Class AwsOptionsResponse

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class AwsOptionsResponse
    extends CdpResponse
    Response object of the cluster AWS settings.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AwsOptionsResponse

        public AwsOptionsResponse()
    • Method Detail

      • getSubnetIds

        public List<String> getSubnetIds()
        Getter for subnetIds. IDs of AWS subnets where the cluster has been deployed.
      • setSubnetIds

        public void setSubnetIds​(List<String> subnetIds)
        Setter for subnetIds. IDs of AWS subnets where the cluster has been deployed.
      • getWorkerSubnetIds

        public List<String> getWorkerSubnetIds()
        Getter for workerSubnetIds. IDs of AWS subnets where the cluster worker nodes should be deployed.
      • setWorkerSubnetIds

        public void setWorkerSubnetIds​(List<String> workerSubnetIds)
        Setter for workerSubnetIds. IDs of AWS subnets where the cluster worker nodes should be deployed.
      • getLbSubnetIds

        public List<String> getLbSubnetIds()
        Getter for lbSubnetIds. IDs of AWS subnets where the cluster load balancer should be deployed.
      • setLbSubnetIds

        public void setLbSubnetIds​(List<String> lbSubnetIds)
        Setter for lbSubnetIds. IDs of AWS subnets where the cluster load balancer should be deployed.
      • getAvailabilityZones

        public List<String> getAvailabilityZones()
        Getter for availabilityZones. List of availability zones that the cluster is restricted to use.
      • setAvailabilityZones

        public void setAvailabilityZones​(List<String> availabilityZones)
        Setter for availabilityZones. List of availability zones that the cluster is restricted to use.
      • getCustomAmiId

        public String getCustomAmiId()
        Getter for customAmiId. Id of the Custom Amazon Machine Image
      • setCustomAmiId

        public void setCustomAmiId​(String customAmiId)
        Setter for customAmiId. Id of the Custom Amazon Machine Image
      • getReducedPermissionMode

        public Boolean getReducedPermissionMode()
        Getter for reducedPermissionMode. Denotes whether the Reduced Permission mode is enabled.
      • setReducedPermissionMode

        public void setReducedPermissionMode​(Boolean reducedPermissionMode)
        Setter for reducedPermissionMode. Denotes whether the Reduced Permission mode is enabled.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object