Class GetLogsRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class GetLogsRequest
    extends Object
    GetLogsRequest for getting logs for a request ID.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GetLogsRequest

        public GetLogsRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getRequestID

        public String getRequestID()
        Getter for requestID. Unique Key to identify a set of logs.
      • setRequestID

        public void setRequestID​(String requestID)
        Setter for requestID. Unique Key to identify a set of logs.
      • getFetchAll

        public Boolean getFetchAll()
        Getter for fetchAll. Flag to fetch all logs.
      • setFetchAll

        public void setFetchAll​(Boolean fetchAll)
        Setter for fetchAll. Flag to fetch all logs.
      • getPageSize

        public Integer getPageSize()
        Getter for pageSize. Limit the number of logs.
      • setPageSize

        public void setPageSize​(Integer pageSize)
        Setter for pageSize. Limit the number of logs.
      • getOffset

        public Integer getOffset()
        Getter for offset. offset from which the logs should be fetched.
      • setOffset

        public void setOffset​(Integer offset)
        Setter for offset. offset from which the logs should be fetched.
      • getWorkspaceCrn

        public String getWorkspaceCrn()
        Getter for workspaceCrn. Deprecated. Please begin to use resourceCrn, as this will soon be unsupported
      • setWorkspaceCrn

        public void setWorkspaceCrn​(String workspaceCrn)
        Setter for workspaceCrn. Deprecated. Please begin to use resourceCrn, as this will soon be unsupported
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object