Class StartGetDiagnosticsCollectionRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class StartGetDiagnosticsCollectionRequest
    extends Object
    Request to start DataFlow diagnostics bundle creation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StartGetDiagnosticsCollectionRequest

        public StartGetDiagnosticsCollectionRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getDfServiceCrn

        public String getDfServiceCrn()
        Getter for dfServiceCrn. DataFlow Service CRN from which to collect diagnostics.
      • setDfServiceCrn

        public void setDfServiceCrn​(String dfServiceCrn)
        Setter for dfServiceCrn. DataFlow Service CRN from which to collect diagnostics.
      • getDestination

        public String getDestination()
        Getter for destination. Destination location.
      • setDestination

        public void setDestination​(String destination)
        Setter for destination. Destination location.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Getter for description. Description of diagnostics collection.
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(String description)
        Setter for description. Description of diagnostics collection.
      • getEnvironmentComponents

        public List<String> getEnvironmentComponents()
        Getter for environmentComponents. List of environment components for which logs should be collected.
      • setEnvironmentComponents

        public void setEnvironmentComponents​(List<String> environmentComponents)
        Setter for environmentComponents. List of environment components for which logs should be collected.
      • getCaseNumber

        public String getCaseNumber()
        Getter for caseNumber. Support case number associated with this request.
      • setCaseNumber

        public void setCaseNumber​(String caseNumber)
        Setter for caseNumber. Support case number associated with this request.
      • getDeployments

        public List<String> getDeployments()
        Getter for deployments. List of deployments to collect diagnostics from, if none are specified, all deployments will be included.
      • setDeployments

        public void setDeployments​(List<String> deployments)
        Setter for deployments. List of deployments to collect diagnostics from, if none are specified, all deployments will be included.
      • getStartTime

        public String getStartTime()
        Getter for startTime. Date-time from which component logs will be collected, up until endTime.
      • setStartTime

        public void setStartTime​(String startTime)
        Setter for startTime. Date-time from which component logs will be collected, up until endTime.
      • getEndTime

        public String getEndTime()
        Getter for endTime. Date-time to which component logs will be collected, starting from startTime.
      • setEndTime

        public void setEndTime​(String endTime)
        Setter for endTime. Date-time to which component logs will be collected, starting from startTime.
      • getCollectionScope

        public String getCollectionScope()
        Getter for collectionScope. Collection scope.
      • setCollectionScope

        public void setCollectionScope​(String collectionScope)
        Setter for collectionScope. Collection scope.
      • getIncludeNifiDiagnostics

        public Boolean getIncludeNifiDiagnostics()
        Getter for includeNifiDiagnostics. Indicates if the heap and thread dumps are needed for a flow.
      • setIncludeNifiDiagnostics

        public void setIncludeNifiDiagnostics​(Boolean includeNifiDiagnostics)
        Setter for includeNifiDiagnostics. Indicates if the heap and thread dumps are needed for a flow.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object