Class AzureOptionsResponse

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class AzureOptionsResponse
    extends CdpResponse
    Response object of the cluster Azure settings.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AzureOptionsResponse

        public AzureOptionsResponse()
    • Method Detail

      • getSubnetId

        public String getSubnetId()
        Getter for subnetId. ID of Azure subnet where the cluster is deployed.
      • setSubnetId

        public void setSubnetId​(String subnetId)
        Setter for subnetId. ID of Azure subnet where the cluster is deployed.
      • getEnableAZ

        public Boolean getEnableAZ()
        Getter for enableAZ. Denotes whther the Azure Availability Zones for the cluster is enabled or not.
      • setEnableAZ

        public void setEnableAZ​(Boolean enableAZ)
        Setter for enableAZ. Denotes whther the Azure Availability Zones for the cluster is enabled or not.
      • getOutboundType

        public String getOutboundType()
        Getter for outboundType. The current outbound type setting.
      • setOutboundType

        public void setOutboundType​(String outboundType)
        Setter for outboundType. The current outbound type setting.
      • getLogAnalyticsWorkspaceId

        public String getLogAnalyticsWorkspaceId()
        Getter for logAnalyticsWorkspaceId. Workspace ID for Azure log analytics.
      • setLogAnalyticsWorkspaceId

        public void setLogAnalyticsWorkspaceId​(String logAnalyticsWorkspaceId)
        Setter for logAnalyticsWorkspaceId. Workspace ID for Azure log analytics.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object