Class ClusterLifecycleEvents

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class ClusterLifecycleEvents
    extends Object
    Related events for the stack.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClusterLifecycleEvents

        public ClusterLifecycleEvents()
    • Method Detail

      • getEventType

        public String getEventType()
        Getter for eventType. Type of the event.
      • setEventType

        public void setEventType​(String eventType)
        Setter for eventType. Type of the event.
      • getEventTimestamp

        public ZonedDateTime getEventTimestamp()
        Getter for eventTimestamp. Timestamp of this event.
      • setEventTimestamp

        public void setEventTimestamp​(ZonedDateTime eventTimestamp)
        Setter for eventTimestamp. Timestamp of this event.
      • getEventMessage

        public String getEventMessage()
        Getter for eventMessage. Message from this event.
      • setEventMessage

        public void setEventMessage​(String eventMessage)
        Setter for eventMessage. Message from this event.
      • getUserId

        public String getUserId()
        Getter for userId. User ID.
      • setUserId

        public void setUserId​(String userId)
        Setter for userId. User ID.
      • getNotificationType

        public String getNotificationType()
        Getter for notificationType. Type of notification as identified in the UI.
      • setNotificationType

        public void setNotificationType​(String notificationType)
        Setter for notificationType. Type of notification as identified in the UI.
      • getCloudType

        public String getCloudType()
        Getter for cloudType. Cloud provider type.
      • setCloudType

        public void setCloudType​(String cloudType)
        Setter for cloudType. Cloud provider type.
      • getRegion

        public String getRegion()
        Getter for region. Cloud provider region in which the cluster is deployed.
      • setRegion

        public void setRegion​(String region)
        Setter for region. Cloud provider region in which the cluster is deployed.
      • getAvailabilityZone

        public String getAvailabilityZone()
        Getter for availabilityZone. Cloud provider availability zone for the region in which the cluster is deployed.
      • setAvailabilityZone

        public void setAvailabilityZone​(String availabilityZone)
        Setter for availabilityZone. Cloud provider availability zone for the region in which the cluster is deployed.
      • getBlueprintId

        public Long getBlueprintId()
        Getter for blueprintId. Blueprint ID for the blueprint deployed on the cluster.
      • setBlueprintId

        public void setBlueprintId​(Long blueprintId)
        Setter for blueprintId. Blueprint ID for the blueprint deployed on the cluster.
      • getBlueprintName

        public String getBlueprintName()
        Getter for blueprintName. Blueprint name for the blueprint deployed on the cluster.
      • setBlueprintName

        public void setBlueprintName​(String blueprintName)
        Setter for blueprintName. Blueprint name for the blueprint deployed on the cluster.
      • getClusterId

        public Long getClusterId()
        Getter for clusterId. ID of the cluster.
      • setClusterId

        public void setClusterId​(Long clusterId)
        Setter for clusterId. ID of the cluster.
      • getClusterName

        public String getClusterName()
        Getter for clusterName. Name of the cluster.
      • setClusterName

        public void setClusterName​(String clusterName)
        Setter for clusterName. Name of the cluster.
      • getStackCrn

        public String getStackCrn()
        Getter for stackCrn. The unique CRN of the resource.
      • setStackCrn

        public void setStackCrn​(String stackCrn)
        Setter for stackCrn. The unique CRN of the resource.
      • getStackName

        public String getStackName()
        Getter for stackName. Name of the stack.
      • setStackName

        public void setStackName​(String stackName)
        Setter for stackName. Name of the stack.
      • getStackStatus

        public String getStackStatus()
        Getter for stackStatus. Current status of the stack.
      • setStackStatus

        public void setStackStatus​(String stackStatus)
        Setter for stackStatus. Current status of the stack.
      • getNodeCount

        public Integer getNodeCount()
        Getter for nodeCount. Current node count for the nodes in the cluster.
      • setNodeCount

        public void setNodeCount​(Integer nodeCount)
        Setter for nodeCount. Current node count for the nodes in the cluster.
      • getInstanceGroup

        public String getInstanceGroup()
        Getter for instanceGroup. Name of the instance group.
      • setInstanceGroup

        public void setInstanceGroup​(String instanceGroup)
        Setter for instanceGroup. Name of the instance group.
      • getClusterStatus

        public String getClusterStatus()
        Getter for clusterStatus. Status of the cluster.
      • setClusterStatus

        public void setClusterStatus​(String clusterStatus)
        Setter for clusterStatus. Status of the cluster.
      • getWorkspaceId

        public Long getWorkspaceId()
        Getter for workspaceId. Workspace ID of the resource.
      • setWorkspaceId

        public void setWorkspaceId​(Long workspaceId)
        Setter for workspaceId. Workspace ID of the resource.
      • getTenantName

        public String getTenantName()
        Getter for tenantName. Name of the current tenant.
      • setTenantName

        public void setTenantName​(String tenantName)
        Setter for tenantName. Name of the current tenant.
      • getLdapDetails

        public ClusterLdapDetails getLdapDetails()
        Getter for ldapDetails. Details of the LDAP.
      • setLdapDetails

        public void setLdapDetails​(ClusterLdapDetails ldapDetails)
        Setter for ldapDetails. Details of the LDAP.
      • getRdsDetails

        public ClusterRdsDetails getRdsDetails()
        Getter for rdsDetails. Details of the RDS.
      • setRdsDetails

        public void setRdsDetails​(ClusterRdsDetails rdsDetails)
        Setter for rdsDetails. Details of the RDS.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object