restrict collected logs and metrics (until the provided date timestamp).
      • getUpdatePackage

        public Boolean getUpdatePackage()
        Getter for updatePackage. If enabled, required package (cdp-telemetry) will be upgraded or installed on the nodes. (useful if package is not installed or needs to be upgraded) Network is required for this operation.
      • setUpdatePackage

        public void setUpdatePackage​(Boolean updatePackage)
        Setter for updatePackage. If enabled, required package (cdp-telemetry) will be upgraded or installed on the nodes. (useful if package is not installed or needs to be upgraded) Network is required for this operation.
      • getStorageValidation

        public Boolean getStorageValidation()
        Getter for storageValidation. Enable/disable node level storage validation (can be disabled for example, if you have too many hosts and do not want to do too much parallel writes to s3/abfs)
      • setStorageValidation

        public void setStorageValidation​(Boolean storageValidation)
        Setter for storageValidation. Enable/disable node level storage validation (can be disabled for example, if you have too many hosts and do not want to do too much parallel writes to s3/abfs)
      • getMonitorMetricsCollection

        public Boolean getMonitorMetricsCollection()
        Getter for monitorMetricsCollection. Flag to enable collection of metrics for chart display in CM based diagnostics collection.
      • setMonitorMetricsCollection

        public void setMonitorMetricsCollection​(Boolean monitorMetricsCollection)
        Setter for monitorMetricsCollection. Flag to enable collection of metrics for chart display in CM based diagnostics collection.
      • getBundleSizeLimit

        public Integer getBundleSizeLimit()
        Getter for bundleSizeLimit. Diagnostics bundle size limit in MB.
      • setBundleSizeLimit

        public void setBundleSizeLimit​(Integer bundleSizeLimit)
        Setter for bundleSizeLimit. Diagnostics bundle size limit in MB.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object