Class MetricChart

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class MetricChart
    extends Object
    A metric chart
    • Constructor Detail

      • MetricChart

        public MetricChart()
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Getter for name. The name of the metric
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Setter for name. The name of the metric
      • getUnitType

        public String getUnitType()
        Getter for unitType. The unit type of the metric
      • setUnitType

        public void setUnitType​(String unitType)
        Setter for unitType. The unit type of the metric
      • getComponentType

        public String getComponentType()
        Getter for componentType. The component type of the metric
      • setComponentType

        public void setComponentType​(String componentType)
        Setter for componentType. The component type of the metric
      • getMetrics

        public MetricChartData getMetrics()
        Getter for metrics. The chart metrics
      • setMetrics

        public void setMetrics​(MetricChartData metrics)
        Setter for metrics. The chart metrics
      • getMirroredMetrics

        public MetricChartData getMirroredMetrics()
        Getter for mirroredMetrics. The optional mirrored metrics that only exist for certain system metrics
      • setMirroredMetrics

        public void setMirroredMetrics​(MetricChartData mirroredMetrics)
        Setter for mirroredMetrics. The optional mirrored metrics that only exist for certain system metrics
      • getAlert

        public MetricChartAlert getAlert()
        Getter for alert. The optional thresholds associated with the alert on a metric
      • setAlert

        public void setAlert​(MetricChartAlert alert)
        Setter for alert. The optional thresholds associated with the alert on a metric
      • getComponentName

        public String getComponentName()
        Getter for componentName. The scope component name that will exist for Processor, Process Group, and Connection metrics.
      • setComponentName

        public void setComponentName​(String componentName)
        Setter for componentName. The scope component name that will exist for Processor, Process Group, and Connection metrics.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object