Class DeleteWorkspaceRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class DeleteWorkspaceRequest
    extends Object
    Request object for the DeleteWorkspace method.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeleteWorkspaceRequest

        public DeleteWorkspaceRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getForce

        public Boolean getForce()
        Getter for force. Force delete a workspace even if errors occur during deletion. Force delete removes the guarantee that resources in your cloud account will be cleaned up.
      • setForce

        public void setForce​(Boolean force)
        Setter for force. Force delete a workspace even if errors occur during deletion. Force delete removes the guarantee that resources in your cloud account will be cleaned up.
      • getRemoveStorage

        public Boolean getRemoveStorage()
        Getter for removeStorage. The remove storage flag indicates weather to keep the backing workspace filesystem storage or remove it during delete.
      • setRemoveStorage

        public void setRemoveStorage​(Boolean removeStorage)
        Setter for removeStorage. The remove storage flag indicates weather to keep the backing workspace filesystem storage or remove it during delete.
      • getEnvironmentName

        public String getEnvironmentName()
        Getter for environmentName. The environment for the workspace to delete.
      • setEnvironmentName

        public void setEnvironmentName​(String environmentName)
        Setter for environmentName. The environment for the workspace to delete.
      • getWorkspaceName

        public String getWorkspaceName()
        Getter for workspaceName. The name of the workspace to delete.
      • setWorkspaceName

        public void setWorkspaceName​(String workspaceName)
        Setter for workspaceName. The name of the workspace to delete.
      • getWorkspaceCrn

        public String getWorkspaceCrn()
        Getter for workspaceCrn. The CRN of the workspace to delete. If CRN is specified only the CRN is used for identifying the workspace, environment and name arguments are ignored.
      • setWorkspaceCrn

        public void setWorkspaceCrn​(String workspaceCrn)
        Setter for workspaceCrn. The CRN of the workspace to delete. If CRN is specified only the CRN is used for identifying the workspace, environment and name arguments are ignored.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object