Class InstanceGroup

  • @Generated(value="com.cloudera.cdp.client.codegen.CdpSDKJavaCodegen",
    public class InstanceGroup
    extends Object
    Contains the necessary info for an instance group.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InstanceGroup

        public InstanceGroup()
    • Method Detail

      • getInstanceType

        public String getInstanceType()
        Getter for instanceType. The cloud provider instance type for the node instance.
      • setInstanceType

        public void setInstanceType​(String instanceType)
        Setter for instanceType. The cloud provider instance type for the node instance.
      • getInstanceTier

        public String getInstanceTier()
        Getter for instanceTier. The tier of the instance i.e. on-demand/spot.
      • setInstanceTier

        public void setInstanceTier​(String instanceTier)
        Setter for instanceTier. The tier of the instance i.e. on-demand/spot.
      • getInstanceCount

        public Integer getInstanceCount()
        Getter for instanceCount. The initial number of instance node.
      • setInstanceCount

        public void setInstanceCount​(Integer instanceCount)
        Setter for instanceCount. The initial number of instance node.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Getter for name. The unique name of the instance group.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Setter for name. The unique name of the instance group.
      • getIngressRules

        public List<String> getIngressRules()
        Getter for ingressRules. The networking rules for the ingress.
      • setIngressRules

        public void setIngressRules​(List<String> ingressRules)
        Setter for ingressRules. The networking rules for the ingress.
      • getRootVolume

        public RootVolume getRootVolume()
        Getter for rootVolume. The root volume of the instance.
      • setRootVolume

        public void setRootVolume​(RootVolume rootVolume)
        Setter for rootVolume. The root volume of the instance.
      • getAutoscaling

        public Autoscaling getAutoscaling()
        Getter for autoscaling. The auto scaling configuration.
      • setAutoscaling

        public void setAutoscaling​(Autoscaling autoscaling)
        Setter for autoscaling. The auto scaling configuration.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object