Class CreateWorkspaceRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class CreateWorkspaceRequest
    extends Object
    Request object for the CreateWorkspace method.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CreateWorkspaceRequest

        public CreateWorkspaceRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getEnvironmentName

        public String getEnvironmentName()
        Getter for environmentName. The environment for the workspace to create.
      • setEnvironmentName

        public void setEnvironmentName​(String environmentName)
        Setter for environmentName. The environment for the workspace to create.
      • getWorkspaceName

        public String getWorkspaceName()
        Getter for workspaceName. The name of the workspace to create.
      • setWorkspaceName

        public void setWorkspaceName​(String workspaceName)
        Setter for workspaceName. The name of the workspace to create.
      • getProvisionK8sRequest

        public ProvisionK8sRequest getProvisionK8sRequest()
        Getter for provisionK8sRequest. The request for Kubernetes workspace provision. Required in public cloud.
      • setProvisionK8sRequest

        public void setProvisionK8sRequest​(ProvisionK8sRequest provisionK8sRequest)
        Setter for provisionK8sRequest. The request for Kubernetes workspace provision. Required in public cloud.
      • getUsePublicLoadBalancer

        public Boolean getUsePublicLoadBalancer()
        Getter for usePublicLoadBalancer. The boolean flag to request public load balancer. By default, private load balancer is used.
      • setUsePublicLoadBalancer

        public void setUsePublicLoadBalancer​(Boolean usePublicLoadBalancer)
        Setter for usePublicLoadBalancer. The boolean flag to request public load balancer. By default, private load balancer is used.
      • getDisableTLS

        public Boolean getDisableTLS()
        Getter for disableTLS. The boolean flag to disable TLS setup for workspace. By default, the TLS is enabled.
      • setDisableTLS

        public void setDisableTLS​(Boolean disableTLS)
        Setter for disableTLS. The boolean flag to disable TLS setup for workspace. By default, the TLS is enabled.
      • getEnableMonitoring

        public Boolean getEnableMonitoring()
        Getter for enableMonitoring. The boolean flag is used to enable monitoring. By default, monitoring is disabled.
      • setEnableMonitoring

        public void setEnableMonitoring​(Boolean enableMonitoring)
        Setter for enableMonitoring. The boolean flag is used to enable monitoring. By default, monitoring is disabled.
      • getEnableGovernance

        public Boolean getEnableGovernance()
        Getter for enableGovernance. Enables Cloudera Machine Learning governance by integrating with Cloudera Atlas. By default, this flag is disabled.
      • setEnableGovernance

        public void setEnableGovernance​(Boolean enableGovernance)
        Setter for enableGovernance. Enables Cloudera Machine Learning governance by integrating with Cloudera Atlas. By default, this flag is disabled.
      • getExistingNFS

        public String getExistingNFS()
        Getter for existingNFS. Optionally use an existing NFS by providing the hostname and desired path (Azure and Private Cloud only).
      • setExistingNFS

        public void setExistingNFS​(String existingNFS)
        Setter for existingNFS. Optionally use an existing NFS by providing the hostname and desired path (Azure and Private Cloud only).
      • getLoadBalancerIPWhitelists

        public List<String> getLoadBalancerIPWhitelists()
        Getter for loadBalancerIPWhitelists. The whitelist of IPs for load balancer.
      • setLoadBalancerIPWhitelists

        public void setLoadBalancerIPWhitelists​(List<String> loadBalancerIPWhitelists)
        Setter for loadBalancerIPWhitelists. The whitelist of IPs for load balancer.
      • getNfsVersion

        public String getNfsVersion()
        Getter for nfsVersion. The NFS Protocol version of the NFS server we are using for Azure and Private Cloud.
      • setNfsVersion

        public void setNfsVersion​(String nfsVersion)
        Setter for nfsVersion. The NFS Protocol version of the NFS server we are using for Azure and Private Cloud.
      • getMlVersion

