Class SetAccountTelemetryRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class SetAccountTelemetryRequest
    extends Object
    Request object to enable environment level telemetry features.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SetAccountTelemetryRequest

        public SetAccountTelemetryRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getWorkloadAnalytics

        public Boolean getWorkloadAnalytics()
        Getter for workloadAnalytics. Flag to enable account level workload analytics. (that will be used as a default for environment)
      • setWorkloadAnalytics

        public void setWorkloadAnalytics​(Boolean workloadAnalytics)
        Setter for workloadAnalytics. Flag to enable account level workload analytics. (that will be used as a default for environment)
      • getReportDeploymentLogs

        public Boolean getReportDeploymentLogs()
        Getter for reportDeploymentLogs. Flag to enable account level deployment log collection. (that will be used as a default for environment)
      • setReportDeploymentLogs

        public void setReportDeploymentLogs​(Boolean reportDeploymentLogs)
        Setter for reportDeploymentLogs. Flag to enable account level deployment log collection. (that will be used as a default for environment)
      • getRules

        public List<AnonymizationRuleRequest> getRules()
        Getter for rules. List of anonymization rules that are applied on logs that are shipped to Cloudera
      • setRules

        public void setRules​(List<AnonymizationRuleRequest> rules)
        Setter for rules. List of anonymization rules that are applied on logs that are shipped to Cloudera
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object