Class UpdateDeploymentRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class UpdateDeploymentRequest
    extends Object
    Provides all of the configuration that dictates how a flow should be deployed.
    • Constructor Detail

      • UpdateDeploymentRequest

        public UpdateDeploymentRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getEnvironmentCrn

        public String getEnvironmentCrn()
        Getter for environmentCrn. The CRN of an environment to execute the command.
      • setEnvironmentCrn

        public void setEnvironmentCrn​(String environmentCrn)
        Setter for environmentCrn. The CRN of an environment to execute the command.
      • getConfigurationVersion

        public Integer getConfigurationVersion()
        Getter for configurationVersion. The version of this configuration.
      • setConfigurationVersion

        public void setConfigurationVersion​(Integer configurationVersion)
        Setter for configurationVersion. The version of this configuration.
      • getDeploymentCrn

        public String getDeploymentCrn()
        Getter for deploymentCrn. The CRN of the existing deployment to be updated.
      • setDeploymentCrn

        public void setDeploymentCrn​(String deploymentCrn)
        Setter for deploymentCrn. The CRN of the existing deployment to be updated.
      • getParameterGroups

        public List<FlowParameterGroup> getParameterGroups()
        Getter for parameterGroups. The list of flow parameter groups.
      • setParameterGroups

        public void setParameterGroups​(List<FlowParameterGroup> parameterGroups)
        Setter for parameterGroups. The list of flow parameter groups.
      • getAutoScalingEnabled

        public Boolean getAutoScalingEnabled()
        Getter for autoScalingEnabled. Specifies that auto-scaling should be enabled.
      • setAutoScalingEnabled

        public void setAutoScalingEnabled​(Boolean autoScalingEnabled)
        Setter for autoScalingEnabled. Specifies that auto-scaling should be enabled.
      • getFlowMetricsScalingEnabled

        public Boolean getFlowMetricsScalingEnabled()
        Getter for flowMetricsScalingEnabled. Specifies that Flow metrics should be enabled for scaling.
      • setFlowMetricsScalingEnabled

        public void setFlowMetricsScalingEnabled​(Boolean flowMetricsScalingEnabled)
        Setter for flowMetricsScalingEnabled. Specifies that Flow metrics should be enabled for scaling.
      • getAutoScaleMinNodes

        public Integer getAutoScaleMinNodes()
        Getter for autoScaleMinNodes. The minimum number of nodes that the cluster should allocate. May only be specified when autoScalingEnabled is true.
      • setAutoScaleMinNodes

        public void setAutoScaleMinNodes​(Integer autoScaleMinNodes)
        Setter for autoScaleMinNodes. The minimum number of nodes that the cluster should allocate. May only be specified when autoScalingEnabled is true.
      • getAutoScaleMaxNodes

        public Integer getAutoScaleMaxNodes()
        Getter for autoScaleMaxNodes. The maximum number of nodes that the cluster should scale to. May only be specified when autoScalingEnabled is true.
      • setAutoScaleMaxNodes

        public void setAutoScaleMaxNodes​(Integer autoScaleMaxNodes)
        Setter for autoScaleMaxNodes. The maximum number of nodes that the cluster should scale to. May only be specified when autoScalingEnabled is true.
      • getStaticNodeCount

        public Integer getStaticNodeCount()
        Getter for staticNodeCount. The static number of nodes that the cluster should allocate. May only be specified when autoScalingEnabled is false.
      • setStaticNodeCount

        public void setStaticNodeCount​(Integer staticNodeCount)
        Setter for staticNodeCount. The static number of nodes that the cluster should allocate. May only be specified when autoScalingEnabled is false.
      • getKpis

        public List<ConfiguredKpi> getKpis()
        Getter for kpis. The list of configured KPIs.
      • setKpis

        public void setKpis​(List<ConfiguredKpi> kpis)
        Setter for kpis. The list of configured KPIs.
      • getClusterSizeName

        public String getClusterSizeName()
        Getter for clusterSizeName. The deployment t-shirt size. Deprecated. Use '' instead.
      • setClusterSizeName

        public void setClusterSizeName​(String clusterSizeName)
        Setter for clusterSizeName. The deployment t-shirt size. Deprecated. Use '' instead.
      • getClusterSize

        public BasicClusterSize getClusterSize()
        Getter for clusterSize. The deployment t-shirt size.
      • setClusterSize

        public void setClusterSize​(BasicClusterSize clusterSize)
        Setter for clusterSize. The deployment t-shirt size.
      • getAssetUpdateRequestCrn

        public String getAssetUpdateRequestCrn()
        Getter for assetUpdateRequestCrn. The CRN of the asset update request. Required when updating assets of an existing deployment.
      • setAssetUpdateRequestCrn

        public void setAssetUpdateRequestCrn​(String assetUpdateRequestCrn)
        Setter for assetUpdateRequestCrn. The CRN of the asset update request. Required when updating assets of an existing deployment.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object