        public String getMlVersion()
        Getter for mlVersion. The version of ML workload app to install.
      • setMlVersion

        public void setMlVersion​(String mlVersion)
        Setter for mlVersion. The version of ML workload app to install.
      • getEnableModelMetrics

        public Boolean getEnableModelMetrics()
        Getter for enableModelMetrics. Enables the model metrics service for exporting metrics for models to a metrics store.
      • setEnableModelMetrics

        public void setEnableModelMetrics​(Boolean enableModelMetrics)
        Setter for enableModelMetrics. Enables the model metrics service for exporting metrics for models to a metrics store.
      • getExistingDatabaseConfig

        public ExistingDatabaseConfig getExistingDatabaseConfig()
        Getter for existingDatabaseConfig. Optional configurations for an existing Postgres to export model metrics to.
      • setExistingDatabaseConfig

        public void setExistingDatabaseConfig​(ExistingDatabaseConfig existingDatabaseConfig)
        Setter for existingDatabaseConfig. Optional configurations for an existing Postgres to export model metrics to.
      • getWhitelistAuthorizedIPRanges

        public Boolean getWhitelistAuthorizedIPRanges()
        Getter for whitelistAuthorizedIPRanges. Whether to whitelist only 'authorizedIPRanges' given or all public IPs.
      • setWhitelistAuthorizedIPRanges

        public void setWhitelistAuthorizedIPRanges​(Boolean whitelistAuthorizedIPRanges)
        Setter for whitelistAuthorizedIPRanges. Whether to whitelist only 'authorizedIPRanges' given or all public IPs.
      • getAuthorizedIPRanges

        public List<String> getAuthorizedIPRanges()
        Getter for authorizedIPRanges. The whitelist of CIDR blocks which can access the API server.
      • setAuthorizedIPRanges

        public void setAuthorizedIPRanges​(List<String> authorizedIPRanges)
        Setter for authorizedIPRanges. The whitelist of CIDR blocks which can access the API server.
      • getSkipValidation

        public Boolean getSkipValidation()
        Getter for skipValidation. Skip pre-flight validations if requested.
      • setSkipValidation

        public void setSkipValidation​(Boolean skipValidation)
        Setter for skipValidation. Skip pre-flight validations if requested.
      • getPrivateCluster

        public Boolean getPrivateCluster()
        Getter for privateCluster. Whether to create a private cluster.
      • setPrivateCluster

        public void setPrivateCluster​(Boolean privateCluster)
        Setter for privateCluster. Whether to create a private cluster.
      • getSubnetsForLoadBalancers

        public List<String> getSubnetsForLoadBalancers()
        Getter for subnetsForLoadBalancers. The list of subnets used for the load balancer that CML creates.
      • setSubnetsForLoadBalancers

        public void setSubnetsForLoadBalancers​(List<String> subnetsForLoadBalancers)
        Setter for subnetsForLoadBalancers. The list of subnets used for the load balancer that CML creates.
      • getStaticSubdomain

        public String getStaticSubdomain()
        Getter for staticSubdomain. The static subdomain to be used for the workspace.
      • setStaticSubdomain

        public void setStaticSubdomain​(String staticSubdomain)
        Setter for staticSubdomain. The static subdomain to be used for the workspace.
      • getCdswMigrationMode

        public String getCdswMigrationMode()
        Getter for cdswMigrationMode. Toggle for cdsw migration preflight validation
      • setCdswMigrationMode

        public void setCdswMigrationMode​(String cdswMigrationMode)
        Setter for cdswMigrationMode. Toggle for cdsw migration preflight validation
      • getOutboundTypes

        public List<String> getOutboundTypes()
        Getter for outboundTypes. Outbound Types provided for the workspace.
      • setOutboundTypes

        public void setOutboundTypes​(List<String> outboundTypes)
        Setter for outboundTypes. Outbound Types provided for the workspace.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object