Class GetCommandStatusResponse

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class GetCommandStatusResponse
    extends CdpResponse
    Response object for get command status.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GetCommandStatusResponse

        public GetCommandStatusResponse()
    • Method Detail

      • getCommandId

        public Long getCommandId()
        Getter for commandId. Id of the CM command.
      • setCommandId

        public void setCommandId​(Long commandId)
        Setter for commandId. Id of the CM command.
      • getSuccess

        public Boolean getSuccess()
        Getter for success. Whether the diagnostic collection is successful.
      • setSuccess

        public void setSuccess​(Boolean success)
        Setter for success. Whether the diagnostic collection is successful.
      • getActive

        public Boolean getActive()
        Getter for active. Whether the command is still active.
      • setActive

        public void setActive​(Boolean active)
        Setter for active. Whether the command is still active.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Getter for name. Name of the policy.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Setter for name. Name of the policy.
      • getStartTime

        public String getStartTime()
        Getter for startTime. Start time of the CM command.
      • setStartTime

        public void setStartTime​(String startTime)
        Setter for startTime. Start time of the CM command.
      • getEndTime

        public String getEndTime()
        Getter for endTime. End time of the CM command.
      • setEndTime

        public void setEndTime​(String endTime)
        Setter for endTime. End time of the CM command.
      • getResultDataUrl

        public String getResultDataUrl()
        Getter for resultDataUrl. Some commands have result data URL for downloading the diagnostic bundle. On certain CM versions the bundle download is only available through this URL, but not with download-diagnostic-bundle operation.
      • setResultDataUrl

        public void setResultDataUrl​(String resultDataUrl)
        Setter for resultDataUrl. Some commands have result data URL for downloading the diagnostic bundle. On certain CM versions the bundle download is only available through this URL, but not with download-diagnostic-bundle operation.
      • getResultMessage

        public String getResultMessage()
        Getter for resultMessage. Result message of the command.
      • setResultMessage

        public void setResultMessage​(String resultMessage)
        Setter for resultMessage. Result message of the command.
      • getBundleStatus

        public String getBundleStatus()
        Getter for bundleStatus. The current status of the command.
      • setBundleStatus

        public void setBundleStatus​(String bundleStatus)
        Setter for bundleStatus. The current status of the command.
      • getBundleStatusMessage

        public String getBundleStatusMessage()
        Getter for bundleStatusMessage. Further information about the current command status.
      • setBundleStatusMessage

        public void setBundleStatusMessage​(String bundleStatusMessage)
        Setter for bundleStatusMessage. Further information about the current command status.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object