Class AksState


@Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen", date="2025-01-23T07:12:43.033-08:00") public class AksState extends Object
AKS state response structure.
  • Constructor Details

    • AksState

      public AksState()
  • Method Details

    • getProvider

      public String getProvider()
      Getter for provider. Cloud provider.
    • setProvider

      public void setProvider(String provider)
      Setter for provider. Cloud provider.
    • getClusterDisplayName

      public String getClusterDisplayName()
      Getter for clusterDisplayName. Cluster display name.
    • setClusterDisplayName

      public void setClusterDisplayName(String clusterDisplayName)
      Setter for clusterDisplayName. Cluster display name.
    • getClusterResourceGroup

      public String getClusterResourceGroup()
      Getter for clusterResourceGroup. The Cluster ResourceGroup. Filled based on Parent ResourceGroup or ClusterDisplayName.
    • setClusterResourceGroup

      public void setClusterResourceGroup(String clusterResourceGroup)
      Setter for clusterResourceGroup. The Cluster ResourceGroup. Filled based on Parent ResourceGroup or ClusterDisplayName.
    • getClusterResourceGroupCreated

      public Boolean getClusterResourceGroupCreated()
      Getter for clusterResourceGroupCreated. Specifies whether ClusterResourceGroup was created or not.
    • setClusterResourceGroupCreated

      public void setClusterResourceGroupCreated(Boolean clusterResourceGroupCreated)
      Setter for clusterResourceGroupCreated. Specifies whether ClusterResourceGroup was created or not.
    • getEnableHttpApplicationRouting

      public Boolean getEnableHttpApplicationRouting()
      Getter for enableHttpApplicationRouting. Specifies whether httpApplicationRouting addon is enabled or not.
    • setEnableHttpApplicationRouting

      public void setEnableHttpApplicationRouting(Boolean enableHttpApplicationRouting)
      Setter for enableHttpApplicationRouting. Specifies whether httpApplicationRouting addon is enabled or not.
    • getEnableMonitoring

      public Boolean getEnableMonitoring()
      Getter for enableMonitoring. Specifies whether monitoring addon is enabled or not.
    • setEnableMonitoring

      public void setEnableMonitoring(Boolean enableMonitoring)
      Setter for enableMonitoring. Specifies whether monitoring addon is enabled or not.
    • getLogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceGroup

      public String getLogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceGroup()
      Getter for logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceGroup. The resource group for the Azure Log Analytics Workspace.
    • setLogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceGroup

      public void setLogAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceGroup(String logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceGroup)
      Setter for logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceGroup. The resource group for the Azure Log Analytics Workspace.
    • getLogAnalyticsWorkspace

      public String getLogAnalyticsWorkspace()
      Getter for logAnalyticsWorkspace. An existing Azure Log Analytics Workspace for monitoring addon.
    • setLogAnalyticsWorkspace

      public void setLogAnalyticsWorkspace(String logAnalyticsWorkspace)
      Setter for logAnalyticsWorkspace. An existing Azure Log Analytics Workspace for monitoring addon.
    • getVirtualNetworkResourceGroup

      public String getVirtualNetworkResourceGroup()
      Getter for virtualNetworkResourceGroup. The resource group for the Azure Virtual Network. Composite of agent virtual network subnet ID.
    • setVirtualNetworkResourceGroup

      public void setVirtualNetworkResourceGroup(String virtualNetworkResourceGroup)
      Setter for virtualNetworkResourceGroup. The resource group for the Azure Virtual Network. Composite of agent virtual network subnet ID.
    • getVirtualNetwork

      public String getVirtualNetwork()
      Getter for virtualNetwork. An existing Azure Virtual Network. Composite of agent virtual network subnet ID.
    • setVirtualNetwork

      public void setVirtualNetwork(String virtualNetwork)
      Setter for virtualNetwork. An existing Azure Virtual Network. Composite of agent virtual network subnet ID.
    • getSubnets

      public List<String> getSubnets()
      Getter for subnets. An array specifying existing Azure Virtual Subnets. Composite of agent virtual network subnet IDs.
    • setSubnets

      public void setSubnets(List<String> subnets)
      Setter for subnets. An array specifying existing Azure Virtual Subnets. Composite of agent virtual network subnet IDs.
    • getSelectedSubnet

      public String getSelectedSubnet()
      Getter for selectedSubnet. Selected Subnet from the list that is provided
    • setSelectedSubnet

      public void setSelectedSubnet(String selectedSubnet)
      Setter for selectedSubnet. Selected Subnet from the list that is provided
    • getParentResourceGroup

      public String getParentResourceGroup()
      Getter for parentResourceGroup. The ResourceGroup which may be used for almost all the Azure resources created (with VirtualNetwork and Node ResourceGroup being exceptions).
    • setParentResourceGroup

      public void setParentResourceGroup(String parentResourceGroup)
      Setter for parentResourceGroup. The ResourceGroup which may be used for almost all the Azure resources created (with VirtualNetwork and Node ResourceGroup being exceptions).
    • getAdminUsername

      public String getAdminUsername()
      Getter for adminUsername. The username to use for Linux VMs.
    • setAdminUsername

      public void setAdminUsername(String adminUsername)
      Setter for adminUsername. The username to use for Linux VMs.
    • getSshPublicKeyContents

