Class CreateAWSGovCloudClusterRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class CreateAWSGovCloudClusterRequest
    extends Object
    Request object for creating AWS Data Hub cluster request on GovCloud.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CreateAWSGovCloudClusterRequest

        public CreateAWSGovCloudClusterRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getClusterName

        public String getClusterName()
        Getter for clusterName. The name of the cluster. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 40 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive.
      • setClusterName

        public void setClusterName​(String clusterName)
        Setter for clusterName. The name of the cluster. This name must be unique, must have between 5 and 40 characters, and must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. Names are case-sensitive.
      • getClusterDefinition

        public String getClusterDefinition()
        Getter for clusterDefinition. The name or CRN of the cluster definition to use for cluster creation.
      • setClusterDefinition

        public void setClusterDefinition​(String clusterDefinition)
        Setter for clusterDefinition. The name or CRN of the cluster definition to use for cluster creation.
      • getEnvironment

        public String getEnvironment()
        Getter for environment. Name or CRN of the environment to use when creating the cluster. The environment must be an AWS GovCloud environment.
      • setEnvironment

        public void setEnvironment​(String environment)
        Setter for environment. Name or CRN of the environment to use when creating the cluster. The environment must be an AWS GovCloud environment.
      • getClusterTemplate

        public String getClusterTemplate()
        Getter for clusterTemplate. Name or CRN of the cluster template to use for cluster creation.
      • setClusterTemplate

        public void setClusterTemplate​(String clusterTemplate)
        Setter for clusterTemplate. Name or CRN of the cluster template to use for cluster creation.
      • getInstanceGroups

        public List<InstanceGroupRequest> getInstanceGroups()
        Getter for instanceGroups. Instance group details.
      • setInstanceGroups

        public void setInstanceGroups​(List<InstanceGroupRequest> instanceGroups)
        Setter for instanceGroups. Instance group details.
      • getSubnetId

        public String getSubnetId()
        Getter for subnetId. The subnet ID.
      • setSubnetId

        public void setSubnetId​(String subnetId)
        Setter for subnetId. The subnet ID.
      • getImage

        public ImageRequest getImage()
        Getter for image. The image to be used for cluster creation.
      • setImage

        public void setImage​(ImageRequest image)
        Setter for image. The image to be used for cluster creation.
      • getRequestTemplate

        public String getRequestTemplate()
        Getter for requestTemplate. JSON template to use for cluster creation. This is different from the cluster template and would be removed in the future.
      • setRequestTemplate

        public void setRequestTemplate​(String requestTemplate)
        Setter for requestTemplate. JSON template to use for cluster creation. This is different from the cluster template and would be removed in the future.
      • getDatahubDatabase

        public String getDatahubDatabase()
        Getter for datahubDatabase. Database type for datahub. Currently supported values: NONE, NON_HA, HA
      • setDatahubDatabase

        public void setDatahubDatabase​(String datahubDatabase)
        Setter for datahubDatabase. Database type for datahub. Currently supported values: NONE, NON_HA, HA
      • getSubnetIds

        public List<String> getSubnetIds()
        Getter for subnetIds. List of subnet IDs in case of multi availability zone setup.
      • setSubnetIds

        public void setSubnetIds​(List<String> subnetIds)
        Setter for subnetIds. List of subnet IDs in case of multi availability zone setup.
      • getMultiAz

        public Boolean getMultiAz()
        Getter for multiAz. Flag that toggles the multi availability zone for the given Data Hub cluster when you are not sure what subnet IDs can be used. This way the subnet IDs will be used what the environment suggests.
      • setMultiAz

        public void setMultiAz​(Boolean multiAz)
        Setter for multiAz. Flag that toggles the multi availability zone for the given Data Hub cluster when you are not sure what subnet IDs can be used. This way the subnet IDs will be used what the environment suggests.
      • getClusterExtension

        public ClusterExtension getClusterExtension()
        Getter for clusterExtension. Cluster extensions for the given Data Hub cluster.
      • setClusterExtension

        public void setClusterExtension​(ClusterExtension clusterExtension)
        Setter for clusterExtension. Cluster extensions for the given Data Hub cluster.
      • getEnableLoadBalancer

        public Boolean getEnableLoadBalancer()
        Getter for enableLoadBalancer. Flag that decides whether to provision a load-balancer to front various service endpoints for the given datahub. This will typically be used for HA cluster shapes.
      • setEnableLoadBalancer

        public void setEnableLoadBalancer​(Boolean enableLoadBalancer)
        Setter for enableLoadBalancer. Flag that decides whether to provision a load-balancer to front various service endpoints for the given datahub. This will typically be used for HA cluster shapes.
      • getJavaVersion

        public Integer getJavaVersion()
        Getter for javaVersion. Configure the major version of Java on the cluster.
      • setJavaVersion

        public void setJavaVersion​(Integer javaVersion)
        Setter for javaVersion. Configure the major version of Java on the cluster.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object