Class RestoreDatalakeResponse

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class RestoreDatalakeResponse
    extends CdpResponse
    Response object to a request to perform restore of datalake.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RestoreDatalakeResponse

        public RestoreDatalakeResponse()
    • Method Detail

      • getAccountId

        public String getAccountId()
        Getter for accountId. Account where the datalake exists.
      • setAccountId

        public void setAccountId​(String accountId)
        Setter for accountId. Account where the datalake exists.
      • getRestoreId

        public String getRestoreId()
        Getter for restoreId. Unique identifier of the restore operation performed.
      • setRestoreId

        public void setRestoreId​(String restoreId)
        Setter for restoreId. Unique identifier of the restore operation performed.
      • getBackupId

        public String getBackupId()
        Getter for backupId. Unique identifier of the backup used to perform restore.
      • setBackupId

        public void setBackupId​(String backupId)
        Setter for backupId. Unique identifier of the backup used to perform restore.
      • getUserCrn

        public String getUserCrn()
        Getter for userCrn. Crn of the user who triggered this operation.
      • setUserCrn

        public void setUserCrn​(String userCrn)
        Setter for userCrn. Crn of the user who triggered this operation.
      • getInternalState

        public String getInternalState()
        Getter for internalState. Provides the details of the internal state where the restore operation stands.
      • setInternalState

        public void setInternalState​(String internalState)
        Setter for internalState. Provides the details of the internal state where the restore operation stands.
      • getStatus

        public String getStatus()
        Getter for status. Provide the current status.
      • setStatus

        public void setStatus​(String status)
        Setter for status. Provide the current status.
      • getStartTime

        public String getStartTime()
        Getter for startTime. Time when the backup operation started.
      • setStartTime

        public void setStartTime​(String startTime)
        Setter for startTime. Time when the backup operation started.
      • getEndTime

        public String getEndTime()
        Getter for endTime. Time when the backup operation ended.
      • setEndTime

        public void setEndTime​(String endTime)
        Setter for endTime. Time when the backup operation ended.
      • getBackupLocation

        public String getBackupLocation()
        Getter for backupLocation. Location of the backup to be used to perform restore.
      • setBackupLocation

        public void setBackupLocation​(String backupLocation)
        Setter for backupLocation. Location of the backup to be used to perform restore.
      • getOperationStates

        public InternalBackupRestoreState getOperationStates()
        Getter for operationStates. Provides the details of the internal state of each operation.
      • setOperationStates

        public void setOperationStates​(InternalBackupRestoreState operationStates)
        Setter for operationStates. Provides the details of the internal state of each operation.
      • getBackupName

        public String getBackupName()
        Getter for backupName. Name of the backup.
      • setBackupName

        public void setBackupName​(String backupName)
        Setter for backupName. Name of the backup.
      • getFailureReason

        public String getFailureReason()
        Getter for failureReason. Reason for the failure.
      • setFailureReason

        public void setFailureReason​(String failureReason)
        Setter for failureReason. Reason for the failure.
      • getRuntimeVersion

        public String getRuntimeVersion()
        Getter for runtimeVersion. The runtime version of the datalake when the restore was initiated.
      • setRuntimeVersion

        public void setRuntimeVersion​(String runtimeVersion)
        Setter for runtimeVersion. The runtime version of the datalake when the restore was initiated.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object