Class RpcDeploymentConfigurationMetadata

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class RpcDeploymentConfigurationMetadata
    extends Object
    Provides details about the deployment and all of the different configuration items that are available.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RpcDeploymentConfigurationMetadata

        public RpcDeploymentConfigurationMetadata()
    • Method Detail

      • getFlowCrn

        public String getFlowCrn()
        Getter for flowCrn. The CRN of the flow to deploy
      • setFlowCrn

        public void setFlowCrn​(String flowCrn)
        Setter for flowCrn. The CRN of the flow to deploy
      • getFlowName

        public String getFlowName()
        Getter for flowName. The name of the flow to deploy
      • setFlowName

        public void setFlowName​(String flowName)
        Setter for flowName. The name of the flow to deploy
      • getFlowVersion

        public Integer getFlowVersion()
        Getter for flowVersion. The version of the flow to deploy
      • setFlowVersion

        public void setFlowVersion​(Integer flowVersion)
        Setter for flowVersion. The version of the flow to deploy
      • getFlowVersionCrn

        public String getFlowVersionCrn()
        Getter for flowVersionCrn. The CRN for the flow version
      • setFlowVersionCrn

        public void setFlowVersionCrn​(String flowVersionCrn)
        Setter for flowVersionCrn. The CRN for the flow version
      • getService

        public ServiceMeta getService()
        Getter for service. Simple information about the DataFlow service of the deployment
      • setService

        public void setService​(ServiceMeta service)
        Setter for service. Simple information about the DataFlow service of the deployment
      • getRequiresEnvironmentSslContextService

        public Boolean getRequiresEnvironmentSslContextService()
        Getter for requiresEnvironmentSslContextService. A flag indicating if the flow requires an Environment specific SSLContextService
      • setRequiresEnvironmentSslContextService

        public void setRequiresEnvironmentSslContextService​(Boolean requiresEnvironmentSslContextService)
        Setter for requiresEnvironmentSslContextService. A flag indicating if the flow requires an Environment specific SSLContextService
      • getArtifactTypeName

        public String getArtifactTypeName()
        Getter for artifactTypeName. The type of the artifact of the flow.
      • setArtifactTypeName

        public void setArtifactTypeName​(String artifactTypeName)
        Setter for artifactTypeName. The type of the artifact of the flow.
      • getParameterGroups

        public List<FlowParameterGroup> getParameterGroups()
        Getter for parameterGroups. The list of flow parameter groups
      • setParameterGroups

        public void setParameterGroups​(List<FlowParameterGroup> parameterGroups)
        Setter for parameterGroups. The list of flow parameter groups
      • getKpiMetaData

        public KpiMetaData getKpiMetaData()
        Getter for kpiMetaData. The KPI meta data
      • setKpiMetaData

        public void setKpiMetaData​(KpiMetaData kpiMetaData)
        Setter for kpiMetaData. The KPI meta data
      • getClusterSizingOptions

        public List<ClusterSize> getClusterSizingOptions()
        Getter for clusterSizingOptions. The options that are available for determining the size of the deployed cluster
      • setClusterSizingOptions

        public void setClusterSizingOptions​(List<ClusterSize> clusterSizingOptions)
        Setter for clusterSizingOptions. The options that are available for determining the size of the deployed cluster
      • getNodeStorageProfileMetadata

        public List<NodeStorageProfileMetadata> getNodeStorageProfileMetadata()
        Getter for nodeStorageProfileMetadata. The list of node storage profiles
      • setNodeStorageProfileMetadata

        public void setNodeStorageProfileMetadata​(List<NodeStorageProfileMetadata> nodeStorageProfileMetadata)
        Setter for nodeStorageProfileMetadata. The list of node storage profiles
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object