Class ConfigBlocksDiffs

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class ConfigBlocksDiffs
    extends Object
    Differences between two sets of ConfigBlocks.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConfigBlocksDiffs

        public ConfigBlocksDiffs()
    • Method Detail

      • getIsChanged

        public Boolean getIsChanged()
        Getter for isChanged. Has any of the config blocks changed?
      • setIsChanged

        public void setIsChanged​(Boolean isChanged)
        Setter for isChanged. Has any of the config blocks changed?
      • getAdded

        public List<ConfigBlockResp> getAdded()
        Getter for added. Config blocks that are only present in the new configuration.
      • setAdded

        public void setAdded​(List<ConfigBlockResp> added)
        Setter for added. Config blocks that are only present in the new configuration.
      • getRemoved

        public List<ConfigBlockResp> getRemoved()
        Getter for removed. Config blocks that are only present in the old configuration.
      • setRemoved

        public void setRemoved​(List<ConfigBlockResp> removed)
        Setter for removed. Config blocks that are only present in the old configuration.
      • getSame

        public List<ConfigBlockResp> getSame()
        Getter for same. Config blocks that are the same in both configurations.
      • setSame

        public void setSame​(List<ConfigBlockResp> same)
        Setter for same. Config blocks that are the same in both configurations.
      • getChanged

        public List<ConfigBlockDiff> getChanged()
        Getter for changed. Config blocks that are different between the two configurations.
      • setChanged

        public void setChanged​(List<ConfigBlockDiff> changed)
        Setter for changed. Config blocks that are different between the two configurations.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object