Class CreatePrivateEnvironmentRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class CreatePrivateEnvironmentRequest
    extends Object
    Request object for a create private cloud environment request.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CreatePrivateEnvironmentRequest

        public CreatePrivateEnvironmentRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getEnvironmentName

        public String getEnvironmentName()
        Getter for environmentName. The name of the environment. Must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens.
      • setEnvironmentName

        public void setEnvironmentName​(String environmentName)
        Setter for environmentName. The name of the environment. Must contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens.
      • getAddress

        public String getAddress()
        Getter for address. The address of the Cloudera Manager managing the Datalake cluster.
      • setAddress

        public void setAddress​(String address)
        Setter for address. The address of the Cloudera Manager managing the Datalake cluster.
      • getUser

        public String getUser()
        Getter for user. User name for accessing the Cloudera Manager.
      • setUser

        public void setUser​(String user)
        Setter for user. User name for accessing the Cloudera Manager.
      • getAuthenticationToken

        public String getAuthenticationToken()
        Getter for authenticationToken. A string (text or json) used to authenticate to the Cloudera Manager.
      • setAuthenticationToken

        public void setAuthenticationToken​(String authenticationToken)
        Setter for authenticationToken. A string (text or json) used to authenticate to the Cloudera Manager.
      • getClusterNames

        public List<String> getClusterNames()
        Getter for clusterNames. The name of the cluster(s) to use as a Datalake for the environment.
      • setClusterNames

        public void setClusterNames​(List<String> clusterNames)
        Setter for clusterNames. The name of the cluster(s) to use as a Datalake for the environment.
      • getKubeConfig

        public String getKubeConfig()
        Getter for kubeConfig. Name of credentials holding kubeconfig for access to the kubernetes cluster paired with this Environment.
      • setKubeConfig

        public void setKubeConfig​(String kubeConfig)
        Setter for kubeConfig. Name of credentials holding kubeconfig for access to the kubernetes cluster paired with this Environment.
      • getAuthenticationTokenType

        public String getAuthenticationTokenType()
        Getter for authenticationTokenType. How to interpret the authenticationToken field. Defaults to CLEARTEXT_PASSWORD.
      • setAuthenticationTokenType

        public void setAuthenticationTokenType​(String authenticationTokenType)
        Setter for authenticationTokenType. How to interpret the authenticationToken field. Defaults to CLEARTEXT_PASSWORD.
      • getNamespacePrefix

        public String getNamespacePrefix()
        Getter for namespacePrefix. Prefix for all namespaces created by Cloudera Data Platform within this cluster.
      • setNamespacePrefix

        public void setNamespacePrefix​(String namespacePrefix)
        Setter for namespacePrefix. Prefix for all namespaces created by Cloudera Data Platform within this cluster.
      • getDomain

        public String getDomain()
        Getter for domain. default domain suffix to work workload applications to use.
      • setDomain

        public void setDomain​(String domain)
        Setter for domain. default domain suffix to work workload applications to use.
      • getPlatform

        public String getPlatform()
        Getter for platform. the K8s cluster type used for the environment.
      • setPlatform

        public void setPlatform​(String platform)
        Setter for platform. the K8s cluster type used for the environment.
      • getDockerConfigJson

        public String getDockerConfigJson()
        Getter for dockerConfigJson. docker pull secrets for the K8s cluster. This is expected to be a docker config json.
      • setDockerConfigJson

        public void setDockerConfigJson​(String dockerConfigJson)
        Setter for dockerConfigJson. docker pull secrets for the K8s cluster. This is expected to be a docker config json.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Getter for description. An description of the environment.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        Setter for description. An description of the environment.
      • getStorageClass

        public String getStorageClass()
        Getter for storageClass. An existing storage class on this kubernetes cluster. If not specified, the default storage class will be used.
      • setStorageClass

        public void setStorageClass​(String storageClass)
        Setter for storageClass. An existing storage class on this kubernetes cluster. If not specified, the default storage class will be used.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object