Class CdpRequestContext<T extends BaseResponse>

  • public class CdpRequestContext<T extends BaseResponse>
    extends Object
    CDP client context. It has all information needed to send a CDP API request. A context instance is not shared between requests, each request should have its own instance. This class is for internal use only.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CdpRequestContext

        public CdpRequestContext​( client,
                                 String serviceName,
                                 String operationName,
                       <T> responseType)
      • CdpRequestContext

        public CdpRequestContext​( client,
                                 String serviceName,
                                 String operationName,
                       <T> responseType,
                                 CdpRequestContext context)
    • Method Detail

      • getClient

        public getClient()
      • getServiceName

        public String getServiceName()
      • getOperationName

        public String getOperationName()
      • getResponseType

        public<T> getResponseType()
      • getClientApplicationName

        public String getClientApplicationName()
      • setClientApplicationName

        public void setClientApplicationName​(@Nullable
                                             String clientApplicationName)
      • setRetryHandler

        public void setRetryHandler​(RetryHandler retryHandler)
      • setCredentials

        public void setCredentials​(CdpCredentials credentials)
      • getRequestContentType

        public String getRequestContentType()
      • setRequestContentType

        public void setRequestContentType​(String requestContentType)
      • getResponseContentType

        public String getResponseContentType()
      • setResponseContentType

        public void setResponseContentType​(String responseContentType)
      • getEndpoint

        public String getEndpoint()
      • setEndpoint

        public void setEndpoint​(String endpoint)
      • getMethod

        public String getMethod()
      • setMethod

        public void setMethod​(String method)
      • getPath

        public String getPath()
      • setPath

        public void setPath​(String path)
      • getQueries

        public final List<Pair> getQueries()
      • setQueries

        public void setQueries​(List<Pair> queries)
      • getBody

        public Object getBody()
      • setBody

        public void setBody​(@Nullable
                            Object body)
      • getRawResponse

        public getRawResponse()
      • setRawResponse

        public void setRawResponse​(@Nullable
      • getResponse

        public T getResponse()
      • setResponse

        public void setResponse​(@Nullable
                                T response)
      • getRequestUrl

        public URI getRequestUrl()