Class ImpalaHASettingsCreateRequest


@Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen", date="2025-01-23T07:12:38.977-08:00") public class ImpalaHASettingsCreateRequest extends Object
High Availability settings for the Impala Virtual Warehouse. The values are disregarded for Hive.
  • Constructor Details

    • ImpalaHASettingsCreateRequest

      public ImpalaHASettingsCreateRequest()
  • Method Details

    • getHighAvailabilityMode

      public String getHighAvailabilityMode()
      Getter for highAvailabilityMode. Set High Availability mode. If not provided, the default will apply. DISABLED - Disables Impala coordinator and Database Catalog high availability. ACTIVE_PASSIVE - Runs multiple coordinators (one active, one passive) and Database Catalogs (one active, one passive). ACTIVE_ACTIVE - Runs multiple coordinators (both active) and Database Catalogs (one active, one passive). If Unified Analytics is enabled, then this cannot be set to ACTIVE_ACTIVE.
    • setHighAvailabilityMode

      public void setHighAvailabilityMode(String highAvailabilityMode)
      Setter for highAvailabilityMode. Set High Availability mode. If not provided, the default will apply. DISABLED - Disables Impala coordinator and Database Catalog high availability. ACTIVE_PASSIVE - Runs multiple coordinators (one active, one passive) and Database Catalogs (one active, one passive). ACTIVE_ACTIVE - Runs multiple coordinators (both active) and Database Catalogs (one active, one passive). If Unified Analytics is enabled, then this cannot be set to ACTIVE_ACTIVE.
    • getEnableShutdownOfCoordinator

      public Boolean getEnableShutdownOfCoordinator()
      Getter for enableShutdownOfCoordinator. Enables a shutdown of the coordinator. If Unified Analytics is enabled, then this setting is explicitly disabled (ignored) and should not be provided.
    • setEnableShutdownOfCoordinator

      public void setEnableShutdownOfCoordinator(Boolean enableShutdownOfCoordinator)
      Setter for enableShutdownOfCoordinator. Enables a shutdown of the coordinator. If Unified Analytics is enabled, then this setting is explicitly disabled (ignored) and should not be provided.
    • getShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds

      public Integer getShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds()
      Getter for shutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds. Delay in seconds before the shutdown of coordinator event happens.
    • setShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds

      public void setShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds(Integer shutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds)
      Setter for shutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds. Delay in seconds before the shutdown of coordinator event happens.
    • getNumOfActiveCoordinators

      public Integer getNumOfActiveCoordinators()
      Getter for numOfActiveCoordinators. The number of active coordinators.
    • setNumOfActiveCoordinators

      public void setNumOfActiveCoordinators(Integer numOfActiveCoordinators)
      Setter for numOfActiveCoordinators. The number of active coordinators.
    • getEnableCatalogHighAvailability

      public Boolean getEnableCatalogHighAvailability()
      Getter for enableCatalogHighAvailability. Enables a backup instance for Impala catalog to ensure high availability.
    • setEnableCatalogHighAvailability

      public void setEnableCatalogHighAvailability(Boolean enableCatalogHighAvailability)
      Setter for enableCatalogHighAvailability. Enables a backup instance for Impala catalog to ensure high availability.
    • getEnableStatestoreHighAvailability

      public Boolean getEnableStatestoreHighAvailability()
      Getter for enableStatestoreHighAvailability. Enables a backup instance for Impala Statestore to ensure high availability.
    • setEnableStatestoreHighAvailability

      public void setEnableStatestoreHighAvailability(Boolean enableStatestoreHighAvailability)
      Setter for enableStatestoreHighAvailability. Enables a backup instance for Impala Statestore to ensure high availability.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object