Class BackupDetail

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class BackupDetail
    extends Object
    Backup Detail response object for listing backups.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BackupDetail

        public BackupDetail()
    • Method Detail

      • getBackupCrn

        public String getBackupCrn()
        Getter for backupCrn. The CRN of the backup snapshot.
      • setBackupCrn

        public void setBackupCrn​(String backupCrn)
        Setter for backupCrn. The CRN of the backup snapshot.
      • getBackupName

        public String getBackupName()
        Getter for backupName. The name of the backup snapshot.
      • setBackupName

        public void setBackupName​(String backupName)
        Setter for backupName. The name of the backup snapshot.
      • getCreatedAt

        public ZonedDateTime getCreatedAt()
        Getter for createdAt. The creation time of the backup snapshot.
      • setCreatedAt

        public void setCreatedAt​(ZonedDateTime createdAt)
        Setter for createdAt. The creation time of the backup snapshot.
      • getCreatorCrn

        public String getCreatorCrn()
        Getter for creatorCrn. The CRN of the creator.
      • setCreatorCrn

        public void setCreatorCrn​(String creatorCrn)
        Setter for creatorCrn. The CRN of the creator.
      • getWorkspaceVersionAtBackup

        public String getWorkspaceVersionAtBackup()
        Getter for workspaceVersionAtBackup. The version of the backed-up workspace at the time of backup.
      • setWorkspaceVersionAtBackup

        public void setWorkspaceVersionAtBackup​(String workspaceVersionAtBackup)
        Setter for workspaceVersionAtBackup. The version of the backed-up workspace at the time of backup.
      • getBackupStatus

        public String getBackupStatus()
        Getter for backupStatus. The status of the backup.
      • setBackupStatus

        public void setBackupStatus​(String backupStatus)
        Setter for backupStatus. The status of the backup.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object