      public String getSshPublicKeyContents()
      Getter for sshPublicKeyContents. The content of the SSH configuration for Linux VMs, Opposite to sshPublicKey.
    • setSshPublicKeyContents

      public void setSshPublicKeyContents(String sshPublicKeyContents)
      Setter for sshPublicKeyContents. The content of the SSH configuration for Linux VMs, Opposite to sshPublicKey.
    • getSshPublicKey

      public String getSshPublicKey()
      Getter for sshPublicKey. The local path of the SSH configuration for Linux VMs, Opposite to sshPublicKeyContents.
    • setSshPublicKey

      public void setSshPublicKey(String sshPublicKey)
      Setter for sshPublicKey. The local path of the SSH configuration for Linux VMs, Opposite to sshPublicKeyContents.
    • getDnsServiceIp

      public String getDnsServiceIp()
      Getter for dnsServiceIp. An IP address assigned to the kubernetes DNS service, it must be within the kubernetes service address range specified in serviceCidr.
    • setDnsServiceIp

      public void setDnsServiceIp(String dnsServiceIp)
      Setter for dnsServiceIp. An IP address assigned to the kubernetes DNS service, it must be within the kubernetes service address range specified in serviceCidr.
    • getDockerBridgeCidr

      public String getDockerBridgeCidr()
      Getter for dockerBridgeCidr. A CIDR notation IP range assigned to the Docker bridge network, it must not overlap with any Azure Subnet IP ranges or the kubernetes service address range.
    • setDockerBridgeCidr

      public void setDockerBridgeCidr(String dockerBridgeCidr)
      Setter for dockerBridgeCidr. A CIDR notation IP range assigned to the Docker bridge network, it must not overlap with any Azure Subnet IP ranges or the kubernetes service address range.
    • getNetworkPlugin

      public String getNetworkPlugin()
      Getter for networkPlugin. The plugin used for kubernetes network.
    • setNetworkPlugin

      public void setNetworkPlugin(String networkPlugin)
      Setter for networkPlugin. The plugin used for kubernetes network.
    • getNetworkPolicy

      public String getNetworkPolicy()
      Getter for networkPolicy. The policy used for kubernetes network.
    • setNetworkPolicy

      public void setNetworkPolicy(String networkPolicy)
      Setter for networkPolicy. The policy used for kubernetes network.
    • getPodCidr

      public String getPodCidr()
      Getter for podCidr. A CIDR notation IP range from which to assign pod IPs when networkPlugin is using kubenet.
    • setPodCidr

      public void setPodCidr(String podCidr)
      Setter for podCidr. A CIDR notation IP range from which to assign pod IPs when networkPlugin is using kubenet.
    • getServiceCidr

      public String getServiceCidr()
      Getter for serviceCidr. A CIDR notation IP range from which to assign service cluster IPs, it must not overlap with any Azure Subnet IP ranges.
    • setServiceCidr

      public void setServiceCidr(String serviceCidr)
      Setter for serviceCidr. A CIDR notation IP range from which to assign service cluster IPs, it must not overlap with any Azure Subnet IP ranges.
    • getNetworkCidrs

      public List<String> getNetworkCidrs()
      Getter for networkCidrs. The actual CIDR ranges of the virtual network.
    • setNetworkCidrs

      public void setNetworkCidrs(List<String> networkCidrs)
      Setter for networkCidrs. The actual CIDR ranges of the virtual network.
    • getWorkerIngressRules

      public List<String> getWorkerIngressRules()
      Getter for workerIngressRules. Ingress rules for worker nodes.
    • setWorkerIngressRules

      public void setWorkerIngressRules(List<String> workerIngressRules)
      Setter for workerIngressRules. Ingress rules for worker nodes.
    • getWorkerEgressRules

      public List<String> getWorkerEgressRules()
      Getter for workerEgressRules. Egress rules for worker nodes.
    • setWorkerEgressRules

      public void setWorkerEgressRules(List<String> workerEgressRules)
      Setter for workerEgressRules. Egress rules for worker nodes.
    • getMasterDnsPrefix

      public String getMasterDnsPrefix()
      Getter for masterDnsPrefix. DNS prefix used for hostnames in the cluster.
    • setMasterDnsPrefix

      public void setMasterDnsPrefix(String masterDnsPrefix)
      Setter for masterDnsPrefix. DNS prefix used for hostnames in the cluster.
    • getTags

      public Map<String,String> getTags()
      Getter for tags. Tags.
    • setTags

      public void setTags(Map<String,String> tags)
      Setter for tags. Tags.
    • getInstanceGroups

      public Map<String,AksInstanceGroup> getInstanceGroups()
      Getter for instanceGroups. Instance groups.
    • setInstanceGroups

      public void setInstanceGroups(Map<String,AksInstanceGroup> instanceGroups)
      Setter for instanceGroups. Instance groups.
    • getDeployments

      public CommonDeploymentsResp getDeployments()
      Getter for deployments. Deployments.
    • setDeployments

      public void setDeployments(CommonDeploymentsResp deployments)
      Setter for deployments. Deployments.
    • getUserData

      public String getUserData()
      Getter for userData. User data.
    • setUserData

      public void setUserData(String userData)
      Setter for userData. User data.
    • getSecurity

      public CommonSecurityResp getSecurity()
      Getter for security. Security.
    • setSecurity

      public void setSecurity(CommonSecurityResp security)
      Setter for security. Security.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object