Class ConfiguredAlert

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class ConfiguredAlert
    extends Object
    An alert configuration that specifies a configured frequency with lower and/or upper thresholds
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConfiguredAlert

        public ConfiguredAlert()
    • Method Detail

      • getThresholdMoreThan

        public ConfiguredAlertThreshold getThresholdMoreThan()
        Getter for thresholdMoreThan. The optional moreThan threshold that should trigger an alert; at least one of thresholdMoreThan and thresholdLessThan is required
      • setThresholdMoreThan

        public void setThresholdMoreThan​(ConfiguredAlertThreshold thresholdMoreThan)
        Setter for thresholdMoreThan. The optional moreThan threshold that should trigger an alert; at least one of thresholdMoreThan and thresholdLessThan is required
      • getThresholdLessThan

        public ConfiguredAlertThreshold getThresholdLessThan()
        Getter for thresholdLessThan. The optional lessThan threshold that should trigger an alert
      • setThresholdLessThan

        public void setThresholdLessThan​(ConfiguredAlertThreshold thresholdLessThan)
        Setter for thresholdLessThan. The optional lessThan threshold that should trigger an alert
      • getFrequencyTolerance

        public ConfiguredAlertFrequencyTolerance getFrequencyTolerance()
        Getter for frequencyTolerance. The configured alert frequency tolerance for the KPI
      • setFrequencyTolerance

        public void setFrequencyTolerance​(ConfiguredAlertFrequencyTolerance frequencyTolerance)
        Setter for frequencyTolerance. The configured alert frequency tolerance for the KPI
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object