Class AutoScaleLoadResponseConfiguration

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class AutoScaleLoadResponseConfiguration
    extends Object
    Configuration for load based scaling
    • Constructor Detail

      • AutoScaleLoadResponseConfiguration

        public AutoScaleLoadResponseConfiguration()
    • Method Detail

      • getMinResourceValue

        public Integer getMinResourceValue()
        Getter for minResourceValue. The lower bound for the resource
      • setMinResourceValue

        public void setMinResourceValue​(Integer minResourceValue)
        Setter for minResourceValue. The lower bound for the resource
      • getMaxResourceValue

        public Integer getMaxResourceValue()
        Getter for maxResourceValue. The upper bound for the resource
      • setMaxResourceValue

        public void setMaxResourceValue​(Integer maxResourceValue)
        Setter for maxResourceValue. The upper bound for the resource
      • getCoolDownMinutes

        public Integer getCoolDownMinutes()
        Getter for coolDownMinutes. Minimum time, in minutes, between autoscale activity
      • setCoolDownMinutes

        public void setCoolDownMinutes​(Integer coolDownMinutes)
        Setter for coolDownMinutes. Minimum time, in minutes, between autoscale activity
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object