Class WorkflowMetadata

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class WorkflowMetadata
    extends Object
    The workflow metadata.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WorkflowMetadata

        public WorkflowMetadata()
    • Method Detail

      • getResourceId

        public String getResourceId()
        Getter for resourceId. The unique identifier of the resource.
      • setResourceId

        public void setResourceId​(String resourceId)
        Setter for resourceId. The unique identifier of the resource.
      • getWorkflowIndex

        public Long getWorkflowIndex()
        Getter for workflowIndex. The workflow index. Monotonically increases for each subsequent workflow for a resource.
      • setWorkflowIndex

        public void setWorkflowIndex​(Long workflowIndex)
        Setter for workflowIndex. The workflow index. Monotonically increases for each subsequent workflow for a resource.
      • getWorkflowType

        public String getWorkflowType()
        Getter for workflowType. The workflow type.
      • setWorkflowType

        public void setWorkflowType​(String workflowType)
        Setter for workflowType. The workflow type.
      • getWorkflowId

        public String getWorkflowId()
        Getter for workflowId. The workflow identifier.
      • setWorkflowId

        public void setWorkflowId​(String workflowId)
        Setter for workflowId. The workflow identifier.
      • getLastKnownStatus

        public String getLastKnownStatus()
        Getter for lastKnownStatus. The last known status of the workflow.
      • setLastKnownStatus

        public void setLastKnownStatus​(String lastKnownStatus)
        Setter for lastKnownStatus. The last known status of the workflow.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object