Class UpdateAzureEncryptionResourcesRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class UpdateAzureEncryptionResourcesRequest
    extends Object
    Request object for updating Azure encryption resources.
    • Constructor Detail

      • UpdateAzureEncryptionResourcesRequest

        public UpdateAzureEncryptionResourcesRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getEnvironment

        public String getEnvironment()
        Getter for environment. The name or CRN of the environment.
      • setEnvironment

        public void setEnvironment​(String environment)
        Setter for environment. The name or CRN of the environment.
      • getEncryptionKeyUrl

        public String getEncryptionKeyUrl()
        Getter for encryptionKeyUrl. The URL of an encryption key, which will be used to encrypt the Azure Managed Disks, if the entitlement has been granted.
      • setEncryptionKeyUrl

        public void setEncryptionKeyUrl​(String encryptionKeyUrl)
        Setter for encryptionKeyUrl. The URL of an encryption key, which will be used to encrypt the Azure Managed Disks, if the entitlement has been granted.
      • getEncryptionKeyResourceGroupName

        public String getEncryptionKeyResourceGroupName()
        Getter for encryptionKeyResourceGroupName. Name of the existing Azure resource group hosting the Azure Key Vault containing customer managed key which will be used to encrypt the Azure Managed Disks. It is required only when the entitlement is granted and the resource group of the key vault is different from the resource group in which the environment is to be created. Omitting it implies that, the key vault containing the encryption key is present in the same resource group where the environment would be created.
      • setEncryptionKeyResourceGroupName

        public void setEncryptionKeyResourceGroupName​(String encryptionKeyResourceGroupName)
        Setter for encryptionKeyResourceGroupName. Name of the existing Azure resource group hosting the Azure Key Vault containing customer managed key which will be used to encrypt the Azure Managed Disks. It is required only when the entitlement is granted and the resource group of the key vault is different from the resource group in which the environment is to be created. Omitting it implies that, the key vault containing the encryption key is present in the same resource group where the environment would be created.
      • getUserManagedIdentity

        public String getUserManagedIdentity()
        Getter for userManagedIdentity. User managed identity for encryption. (deprecated)
      • setUserManagedIdentity

        public void setUserManagedIdentity​(String userManagedIdentity)
        Setter for userManagedIdentity. User managed identity for encryption. (deprecated)
      • getEncryptionUserManagedIdentity

        public String getEncryptionUserManagedIdentity()
        Getter for encryptionUserManagedIdentity. User managed identity for encryption.
      • setEncryptionUserManagedIdentity

        public void setEncryptionUserManagedIdentity​(String encryptionUserManagedIdentity)
        Setter for encryptionUserManagedIdentity. User managed identity for encryption.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object