Class CreateAwsClusterRequest


@Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen", date="2024-09-27T08:40:25.071-07:00") public class CreateAwsClusterRequest extends Object
Request object for the createAwsCluster method.
  • Constructor Details

    • CreateAwsClusterRequest

      public CreateAwsClusterRequest()
  • Method Details

    • getEnvironmentCrn

      public String getEnvironmentCrn()
      Getter for environmentCrn. The CRN of the environment for the cluster to create.
    • setEnvironmentCrn

      public void setEnvironmentCrn(String environmentCrn)
      Setter for environmentCrn. The CRN of the environment for the cluster to create.
    • getUseOverlayNetwork

      public Boolean getUseOverlayNetwork()
      Getter for useOverlayNetwork. Using an overlay network will save IP addresses in the VPC by using a private IP address range for Pods in the cluster.
    • setUseOverlayNetwork

      public void setUseOverlayNetwork(Boolean useOverlayNetwork)
      Setter for useOverlayNetwork. Using an overlay network will save IP addresses in the VPC by using a private IP address range for Pods in the cluster.
    • getDatabaseBackupRetentionPeriod

      public Integer getDatabaseBackupRetentionPeriod()
      Getter for databaseBackupRetentionPeriod. PostgreSQL server backup retention days.
    • setDatabaseBackupRetentionPeriod

      public void setDatabaseBackupRetentionPeriod(Integer databaseBackupRetentionPeriod)
      Setter for databaseBackupRetentionPeriod. PostgreSQL server backup retention days.
    • getWhitelistK8sClusterAccessIpCIDRs

      public List<String> getWhitelistK8sClusterAccessIpCIDRs()
      Getter for whitelistK8sClusterAccessIpCIDRs. List of IP address CIDRs to whitelist for kubernetes cluster access.
    • setWhitelistK8sClusterAccessIpCIDRs

      public void setWhitelistK8sClusterAccessIpCIDRs(List<String> whitelistK8sClusterAccessIpCIDRs)
      Setter for whitelistK8sClusterAccessIpCIDRs. List of IP address CIDRs to whitelist for kubernetes cluster access.
    • getWhitelistWorkloadAccessIpCIDRs

      public List<String> getWhitelistWorkloadAccessIpCIDRs()
      Getter for whitelistWorkloadAccessIpCIDRs. List of IP address CIDRs to whitelist for workload access.
    • setWhitelistWorkloadAccessIpCIDRs

      public void setWhitelistWorkloadAccessIpCIDRs(List<String> whitelistWorkloadAccessIpCIDRs)
      Setter for whitelistWorkloadAccessIpCIDRs. List of IP address CIDRs to whitelist for workload access.
    • getUsePrivateLoadBalancer

      public Boolean getUsePrivateLoadBalancer()
      Getter for usePrivateLoadBalancer. Set up load balancer with private IP address. In AWS it is created in private subnets. In Azure an internal load balancer gets created. Make sure there is connectivity between your client network and the network (VPC/VNet) where CDW environment is deployed.
    • setUsePrivateLoadBalancer

      public void setUsePrivateLoadBalancer(Boolean usePrivateLoadBalancer)
      Setter for usePrivateLoadBalancer. Set up load balancer with private IP address. In AWS it is created in private subnets. In Azure an internal load balancer gets created. Make sure there is connectivity between your client network and the network (VPC/VNet) where CDW environment is deployed.
    • getUsePublicWorkerNode

      public Boolean getUsePublicWorkerNode()
      Getter for usePublicWorkerNode. Set up worker node with public IP address. In AWS it is created in public subnets.
    • setUsePublicWorkerNode

      public void setUsePublicWorkerNode(Boolean usePublicWorkerNode)
      Setter for usePublicWorkerNode. Set up worker node with public IP address. In AWS it is created in public subnets.
    • getEnablePrivateEKS

      public Boolean getEnablePrivateEKS()
      Getter for enablePrivateEKS. Use this option to set up AWS EKS cluster in private only mode with restricted access only from internal/peered networks. Ensure you have ccmv2 setup functional to achieve this integration.
    • setEnablePrivateEKS

      public void setEnablePrivateEKS(Boolean enablePrivateEKS)
      Setter for enablePrivateEKS. Use this option to set up AWS EKS cluster in private only mode with restricted access only from internal/peered networks. Ensure you have ccmv2 setup functional to achieve this integration.
    • getReservedComputeNodes

      @Deprecated public Integer getReservedComputeNodes()
      Getter for reservedComputeNodes. DEPRECATED - will be removed in future releases. Set additional number of nodes to reserve for executors and coordinators to use during autoscaling. Adding more reserved nodes increases your cloud costs.
    • setReservedComputeNodes

      @Deprecated public void setReservedComputeNodes(Integer reservedComputeNodes)
      Setter for reservedComputeNodes. DEPRECATED - will be removed in future releases. Set additional number of nodes to reserve for executors and coordinators to use during autoscaling. Adding more reserved nodes increases your cloud costs.
    • getReservedSharedServicesNodes

      @Deprecated public Integer getReservedSharedServicesNodes()
      Getter for reservedSharedServicesNodes. DEPRECATED - will be removed in future releases. Set additional number of nodes to reserve for other services in the cluster. Adding more reserved nodes increases your cloud costs.
    • setReservedSharedServicesNodes

