Class DescribeUpgradeDatabaseResponse

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class DescribeUpgradeDatabaseResponse
    extends CdpResponse
    Response with upgrade availability of CDP Runtime and Operating System for a database.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DescribeUpgradeDatabaseResponse

        public DescribeUpgradeDatabaseResponse()
    • Method Detail

      • getStatusReason

        public String getStatusReason()
        Getter for statusReason. The reason whether upgrade request is accepted or why it is not possible.
      • setStatusReason

        public void setStatusReason​(String statusReason)
        Setter for statusReason. The reason whether upgrade request is accepted or why it is not possible.
      • getCurrentComponentVersion

        public ComponentsVersion getCurrentComponentVersion()
        Getter for currentComponentVersion. Versions of currently deployed CDP runtime and operating system.
      • setCurrentComponentVersion

        public void setCurrentComponentVersion​(ComponentsVersion currentComponentVersion)
        Setter for currentComponentVersion. Versions of currently deployed CDP runtime and operating system.
      • getAvailableComponentVersions

        public List<ComponentsVersion> getAvailableComponentVersions()
        Getter for availableComponentVersions. List of available versions for upgrade.
      • setAvailableComponentVersions

        public void setAvailableComponentVersions​(List<ComponentsVersion> availableComponentVersions)
        Setter for availableComponentVersions. List of available versions for upgrade.
      • getIsOSUpgradeAvailable

        public Boolean getIsOSUpgradeAvailable()
        Getter for isOSUpgradeAvailable. Is an OS upgrade available.
      • setIsOSUpgradeAvailable

        public void setIsOSUpgradeAvailable​(Boolean isOSUpgradeAvailable)
        Setter for isOSUpgradeAvailable. Is an OS upgrade available.
      • getIsRuntimeUpgradeAvailable

        public Boolean getIsRuntimeUpgradeAvailable()
        Getter for isRuntimeUpgradeAvailable. Is a CDP Runtime upgrade available.
      • setIsRuntimeUpgradeAvailable

        public void setIsRuntimeUpgradeAvailable​(Boolean isRuntimeUpgradeAvailable)
        Setter for isRuntimeUpgradeAvailable. Is a CDP Runtime upgrade available.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object