Class AutoscalingOptionsUpdateRequest

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class AutoscalingOptionsUpdateRequest
    extends Object
    Auto-scaling configuration for a Virtual Warehouse. Provide those values only that you want to update.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AutoscalingOptionsUpdateRequest

        public AutoscalingOptionsUpdateRequest()
    • Method Detail

      • getMinClusters

        public Integer getMinClusters()
        Getter for minClusters. Minimum number of available compute groups. Zero means, the minClusters will not be updated.
      • setMinClusters

        public void setMinClusters​(Integer minClusters)
        Setter for minClusters. Minimum number of available compute groups. Zero means, the minClusters will not be updated.
      • getMaxClusters

        public Integer getMaxClusters()
        Getter for maxClusters. Maximum number of available compute groups. Zero means, the maxClusters will not be updated..
      • setMaxClusters

        public void setMaxClusters​(Integer maxClusters)
        Setter for maxClusters. Maximum number of available compute groups. Zero means, the maxClusters will not be updated..
      • getDisableAutoSuspend

        public Boolean getDisableAutoSuspend()
        Getter for disableAutoSuspend. Turn off auto suspend for Virtual Warehouse.
      • setDisableAutoSuspend

        public void setDisableAutoSuspend​(Boolean disableAutoSuspend)
        Setter for disableAutoSuspend. Turn off auto suspend for Virtual Warehouse.
      • getAutoSuspendTimeoutSeconds

        public Integer getAutoSuspendTimeoutSeconds()
        Getter for autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds. Auto suspend threshold for Virtual Warehouse.
      • setAutoSuspendTimeoutSeconds

        public void setAutoSuspendTimeoutSeconds​(Integer autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds)
        Setter for autoSuspendTimeoutSeconds. Auto suspend threshold for Virtual Warehouse.
      • getHiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds

        public Integer getHiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds()
        Getter for hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds. Set wait time before a scale event happens. Either \"hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds\" or \"hiveDesiredFreeCapacity\" can be provided. If \"hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds\" provided, then the \"hiveDesiredFreeCapacity\" will be explicityly set to 0.
      • setHiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds

        public void setHiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds​(Integer hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds)
        Setter for hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds. Set wait time before a scale event happens. Either \"hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds\" or \"hiveDesiredFreeCapacity\" can be provided. If \"hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds\" provided, then the \"hiveDesiredFreeCapacity\" will be explicityly set to 0.
      • getHiveDesiredFreeCapacity

        public Integer getHiveDesiredFreeCapacity()
        Getter for hiveDesiredFreeCapacity. Set Desired free capacity. Either \"hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds\" or \"hiveDesiredFreeCapacity\" can be provided.
      • setHiveDesiredFreeCapacity

        public void setHiveDesiredFreeCapacity​(Integer hiveDesiredFreeCapacity)
        Setter for hiveDesiredFreeCapacity. Set Desired free capacity. Either \"hiveScaleWaitTimeSeconds\" or \"hiveDesiredFreeCapacity\" can be provided.
      • getImpalaScaleUpDelaySeconds

        public Integer getImpalaScaleUpDelaySeconds()
        Getter for impalaScaleUpDelaySeconds. Scale up the scaling up threshold in seconds.
      • setImpalaScaleUpDelaySeconds

        public void setImpalaScaleUpDelaySeconds​(Integer impalaScaleUpDelaySeconds)
        Setter for impalaScaleUpDelaySeconds. Scale up the scaling up threshold in seconds.
      • getImpalaScaleDownDelaySeconds

        public Integer getImpalaScaleDownDelaySeconds()
        Getter for impalaScaleDownDelaySeconds. Scale down threshold in seconds.
      • setImpalaScaleDownDelaySeconds

        public void setImpalaScaleDownDelaySeconds​(Integer impalaScaleDownDelaySeconds)
        Setter for impalaScaleDownDelaySeconds. Scale down threshold in seconds.
      • getImpalaShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds

        public Integer getImpalaShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds()
        Getter for impalaShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds. DEPRECATED in favor of the top level impalaHASettings object. Delay in seconds before the shutdown of coordinator event happens.
      • setImpalaShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds

        public void setImpalaShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds​(Integer impalaShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds)
        Setter for impalaShutdownOfCoordinatorDelaySeconds. DEPRECATED in favor of the top level impalaHASettings object. Delay in seconds before the shutdown of coordinator event happens.
      • getImpalaNumOfActiveCoordinators

        public Integer getImpalaNumOfActiveCoordinators()
        Getter for impalaNumOfActiveCoordinators. DEPRECATED in favor of the top level impalaHASettings object. Number of the active coordinators.
      • setImpalaNumOfActiveCoordinators

        public void setImpalaNumOfActiveCoordinators​(Integer impalaNumOfActiveCoordinators)
        Setter for impalaNumOfActiveCoordinators. DEPRECATED in favor of the top level impalaHASettings object. Number of the active coordinators.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object