      @Deprecated public void setReservedSharedServicesNodes(Integer reservedSharedServicesNodes)
      Setter for reservedSharedServicesNodes. DEPRECATED - will be removed in future releases. Set additional number of nodes to reserve for other services in the cluster. Adding more reserved nodes increases your cloud costs.
    • getCustomRegistryOptions

      public CustomRegistryOptions getCustomRegistryOptions()
      Getter for customRegistryOptions. Options for custom ACR/ECR registries.
    • setCustomRegistryOptions

      public void setCustomRegistryOptions(CustomRegistryOptions customRegistryOptions)
      Setter for customRegistryOptions. Options for custom ACR/ECR registries.
    • getCustomSubdomain

      public String getCustomSubdomain()
      Getter for customSubdomain. Custom environment subdomain. Overrides the environment subdomain using a customized domain either in the old subdomain format like ENV_ID.dw or the new format like dw-ENV_NAME.
    • setCustomSubdomain

      public void setCustomSubdomain(String customSubdomain)
      Setter for customSubdomain. Custom environment subdomain. Overrides the environment subdomain using a customized domain either in the old subdomain format like ENV_ID.dw or the new format like dw-ENV_NAME.
    • getWorkerSubnetIds

      public List<String> getWorkerSubnetIds()
      Getter for workerSubnetIds. IDs of AWS subnets where the cluster worker nodes should be deployed.
    • setWorkerSubnetIds

      public void setWorkerSubnetIds(List<String> workerSubnetIds)
      Setter for workerSubnetIds. IDs of AWS subnets where the cluster worker nodes should be deployed.
    • getLbSubnetIds

      public List<String> getLbSubnetIds()
      Getter for lbSubnetIds. IDs of AWS subnets where the cluster load balancer should be deployed.
    • setLbSubnetIds

      public void setLbSubnetIds(List<String> lbSubnetIds)
      Setter for lbSubnetIds. IDs of AWS subnets where the cluster load balancer should be deployed.
    • getCustomAmiId

      public String getCustomAmiId()
      Getter for customAmiId. Custom AMI ID.
    • setCustomAmiId

      public void setCustomAmiId(String customAmiId)
      Setter for customAmiId. Custom AMI ID.
    • getNodeRoleCDWManagedPolicyArn

      public String getNodeRoleCDWManagedPolicyArn()
      Getter for nodeRoleCDWManagedPolicyArn. Managed Policy Arn to be attached to the Node Instance Role.
    • setNodeRoleCDWManagedPolicyArn

      public void setNodeRoleCDWManagedPolicyArn(String nodeRoleCDWManagedPolicyArn)
      Setter for nodeRoleCDWManagedPolicyArn. Managed Policy Arn to be attached to the Node Instance Role.
    • getEnableSpotInstances

      public Boolean getEnableSpotInstances()
      Getter for enableSpotInstances. Whether to enable Spot instances for Virtual warehouses. It cannot be updated later. Defaults to false.
    • setEnableSpotInstances

      public void setEnableSpotInstances(Boolean enableSpotInstances)
      Setter for enableSpotInstances. Whether to enable Spot instances for Virtual warehouses. It cannot be updated later. Defaults to false.
    • getReducedPermissionMode

      public Boolean getReducedPermissionMode()
      Getter for reducedPermissionMode. Use this option to activate the environment with fewer than half of the standard required IAM permissions on your AWS cross-account IAM role.
    • setReducedPermissionMode

      public void setReducedPermissionMode(Boolean reducedPermissionMode)
      Setter for reducedPermissionMode. Use this option to activate the environment with fewer than half of the standard required IAM permissions on your AWS cross-account IAM role.
    • getComputeInstanceTypes

      public List<String> getComputeInstanceTypes()
      Getter for computeInstanceTypes. NOTE: The cluster level instance type selection will be replaced by virtual warehouse level selection. AWS compute instance types that the environment is restricted to use. This affects the creation of virtual warehouses where this restriction will apply. Select an instance type that meets your computing, memory, networking, or storage needs. As of now, only a single instance type can be listed. Use describe-allowed-instance-types to see currently possible values.
    • setComputeInstanceTypes

      public void setComputeInstanceTypes(List<String> computeInstanceTypes)
      Setter for computeInstanceTypes. NOTE: The cluster level instance type selection will be replaced by virtual warehouse level selection. AWS compute instance types that the environment is restricted to use. This affects the creation of virtual warehouses where this restriction will apply. Select an instance type that meets your computing, memory, networking, or storage needs. As of now, only a single instance type can be listed. Use describe-allowed-instance-types to see currently possible values.
    • getAdditionalInstanceTypes

      @Deprecated public List<String> getAdditionalInstanceTypes()
      Getter for additionalInstanceTypes. DEPRECATED: Additional compute instance types will be removed in subsequent releases. Additional (fallback) instance types listed in their priority order. They will be used instead of the primary compute instance type in case it is unavailable. You cannot include any instance type that was already indicated in computeInstanceTypes. Use describe-allowed-instance-types to see currently supported values and also the default value when nothing is provided for the computeInstanceTypes.
    • setAdditionalInstanceTypes

      @Deprecated public void setAdditionalInstanceTypes(List<String> additionalInstanceTypes)
      Setter for additionalInstanceTypes. DEPRECATED: Additional compute instance types will be removed in subsequent releases. Additional (fallback) instance types listed in their priority order. They will be used instead of the primary compute instance type in case it is unavailable. You cannot include any instance type that was already indicated in computeInstanceTypes. Use describe-allowed-instance-types to see currently supported values and also the default value when nothing is provided for the computeInstanceTypes.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object