Class DatalakeDetails


@Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen", date="2024-09-27T08:40:26.246-07:00") public class DatalakeDetails extends Object
Details about a datalake
  • Constructor Details

    • DatalakeDetails

      public DatalakeDetails()
  • Method Details

    • getCrn

      public String getCrn()
      Getter for crn. The CRN of the datalake.
    • setCrn

      public void setCrn(String crn)
      Setter for crn. The CRN of the datalake.
    • getDatalakeName

      public String getDatalakeName()
      Getter for datalakeName. The name of the datalake.
    • setDatalakeName

      public void setDatalakeName(String datalakeName)
      Setter for datalakeName. The name of the datalake.
    • getStatus

      public String getStatus()
      Getter for status. The status of the datalake.
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus(String status)
      Setter for status. The status of the datalake.
    • getShape

      public String getShape()
      Getter for shape. The shape of the datalake (either LIGHT_DUTY or MEDIUM_DUTY_HA).
    • setShape

      public void setShape(String shape)
      Setter for shape. The shape of the datalake (either LIGHT_DUTY or MEDIUM_DUTY_HA).
    • getEnvironmentCrn

      public String getEnvironmentCrn()
      Getter for environmentCrn. The CRN of the environment.
    • setEnvironmentCrn

      public void setEnvironmentCrn(String environmentCrn)
      Setter for environmentCrn. The CRN of the environment.
    • getCredentialCrn

      public String getCredentialCrn()
      Getter for credentialCrn. The CRN of credentials.
    • setCredentialCrn

      public void setCredentialCrn(String credentialCrn)
      Setter for credentialCrn. The CRN of credentials.
    • getCloudPlatform

      public String getCloudPlatform()
      Getter for cloudPlatform. The cloud platform.
    • setCloudPlatform

      public void setCloudPlatform(String cloudPlatform)
      Setter for cloudPlatform. The cloud platform.
    • getInstanceGroups

      public List<InstanceGroup> getInstanceGroups()
      Getter for instanceGroups. The instance details.
    • setInstanceGroups

      public void setInstanceGroups(List<InstanceGroup> instanceGroups)
      Setter for instanceGroups. The instance details.
    • getCreationDate

      public ZonedDateTime getCreationDate()
      Getter for creationDate. The date when the datalake was created.
    • setCreationDate

      public void setCreationDate(ZonedDateTime creationDate)
      Setter for creationDate. The date when the datalake was created.
    • getClouderaManager

      public ClouderaManagerDetails getClouderaManager()
      Getter for clouderaManager. The Cloudera Manager details.
    • setClouderaManager

      public void setClouderaManager(ClouderaManagerDetails clouderaManager)
      Setter for clouderaManager. The Cloudera Manager details.
    • getProductVersions

      public List<ProductVersion> getProductVersions()
      Getter for productVersions. The product versions.
    • setProductVersions

      public void setProductVersions(List<ProductVersion> productVersions)
      Setter for productVersions. The product versions.
    • getRegion

      public String getRegion()
      Getter for region. The region of the datalake.
    • setRegion

      public void setRegion(String region)
      Setter for region. The region of the datalake.
    • getStatusReason

      public String getStatusReason()
      Getter for statusReason. The reason for the status of the datalake.
    • setStatusReason

      public void setStatusReason(String statusReason)
      Setter for statusReason. The reason for the status of the datalake.
    • getAwsConfiguration

      public AWSConfiguration getAwsConfiguration()
      Getter for awsConfiguration. The AWS configuration.
    • setAwsConfiguration

      public void setAwsConfiguration(AWSConfiguration awsConfiguration)
      Setter for awsConfiguration. The AWS configuration.
    • getAzureConfiguration

      public AzureConfiguration getAzureConfiguration()
      Getter for azureConfiguration. The Azure configuration.
    • setAzureConfiguration

      public void setAzureConfiguration(AzureConfiguration azureConfiguration)
      Setter for azureConfiguration. The Azure configuration.
    • getGcpConfiguration

      public GCPConfiguration getGcpConfiguration()
      Getter for gcpConfiguration. The GCP configuration.
    • setGcpConfiguration

      public void setGcpConfiguration(GCPConfiguration gcpConfiguration)
      Setter for gcpConfiguration. The GCP configuration.
    • getEndpoints

      public Endpoints getEndpoints()
      Getter for endpoints. The exposed service api endpoints.
    • setEndpoints

      public void setEndpoints(Endpoints endpoints)
      Setter for endpoints. The exposed service api endpoints.
    • getCloudStorageBaseLocation

      public String getCloudStorageBaseLocation()
      Getter for cloudStorageBaseLocation. The base location for the cloud storage used for the datalake.
    • setCloudStorageBaseLocation

      public void setCloudStorageBaseLocation(String cloudStorageBaseLocation)
      Setter for cloudStorageBaseLocation. The base location for the cloud storage used for the datalake.
    • getEnableRangerRaz

      public Boolean getEnableRangerRaz()
      Getter for enableRangerRaz. Whether Ranger RAZ is enabled for the datalake.
    • setEnableRangerRaz

      public void setEnableRangerRaz(Boolean enableRangerRaz)
      Setter for enableRangerRaz. Whether Ranger RAZ is enabled for the datalake.
    • getTags

      public List<DatalakeResourceTag> getTags()
      Getter for tags. Datalake tags object containing the tag values defined for the datalake.
    • setTags

      public void setTags(List<DatalakeResourceTag> tags)
      Setter for tags. Datalake tags object containing the tag values defined for the datalake.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object