Class LaunchProfilersRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class LaunchProfilersRequest
    extends Object
    Launch Profilers request.
    • Constructor Detail

      • LaunchProfilersRequest

        public LaunchProfilersRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getDatalake

        public String getDatalake()
        Getter for datalake. The Name or CRN of the Datalake.
      • setDatalake

        public void setDatalake​(String datalake)
        Setter for datalake. The Name or CRN of the Datalake.
      • getEnableHA

        public Boolean getEnableHA()
        Getter for enableHA. Enables High Availability (HA) for datacatalog profilers (default value is false). The High Availability (HA) Profiler cluster provides failure resilience and scalability but incurs additional cost.
      • setEnableHA

        public void setEnableHA​(Boolean enableHA)
        Setter for enableHA. Enables High Availability (HA) for datacatalog profilers (default value is false). The High Availability (HA) Profiler cluster provides failure resilience and scalability but incurs additional cost.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object