Class CreateUserRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class CreateUserRequest
    extends Object
    Request object for creating user request.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CreateUserRequest

        public CreateUserRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getIdentityProviderUserId

        public String getIdentityProviderUserId()
        Getter for identityProviderUserId. The identity provider user id for the user. This ID must match the NameId attribute value that will be passed for the user in the SAML response using the associated SAML provider.
      • setIdentityProviderUserId

        public void setIdentityProviderUserId​(String identityProviderUserId)
        Setter for identityProviderUserId. The identity provider user id for the user. This ID must match the NameId attribute value that will be passed for the user in the SAML response using the associated SAML provider.
      • getEmail

        public String getEmail()
        Getter for email. The email address for the user. Used for display purposes only.
      • setEmail

        public void setEmail​(String email)
        Setter for email. The email address for the user. Used for display purposes only.
      • getSamlProviderName

        public String getSamlProviderName()
        Getter for samlProviderName. The name or CRN of the SAML provider the user will use for login.
      • setSamlProviderName

        public void setSamlProviderName​(String samlProviderName)
        Setter for samlProviderName. The name or CRN of the SAML provider the user will use for login.
      • getGroups

        public List<String> getGroups()
        Getter for groups. The list of groups the user belongs to. The groups will be created if they do not exist. There are certain restrictions on the group name. Refer to the How To > User Management section in the Management Console documentation for the details.
      • setGroups

        public void setGroups​(List<String> groups)
        Setter for groups. The list of groups the user belongs to. The groups will be created if they do not exist. There are certain restrictions on the group name. Refer to the How To > User Management section in the Management Console documentation for the details.
      • getFirstName

        public String getFirstName()
        Getter for firstName. The user first name.
      • setFirstName

        public void setFirstName​(String firstName)
        Setter for firstName. The user first name.
      • getLastName

        public String getLastName()
        Getter for lastName. The user last name.
      • setLastName

        public void setLastName​(String lastName)
        Setter for lastName. The user last name.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object